Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The 1st Amendment

I have been told that I am brutally honest. It’s got me in a lot of trouble with people. Our bible study teacher looked at me on Sunday with a laugh and said some of you are bloggers. I said that blog has gotten me in more trouble. Our pastor on a couple of occasions has said don’t worry about what people say about your blog. Write and figure it out.

Some people are still in my life that it has offended, and some aren’t. Not a major problem for me any longer. The reason is because I actually want to understand why they said that, because it is probably true. So I need to suck it up, look in the mirror, and figure it out. It used to bother me, but not anymore. I want to understand the scripture you are basing that on. I have to learn, because I love Christ. One of my sweet friends told me once if it is in scripture and it is wrong then don’t do it. If it is in scripture and it is his law than do it. Try not to compromise him.

Do we have the endurance to survive the laws we are putting on ourselves? One thing I know for sure from reading scripture is that God keeps his promises; we compromise him, ignore him and then we fall. What Christ was trying to tell us is that we are responsible for our failures to him; the individual. He died and took our sin. He died for you and we don’t even have the guts to stand up for him? That is you and you alone. There is scripture that says we are to submit to the ruling authorities. Question whether or not we have the strength as a nation to uphold these mandates.
And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. (Mark 13:13 ESV)

Since the mandate came out about the Catholic Church being required by law to provide abortions, the morning after pill, and birth control coverage I have been trying to wrap my mind around the 1st amendment being gone as of January 1, 2013. Why in the world would a church compromise doctrine? If people want to compromise the very God they say they love that is their business. Not the church or the United States government. I thought that people wanted the separation of church and state, and now we have made it a law that the church has to obey the government. Are you kidding me?

If you believe in abortion so much go watch someone have one, and pay for it. The US government gives over $100 million dollars in funding to Planned Parenthood so go there if you are a woman, and catholic. It is probably because you are ashamed and you don’t want people to see you in there. Why would you be ashamed if you believe God would want you to do it?

Why are we so worried about telling people the truth? Why do we care so much about how another lives their life? Is it because we think our way is better? Yes. You know that is controlling another, and that is not God. If we give someone an inch they will take a mile. If you don’t defend yourself they are going to keep doing it. I don’t understand individuals that really believe that we weren’t allowed to fight tyranny. I don’t get it. If we love him why wouldn’t we uphold his doctrine? I have heard on more than one occasion that my boys need to look a certain way. They need to dress a certain way. There hair should be certain way, because they look like girls. If anyone knows my boys, believe me they do not act like girls they are all boy. Blah, Blah, Blah. Their hearts are incredible. That is what matters the most.

My question is what is in our heart that we base someone on how they live their life or how they look? God did not make us to be the same. Take a leap of faith and actually love yourself for being you. He made you that way. Most people aren’t secure enough in themselves to do that. Maybe we are just envious of the person that is willing to do that.

Are we so worried that we are going to hurt someone’s feelings? I get it, because I have been hurt on more than one occasion, because it was true. There is going to be pain and suffering in your life. Why are we making laws for morality? People just don’t want to accept that if their life is in the toilet it is their fault. Get over it people. I have a very blessed, beautiful life and I will fight for it. God gave us that because we worked hard. It has not been easy. We have suffered and been through huge trials, because of our own selfish desires. It is that simple. My husband works his ass off to provide and to protect his family. Now we have the added worry that our benefits are going up and the cost of my MS meds, because of people that didn’t want to work for it. He does not deserve that, and I will call people out on it.

“When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community." Adolf Hitler

The quote above pretty much says it all about what is going on now. They own our children through debt, and education. Now our children no longer have the right to speak against the government if the bill goes through. Parents aren’t going to have the right to question why they are doing this. Has anyone ever questioned why we are 26th in the world in education, but yet we have pumped billions of dollars into the public school system. Only 12% of students graduate in Washington DC with the fundamentals of reading and math. I find that a little odd in our nation’s capital.

I can honestly say those that put him office should be ashamed. You were played, and abused. You have enabled him to destroy other’s lives in this country, because of your definition of compassion. Not only have they destroyed our country’s 1st amendment in 3 years they have taken our children’s future. It is not all American’s fault that we can not be held accountable for our lives. That is your fault. It is not others fault that you are debt, that you cannot help another because of selfishness, or that you aren’t willing to stand up for your children’s freedom because of fear. That is on you so quit blaming others for it.

