Monday, August 23, 2010


sunday at church we had the great opportunity to listen to a service given by gary thomas. for those of you that have never heard of him, or have read one of his books i highly recommend that you check him out. gary, has the blessing of teaching and writing GOD's word. he spoke about our devotions yesterday and it really hit home.

i came home thinking about what i was devoted to - the good and the bad. since january of this year, i have not been strong in my faith, really it's been longer than that. when i say i haven't been strong in my faith, it's more that i have let myself try to control my life rather than letting GOD do it. i know better than this. i have let the world come in, instead of letting HIM in more than i should have. having a chronic illness that never goes away put things into a certain perspective. i look a my illness as a way for GOD to always pull me back to HIM. in my heart i know when i have a flare-up with my MS it is GOD trying to tell me that i need to get my heart right with him again and move forward. i have to pray to HIM everyday to help me overcome the weaknesses that i have let take a hold of me.

satan preys on our weaknesses every day, all day. as humans we are weak, but with the hope in JESUS CHRIST we are strong to fight against satan's game. i hope that most of us know the difference between what is good and what is bad. the best way i can describe it is if i have an overwhelming sense of shame, or that i just have a bad feeling about the situation then that usually means that GOD does not want you to be doing it.

weaknesses could be anything; some of us overeat, some us drink too much, some of us are drug addicts, some us turn to pornography, some of us have affairs because we aren't getting what we need from our spouses, some of us spend too much money, some of us gamble away all of our money, some of us enjoy creating friction between people for no other than the reason than to just do it, some of us look in the mirror and say we hate ourselves. they say a habit forms in 40 days. i could believe that statistic with some of my weaknesses. once a habit forms then it seems to be always harder to get rid of it than to establish it. satan doesn't want you to lose your weaknesses, he only wants them to grow stronger over time to the point where you feel so helpless and hopeless.

america has become a nation of quick fixes. we no longer seem to be able to form a commitment to solving a weakness over a long period of time. we have quick weight loss diets, quick addiction treatments, quicky divorces, abortion, credit cards for those instant gratification purchases...the list could go on and on. GOD is not a quick fix, you have to invest in your relationship with him. Once you make a commitment to HIM, you must have the discipline and strength to continue to learn about HIM, to accept HIM into your daily life. HE must come before all things - all things. Once you make a commitment to HIM a sense of great peace comes over you - it is an incredible feeling.

i will fail over and over again in my weaknesses, this i know and GOD knows. The only thing i can continue to do is pray for GOD's grace to help me overcome them and to surround myself with individuals that will hold me accountable for these weaknesses. I have no other way to fight these weaknesses unless i have GOD on my side, in my mind, and in my heart.

"be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the lord." psalm 31:24

"he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." isaiah 40:29

"have i not commanded you? be strong and courageous. do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go." joshua 1:9

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