Thursday, July 28, 2011

what are we willing to give up americans

facebook has many good points and bad points. it is great to be able to catch up with old friends, and to be able to share our lives with each another. the bad part is that sometimes in sharing, we share our beliefs that are not always the beliefs of another. we argue about it. money and taxes really do get a rise out people. i thought about this last night, because i was allowing the politics of men to interfere with what GOD may want me to do in this topic.

i read scripture last night regarding the government, taxes and money. first of all there are so many verses about money it is really hard to just pin down one. money is evil when it becomes used for more than just food, clothing and shelter. that's the one thing that we really aren't talking about. we say that we don't need these material possessions, but we still crave them, desire them and envy those that do have them. we want to punish them for it and take it away. greed has set in the heart of every american, and that includes myself.

i kept arguing that we shouldn't pay more taxes, but then i began to question myself on why i was saying that. was i saying it, because i still wanted to buy stuff, or was i saying it because i was worried about being able to provide food, clothing and shelter. i have been allowing the fear and anger of what the government could take from us instead of trusting in GOD. i had to question what i really wanted our government to do, and i finally made a decision. i just want them to provide protection to our citizens from our enemies. i don't want them to do anything else, because i have faith that individuals are good enough to take care of these programs on their own.

i want to pay my property taxes and sales tax (we don't have state taxes here) in the state of texas. my desire is to have them protect our border and the citizens that live here. that's it. i desire communities to provide schools and health care. i desire a community, or the individual to provide the care for a senior that is in need. i think that the responsibility of what goes on in your community should fall to the citizens of that community. that's it. if we truly want to live by the constitution we are going to have to give up everything else, and do exactly what the founding fathers wanted for us; freedom to live.

The rich rules over the poor,and the borrower is the slave of the lender. proverbs 22

this one verse made me think of the united states government in a different light. we are a slave to the lender of the government, and our government is now a slave to those that lent to us. in reality we should only be paying our government taxes to provide protection so we can live on our land safely and freely. that's why this nation was created. we began to up the game on the government on what they should be paying for, and what we weren't willing to pay for anymore. we began to believe that we were all entitled to another man's prosperity without really working for it. envy and greed have filled our hearts.

we became lazy because life was just too hard. i really do think that roosevelt did us a great disservice when he set up benefit programs that became laws in this country. he was doing it to help people and then it turned into an entire nation thinking that they were entitled to all things. everything without working for it. they have become perverted with greed. i pray the hearts of men and women change.

for years now the american people have been shouting at the rooftops to stop spending, go back to the constitution, go back to our founding fathers beliefs and they haven't done it. so now we are a slave to them and we are required by law to give them more. we are now paying for the services we requested from the government to provide. i almost feel bad for our government. the demands of this nation on these men and women have just gotten out of control. how in the world are they going to be able to handle the burden and stress of these demands?

the citizen should be responsible for their food, shelter and clothing. the citizen should be responsible for taking care of the seniors in their lives. the citizen should be responsible for the education of their children. the citizens should be responsible for all of the programs that we want the government to pay for. .

either we can do what is right, or easy. some of us want the government to pay for it, and some don't. well, who's right? GOD instructed the individual to give, not the government. that's what happens when you replace his laws with man's laws. that's where our founding fathers got it right. they chose to let a man give and not tell a man what they had to give. we paid them for the service to protect us from our enemies and that's what they did. that's it. every thing else was the individuals responsibility.

this is why i have such a problem with a government that tells its citizens that they can't talk about GOD because it offends, but abuses GOD's words by telling us that to give to poor. that's why i have problem with christians that go into a church every sunday, don't tithe, they could tithe and then they have the audacity to ask why you aren't giving more to the poor. in my opinion if you are doing that you're stealing from GOD, those in need, and the church.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 corinthians 9:7

the fight we are going through now is going to continue. we have to face the reality because we wanted more, now we are a slave to it. it scares me not because i want more things, but because our very livelihood and freedom could be taken away. i get very angry when people insult the oil industry. my husband goes in everyday to a company that is working very hard to provide energy and goods for your home. he works everyday to find safer ways to provide this for his family, and your family. that his is service to this nation. we just look at the profits with such envy and greed when it comes to oil companies.