I could say that is just the Democratic Party, but it is also the republicans. We have very weak men and women in office that have not pushed for him to be impeached. He is a traitor to this country. He has destroyed the very document that got him in office. If he wins he will go after the term limit so he can stay. His czars are some of the most evil individuals when we finally educate ourselves about them. They manipulate to the point where we actually start to believe what they saying is moral.

Our President taught workshops on the Alinsky method: Rules For Radicals. Alinsky’s son has praised our president for implementing his father’s teachings so well. President Clinton and his lovely wife, Hilary loved Saul Alinsky. She even wrote her thesis on him. I have attached the link for the book so maybe just maybe your eyes will open. I pray they do. The consequence of our actions has destroyed our children’s future.

“Rules for Radicals opens with a quote about Lucifer, written by Saul Alinsky: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When Did You Forget You Were Forgiven?

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Luke 14:26

Our pastor said something at church Sunday that was so powerful; when did you forget that you were forgiven? When did we forget that God was in control? I forget on a daily basis that what is happening is because he is allowing it to happen and there is a greater purpose for it. I am nervous and scared to death, but I am allowing that fear to overcome me instead of remembering that I need to live. It is not easy to be led by the spirit. It is because it conflicts with our very nature to control our lives and others. That is it all is.

Think about Whitney Houston. The things people said about her were awful. She is in heaven though I think. She loved God, she just couldn’t get handle on her addictions. We all have something that we are a slave to; drinking, porn, money, food, internet and mine is politics (many others, but I don‘t need list them). When someone does something out in the open and we make our judgment about it. We automatically have forgotten about our own issues. We decide we know what is better for that person and how they should act. Instead of feeling sorrow for her we slammed her and judged her. We love to go after people about their morals, but yet I’m sure we do something everyday that we shouldn’t do.

“In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” We love Him because…what?...He loved us first. No, there’s no circumstance that’s going to break this. There is no circumstance that will separate us from the love of Christ. There’s no circumstance that will separate us from the love of God. There is no person who will separate us from that love, the love of the Trinity. It is not possible; there is no power that can shatter our faith. There is no power that can break the seal of the Spirit. There is no…there is no accusation against us that Christ has not paid for in full. There is no higher court than God and there’s no greater power than the secure power of the Holy Spirit.” John MacArthur

You know the saying “do what I say and don’t do what I do. “Maybe we should reverse it and see how our actions affect others. I love watching people. I do. When someone is accepted for who they are there is great relief for that person, and you can see it on their face. How we live is a reflection of our hearts. How we treat other people is reflection of our hearts, or what is in our heart at that time. If we question all the time how someone sees us then to me that just means that you don’t love the person God made you to be. I get it. The way we look on the outside is the way someone judges us. I have known men and women that look amazingly well put together, but to be quite honest they are mean people.

I read an article about raising boys, and what they need from a mother. One of issues was that children need to know how their actions towards another hurts them, or makes the other happy. In a society where everyone is so worried about self-esteem and not telling someone the truth it is wonder that adults can even handle stress. From all accounts that I’ve read people are not doing so hot; including myself. This is where the selfish part comes in. We want it done our way, because we don’t agree with what the other wants so we fight it. It is hard to tell someone ok we will it do your way. It is hard to tell your child “no” you can’t do that to someone else, because it may hurt that person’s heart.

The different interpretation and theologies of scripture is interesting to me. Our president’s theology regarding scripture is fascinating to me to watch and hear. His belief is that we should help people through government. Everything should go through our government. All that means is they want to be your church and your go to person when you are in trouble. He is forcing individuals to help each other through our laws. My interpretation is different, because I believe that it is the individual’s responsibility. God made us each unique for that very reason. We can’t tell someone how to help someone else. Think about it this way do you give and help with every charity out there? Do you?

When I was diagnosed I became involved in the MS society. I did it for false reasons. I did it because I had MS, and thought that is what I am supposed to do. Wrong. The only time I do anything with them now is when people ride from Houston to Austin, and I don’t do it for the charity I do it because I have friends that wear my name and they deserve recognition for their sacrifice to me and my family. They are incredible people. That is being a Christian. Guess what none of us are perfect. I’m glad were not, because it makes us real.

I feel extreme guilt when I tell someone no. I feel extreme guilt for being blessed. I should not feel this way. I have allowed that to take over instead of allowing God to just guide me to where I need to be. The only thing I should feel guilt about is when I deny that inner voice telling me you should do that, don’t do it, or something is just not right. We should feel guilt when we know we have hurt someone. Whether we agree with it or not we have to own up to the fact that we hurt someone’s heart. When we don’t understand what we have done to another through our actions it is reflection of how we want to control another. That is our relationship with God, and we think our way is better. We reap what we sow.

I thank God my parents are divorced. The reason is because I learned a lot from them about marriage. My mom likes her way and she shouldn’t be married. God bless her for it, because she knows that she should not be. This has been hard for me, because I am a lot like my mom. My parents have admitted where they went wrong and have told me what I need to do, so I won’t fail. They very rarely interfere in anything and they never talk to my husband about it. They still call me out on my crap. My dad has reminded on certain occasions that my husband comes first no matter how hard it is for me to do. On the other side of it he has said remember he as the responsibility to protect your heart from everybody including my mom and him.

We will be married 10 years tomorrow. I was thinking about that and what a roller coaster it has been. God put me with him to help me with my passions. When I actually take the time to listen to him, and him to me we have discovered where we went wrong on so many things. We have to forgive each other for it. We are one. Owning up to our issues has been a huge learning lesson about each other. Being able to admit how we hurt each other and try not to do it again is forgiveness and great love. Just like god forgave us. I had forgotten that.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We are now preparing troops for Iran. They are saying Israel will attack between April and June of this year. All I can say about that is; I would not mess with Israel ever. What makes us think that God would allow Israel to be destroyed. We are playing a dangerous game. I watched an Israeli Official last night on Mike Huckabee say they no longer trust that the American Military will support them in defending their country, because of this administration. They should be concerned because less than a year ago our own defense secretary Leon Panetta said that Israel was causing the tensions with Palestine, and they should allow the land to returned to them.

I have heard Americans say this, and they are supporting the destruction of the land of Christ and our own country. They say they are Christians.

Our military is not here. Obama removed troops from Afghanistan to send them to Iran. What we compromise on our own personal beliefs is one thing regarding God, but please do not compromise the destruction of our country. We would not have the freedom of those beliefs if it were not for the men and women that fought against tyranny.

I should say I did vote for Perry because Texas is a right to work state. Protecting my children is far more important. Texans really should go after our state leaders for the law of sanctuary cities, and the border security. There are training, terrorists’ camps all throughout South America for Radical Islamists. Chavez is friends with the Iranian President, and an ally. We have to shut our border. Our troops are in the Middle East and at bases all around the world when they should be here. Shut them down and bring them home. We are supplying guns to the cartels through fast and furious, and the cartels are supplying the terrorists. Holder is still our Attorney General. They should be removed from power as traitors of this country and thrown in jail.
We are supplying money to the Muslim Brotherhood one of the worst dictatorships in the world. Our money is going to groups through them; Taliban and Al Qaeda. It is a very wicked game they are playing with emotion. We see the images of what happens to women and children in these countries because of their leaders so we fight. What about our children, and their future? Women would be considered trash under this type of government. I guess it is more important in this country to fight about birth control and gay marriage.

The 1st amendment is already gone through the health care bill that will be effective at the start of 2013. People that voted for him destroyed our nation. Romney will be the same. He is own religion deceives it congregation regarding scriptures. At least with him he is a very weak man, so maybe he will succumb to the pressure of the American people.

We have forgotten what happened on 9/11. We broke our promise to the families that lost loved ones. Bin Laden knew what we loved. Money, power, and control. 9/11 finally broke the deception of thinking we had wealth. We really just had loans and credit with high interest rates. We have manipulated the verses “we are to love others”, or “we are to love our enemies” to the point where we deceived our selves into believing that everyone will just love us through words, or aid. We are throwing our children away. Why we would do that?

George Washington said we are to have very limited associations with the world. He was right. It is humane and compassionate to worry about the citizens of this country and most of all our children. They are taking control of our lives please understand. No one has the right to control another; man or woman. They are trying to take control of your child’s because they don’t think you can raise your own child. It should stop there. No one makes decisions for your children. Put your own beliefs aside and protect them.

The NRA is currently researching two bills that the Obama Administration is trying to push through regarding our right to bear arms - 2nd amendment. It will be a miracle if we make it to the next election. The generation that is in office fought in Vietnam, or lived through that era. It destroyed that generation so I guess it is payback time to their children and grandchildren. We are too occupied with our reality shows, our gadgets, who gives enough money to charities, who does not, the rich have to much money so we should take it, and all the other stuff that takes us away from our kids. We deserve it all of it because we think we are entitled to it.

Right now, our children have no hope for the future in this country. We are in debt and it is mounting, we have unprotected borders, we have a president that is a communist, our constitution is being burned right in front our face, and we are letting it happen. Hitler said control education and remove God, and people will not know. We are naïve and we live in a vacuum.

I am not going to talk about our faith in God. It is on your heart and your heart alone to compromise him. It is none of my business, because we all make errors in judgment. We all do. The problem is we are taking that away from people as January 1, 2013.
We still have the right to vote. We have to get him out and the individuals that are supporting him this includes our congress. The republicans are just as weak. Any man can be bought for the right price. This is no longer about what we think is right it is about our children. Take a hard look them and ask yourself do we want them to have freedom or this?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Freedom is Gone

“For if you turn back and cling to the remnant of these nations remaining among you and make marriages with them, so that you associate with them and they with you, know for certain that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations before you, but they shall be a snare and a trap for you, a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good ground that the Lord your God has given you.” Joshua 23:12-13

While I was sitting here this morning I realized that our freedom is gone in this country. Our President should have been impeached. Congress has been out of control for years. The last great president was Reagan. We didn’t pay attention, and now it is gone. We allowed them to take our constitution from us because it sounded humane and compassionate. It makes me sad that my children will not have the country I grew up in.

“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Ronald Reagan

There are two great stories in the Old Testament; Exodus and Jeremiah. Moses leads the Israelites to freedom, and then God sends them to Babylon for ignoring him. They turned to themselves, became their own gods and he let them go. We are there in my opinion. We decided that our government knew what was best for our children, and raise them. What we are we going to tell them? Are we going we were too scared fight for them? I guess so.

We have been going through an issue with the education of our oldest son. The school believed he had disability. He doesn’t and I knew he didn’t. I knew that he is just a child that is going to learn differently from the child sitting next to him. I want to protect my boys from the world. It is my job as their mother, but at some point I’m not going to be able to. I have no idea what I will say to them when they are men, and we as a nation didn’t allow them to have freedom.

My hope is that we as a nation will be able to withstand this individually and as a family. Too be honest I don’t believe many can. I loathe weakness I admit it. I loathe the tyranny of beliefs on another. I don’t understand the mindset of it. I don’t understand how in 30 years we have destroyed what President Reagan returned to us after President Carter. We just threw it away and took it for granted. It just breaks my heart of what an ignorant nation we have become. Do we not understand history? Do we not understand what Marx and Lenin were teaching? Do we not understand that one of our president’s heroes, the Clinton’s, and so many in our government was the American Communist Saul Alinsky?

Look at Europe. They have been destroyed by their social policies. Greece is burning as we read this. Israel is about to be attacked again, and our politicians are telling them that they shouldn’t defend themselves. They should hand over their lives to very people that want them wiped from the face of the earth. Look at Cuba, and what Castro did them. Look at China and the poverty of its own people. Look at Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the tyranny of Islam. How is that love and peace? Is it because we use our military to fight for the freedom of people is that how we say that is wrong and justify it in our minds? God said to fight evil.

“Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?” Galatians 3:4

I feel so bad for our troops and for the families that have lost a loved one and now realize they fought in vain for our freedom. We gave it up to men and women that told us how to live, because they didn’t think we could do it on our own. My prayer for this country is that we can withstand the firestorm. This is fight between good and evil; just like a movie. My all time favorite movie is Braveheart; they fought for freedom to live.

We can judge and condemn others so easily. Out of the candidates which one has the strength in God? You may not agree with it, but there is something to be said about the Holy Spirit in men that believe in him. They are willing to fight and stand up for freedom. It is not Romney or Gingrich. Romney is a weak man that was raised in a church that is a deception of scripture. They change their doctrine to appear like moral individuals. Gingrich is a thief and fraud. Paul will get us killed by his stance on Iran. Santorum should be president. You may not believe in his church, but we better pray that he gets in because he understands the freedom that Christ to our hearts.

My only question is what are we going to tell our children about freedom? We are only thinking about ourselves and not them. We are only thinking about how this is going to affect our finances. We are basically telling them that can’t succeed in life, because it is not what the government defines as success. Tell your kids there is reason for to learn, because the government doesn’t think they are worth it. Americans that don't believe in our constitution need to move out the country in  my opinion, and let those that do believe in freedom get back to business.

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Galatians 1:6-10 ESV

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just Forget God For a Moment

Pro-choice is associated with a woman’s right to have children. I was thinking though that maybe we should use it as a label for our beliefs, or I should say free will. We have a choice for freedom in this country and we are giving it away to the government. Somewhere a long the line the choice has been made that we can’t think for ourselves and we don’t know how to live our lives correctly. Right? My question is which group knows the right way to live and the wrong way?

When I was a teenager, and on into my 20’s up until the time I got married I did whatever the hell I wanted to do without any regard to consequences. I remember thinking it is my life and I can live the way I want. My choice right? I can remember the horrible things I said to people, or how I treated them. I wish I could take it back. The observation I have made is that we are now telling people that we can’t even be idiots anymore. We have parents in our congress and the white house scolding us as if we were children. Are you a child, or an adult?

I still make terrible choices but the difference is now I realize the consequence of that action and whom it that could hurt; my family. I still remember lectures I got from my dad to this day. He fought me tooth and nail, and then he would let me fall. I wish I had listened. I was too immature to listen. I regret so many choices I made, but I wouldn’t understand a lot of stuff now if I hadn’t of made bad choices. However, we are making laws that sound good, but the consequences will hurt so many people; so many. We have all done that, but at least it wasn’t made into a law that we would regret later.

Some Americans are not responsible, but my question is how is that the responsible individual’s fault? Think about blacks in this country. You are told that because you are black you can’t make it, so we’ll take care of you. If someone tells you that you can take care of yourself then they are racist. Well, my black friends can you or can’t you? I need to know the rules. I just thought you were men and women that wanted to live. Of course there is going to be hatred and ignorance. I am hated by many because I love God more than them, but who cares? I don’t give a damn.

Here are some things to think about. We just may see what we aren’t willing to do. Government assistance is now at 48% and rising in our country. We do not have anymore money to sustain this. A retired gentleman called into the Michael Berry show regarding public housing. He picked up an extra job over the holidays to make some extra money for Christmas. He was delivering X-Boxes, Plasma TV’s and he noticed that some had better vehicles than he did. If you can’t feed your family how can you buy those things? We are paying for that. You can buy a plasma TV over feeding your kid? I would like to have my money back. The great part is I get to pay more in taxes this year on April 15th.

This is not just in low-income areas of the country this is in every income level in the United States. My parents had to bail me out a lot for poor choices. It isn’t that they didn’t tell me the truth about the consequence. They stopped doing it and forced me to be an adult and take responsibility for my life. It was not easy. I had a conversation with a friend about co-signing for our children. Neither one of us would do it, because if they ask for that then they are not ready to be responsible for themselves on their own financially.

I was on birth control when I was in high school and after. My parents put me on it. They knew I was not mature enough to be having sex, or to have a child. They told me you do not understand the responsibility financially, physically, or emotionally of caring for a child. They were right. If I had a child the responsibility would have fallen on my parents. I would have had to work, but I would have still been too irresponsible to take care of that child. There is no way they would not have taken care of an innocent life. It would have been my decision, but my parents would have had the responsibility for that child. My dad would have had 5 kids instead of 4. Knowing myself at that age they would have had that right. Financially that would have been extra burden on my parents, and huge emotional toll. They would have no choice but to do it. A child is a beautiful blessing from God, and once we have one we have the responsibility to care for that child - no one else.

We believe health care should be affordable, and everyone should have that right. I totally get this one. How many of us are now paying more for our insurance; private and through the state? How many of us are now paying more in co-pays. You are paying for the people that are buying X-boxes and Big Screen TVS. I should be compassionate to that right? If I get sick I may not be able to physically care for my own children. Are you going to pay for my treatments so I can? Wouldn’t most of you come in my house and say “Jessica you need to get rid of your cable, sell one of your cars, and get rid of all of the stuff you don’t need.” Maybe just maybe someone would help me. 20 bucks says most of you really wouldn’t. I should be calling you selfish and not compassionate right? How could you do that someone? Shame on you for not helping me.

What this really comes down to is money and how we spend it. How many of us actually are willing to support another’s family? Have you paid someone’s bills for them? Have you gone in and bought someone a month’s worth of groceries? Have you actually gone into the very people’s homes that the government is now supporting? I hate to say this, but even some of the rich have figured out a way to screw the taxpayers into getting help. I knew a woman that I worked with that’s husband made over 100,000 a year and she received government assistance. She made sure that her name was not on any of his accounts so she could get money for food. She was telling me this when I was pregnant with my first son, and how I could get financial support to buy his formula. She drove a BMW. She got it every month. I told her she was a thief, and she should go to jail for it. I told her I would report her.

I have a huge sin now I give too much. I hate seeing people suffer. Really I hate seeing children suffer because of their parents’ bad choices. My husband has laid down the law on this. I got burned and I know I did. I love people, but I don’t love the abuse of my compassion. My husband has taken control of that, because I would do it again. I am going to Romania this summer, because I know those people will be extremely grateful for it and not it take it for grated. They aren’t going to abuse my heart. Thank God I have husband that protects me.

It has not always been financially easy for us. If I asked for financial help from my parents they would give to me, because they we truly need. We would be ashamed of ourselves if we did that, and they know that. They also know that life has unexpected bumps and you need a little help. They were given that gift in lifetime, so they have paid it forward. This is responsibility of the individual and not the government. Please stop.

I’m not even going to talk about God with you. If you accept Him or not that is up to you. I’m sad for you because you are missing great joy and peace in your hearts. If we continue down the path we are going our very freedom to live is gone. This means my sweet democrat friends also. This means those that are supporting Romney for the republican nominee. It will be gone. Be pro-choice and choose freedom. I dare you.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Susan B Komen

Yesterday, Susan B Komen succumbed to the pressure and apologized to Planned Parenthood and other. They gave back their grants to this organization that makes millions and millions of dollars off of women. They can give money and support to whom they want, but it was sad that they reversed their decision.

Susan B Komen supports life. They are devoted to saving women from breast cancer and finding a cure. Why should they give grants to an organization that supports the killing of baby girls in their mother’s womb? Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was one of the most evil women to walk this earth. That ideology and those beliefs are still there.

I can write about this and state the reasons why it is wrong, but I thought maybe people don’t know what they are supporting. Below is video by a man named Bernard Nathanson called “The Silent Scream.” The short film was made in 1984, and Planned Parenthood called it unfounded and that this was not the process. You can find many videos on what happens during an abortion, so search if you don’t believe this video. I will warn you that this video horrific to watch. If you believe in abortion show this to your daughters, or other women. Educate them that it is ok for them to do this.

Shame on women for doing this to other women. Shame on them for slamming a foundation that supports the life of women. Shame on the Catholic Church for believing a man that is liar and went against the very gospel that they preach. If women believe so strongly in these things then they need to educate other women about what choice they are making. We can make laws for sonograms to be shown before a woman makes this decision, but I would show them this instead.

Below is the link for chapter 13 of Margaret Sanger’s “Women and the New Race.” You can read and draw your own conclusions. She believed that it was in-humane for a woman to not make the choice to kill her disabled child. She believed Germany went to war because of over population which of course resulted in the death of millions Jews and Christians - too many mouths to feed. She believed that “Negros” were uneducated and that educated white women understood the need for birth control and abortions.

Right before Christmas I had to go into the emergency room. They think I had an ovarian cyst rupture, but they weren‘t for sure. They did find fluid around an ovary and one of my tubes. The next day my dad called to check on me, and brought up that it may not have been a cyst. It could have been a child I thought about that and immediately thought there is now way. It has been known to happen. After about an hour so I could my heart breaking and the thought of that made me so sick that I vomited a couple of times that morning. After my second son was born I succumbed to the pressure of my doctors to have my tubes tied. I allowed my MS to get in the way. I didn’t trust him even after he gave me two sons. The guilt of this will be hard to get over. I didn’t pray about it and just listened to the pressure of others.
Here is question should have aborted my sons? One was planned and the other wasn’t. I have MS and Margaret Sanger would have thought I was barbaric for bringing a child into the world knowing that I had a disease. I should only thought of myself in this process correct? I should have told my husband that I wasn’t going to give him children, because it would hurt me physically; right? I made it very clear to my husband before each son was born that he was to save them not me. I would have given up my health and my life for a child. The thought of not having a child to give to my husband was horrific to me. I hope that we will adopt, and we probably will.
A lot of you know me do you think I made a mistake? Should I not have done it, because I have Illness? Think about that. Maybe we should go tell a poor woman that she shouldn’t have had her child because she was poor. Maybe you should tell that to a child that’s family is poor. It’s your choice I get it. Explain to me though how we could do that to another person.

What if a child has cancer? Should we tell the family that they shouldn’t give treatment to their child, because it will financially ruin them? If we are an educated society than we need to educate ourselves. I know it is all about the money in this country right? It is just a child.

I can quote scriptures, but actions speak louder than words.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paying it Forward

Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?” (Genesis 4:8-9 ESV)
I started our taxes and we will be paying more to Uncle Sam. I am annoyed at the fact that we have to write a check that will be flushed down the toilet. We knew we would have to pay more, and I am not really angry that I have to because I expected it. As a citizen by law we have to pay it, and we will. I was looking at the amount and I was thinking about how I would love to just be able to give that money to members of our military. On Sean Hannity, Rick Santorum was talking about the above verse - “being our brother’s keeper.” The government definition is that no one in the United States should ever be lacking anything, so they will make it possible through taxing others and using a credit card.

Here is our question for the day; if we profess Christ and we are waiting for someone else to do our acts of giving we don’t get it. God changed the rules when he sent his son; you and you alone are responsible for caring for another when he is calling us to do so. Not the government. Are we doing our actions because the church or another told us do it, or because it is in our hearts to do? Are we paying it forward in your actions? Not everyone is meant to care for everyone. He is not calling us to do that.

He made each of us unique in our spiritual gifts. One can be great at cooking and another can be great at teaching about the glory of Christ. Not everyone is supposed to do what another does. I have friends that ride for individuals that have MS from Houston to Austin every year. I have friends that teach their children in their homes and they have an incredible gift for it. I know people that support other families financially that they aren’t even related to. I know people that serve our vets every day of their lives. I know people that visit the elderly on a weekly basis that they don’t even know. The great part about this is they may not profess Christ in front of others, but they are doing acts of Christ.

Here is a test of your faith. When you are stopped at a stoplight and you see a homeless person. Do you hear in your mind give that person money? Do you do it, or do you give them a bottle of water or food? Right there you failed him. He commanded you to give them money and chose the opposite. We are equal to that person on the street corner. We immediately won’t give them money because we think we are enabling them to buy drugs, or alcohol. How many of us rely on prescription drugs to get the through the day? How many of us actually rely on alcohol to get through our life? How are we any different? We’re not because we just trying to fill a need in our heart that only God can fill. That is actually one of my new goals is to get off my meds that have nothing to do with my MS. I only have 2 MS drugs and that should be all I am taking.

We can’t control how we are to give of ourselves to another. We can’t tell another how they are to do it. That is not our job that is God’s job. I am curious about career Christians. Christians have a knack for saying what another person is or isn’t doing. My question is what is in us that thinks we aren’t doing the exact same thing? If you tell someone they are selfish the question should be reversed, and we should ask ourselves “what I am selfish about.” What is in your heart that makes you think you aren’t selfish? My husband and I have a big problem with this. We argue about what each other isn’t doing when in reality we should be looking at our own actions and how we aren’t following through in something we said we would do. We both are being selfish.

When I got sick I did not for moment think that I didn’t deserve be sick. I knew I should be. I knew that there was reason why God gave it to me and I am still trying figure it out. I am still battling in my heart about what else I need to give up, and it will be this way until the day I die.

This past Sunday we witnessed two of the greatest acts of generosity I ever seen. Two gentlemen were given a blessing that they had been praying for and others had been. Two men that is beautiful in their love of God. They are both ex-felons. Good men that made mistakes. Christ changed them and they are in a church with individuals that know they are just as guilty of mistakes.

Our pastor called it “the kingdom of God” has come to you today. We can talk about scripture as much we want, but guess what that doesn’t make us a Christian. We have to live it and treat each person as we would want to be treated. People know when we being fake and that’s what’s really sad about it because those are the people that God calls hypocrites. No one is perfect and most of us are just trying to get by. Give people a break. It is exhausting trying to keep up with how another thinks how our own relationship should be with Christ.

Think of a gift that you have that would benefit someone else. Call that person that you have been thinking about, but you have not called because you were busy. Drop a note in the mail and say thank you for being a friend. Order a meal for someone that really needs a break - other MOMS really needs this one. Give someone a hug. Look a cashier, or someone else that you come in contact with today and ask them they how are doing. Listen to them. Ask someone if you can pray for them. Don’t be scared of the political correctness of saying God bless you, or can me pray for you today. Get over the fear.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35