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." matthew 6:1-4

my greatest fear now is that the government has changed the rules on how my doctor treats my ms. if i did not have my medical insurance, that we pay for, i would pay over 5,000 a month for my meds. if i get sick i have to take more meds along with the meds i normally take, and that cost is already going up. with the new laws that are regulating the insurance companies and health care i have to prepare us that we will spend more money. this has created another burden on my husband and myself. that precious man does not deserve that. he has worked so hard for his children, and me.

if the government tells my doctor that she can not treat patients to heal and help them, because it costs too much; what are her patients going to do? what if they decide my medicine is too expensive pay for and my MS progresses. i won't be able to physically care for my children. i pray for all the individuals that i know that have a chronic illness, and they will be to get the treatments they need. it just breaks my heart that this is a reality, because of envy, entitlement and greed.

i am convicting your hearts to look at the bigger picture. we are taking away individuals right to live their lives freely and provide. i have to stop writing now, because the tears are falling for our selfishness; including mine.

"Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” matthew 22:17-21

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the fall of the united states

the scripture that says "a kingdom divided will not stand" is appearing to be true. sunday one of our pastors was a guest teacher in our class. he taught on jeremiah chapters 26 to 29. the chapter is about babylon's destruction of jerusalem, and how GOD let babylon do it. jeremiah has been labeled the "weeping prophet", because the people would not listen, so GOD told jeremiah to let them go into exile for their choices and mistakes.

HIS command to the people was to pray during to their turbulent time and continue to live through the hard times. for most of us the thought of the united states falling is devastating, but we reap what we sow. it breaks my heart. i think of all the lives we have lost over freedom, and it will be taken away. we are now in the position that the people ignored the warning signs and chose not to listen. we chose the easier way and not the right way. we have become a very, lazy nation when it comes to doing what is right.

i could blame our government and our leaders. i could, but i could also suggest that our pride and greed got in the way. i don't know one person, including myself where this has not come into play. over the years we had to have more and more. we felt as though we didn't have enough. maybe it is time for us to fall; the good and the bad. great nations have before and great nations will fall again. the roman empire and egypt fell all because of power, greed and pride. to assume that GOD will be forgiving and blind to united states is probably our biggest mistake.

currently, i am reading a book called "slave" by john macarther. i would not have normally picked up anything up with the word slave it, because i understand the western view of slavery and know the historical facts. i believe and hope that at one point, or another in time that we as a nation can forgive ourselves for treating men like an animals, and that an entire race that were treated like animals can forgive us. with that said i decided that i would give the book a chance, and thought maybe this is something new about how we can repair that damage. i had no idea what the book was really going to tell me.

doulos, is the greek word for slave. every translation going back to the king james version and the geneva bible has been changed from slave to servant. every bible and every sermon that has been taught has been about us serving him, not about us being owned by HIM when CHRIST died. now we can fully understand the jouney of the disciples.

the reason why i even mentioned this book is because there is a paragraph that i will write below that regards what we have been taught regarding GOD, and what has been ignored by churches. this country was founded on religious freedoms; christian freedoms. i kind of look at the united states now the same way i look at israel. they fell over and over again all because they wouldn't listen and hold true to what HE told them. they are still falling. history repeats itself over and over again, because of man's inability to listen to their mistakes and not show humility. GOD warned us of this in every book of the bible.

so what do we do now? i guess we are going to have to suck it up and live with it. this is not just the government's fault. we chose to take more and more from mankind. every empire before us failed, because they wanted more from its people when they couldn't give more. the desperation now has set in, because people don't have more to give. our president is starting with the ones that have the most, and he will continue to take more and more from each class until they have enough. what will be enough? i guess the only answer is to get your home in order, because what it is going to come down to is just being able live.

i could suggest we read the history of this country and why we went to war with britain. i could suggest we read about every empire that fell in history, does that even matter now? we have never really learned from history whether we believe in GOD or not. yesterday a friend that i have known since high school got into a debate with me over religion. the friend does not believe in GOD, and said that the bible is just a book of stories; damn good stories. they are really good stories; life lessons. of course i disagree with him regarding GOD, because every thing that GOD has warned us about has happened over and over again. i believe that the answer to why this is happening to us all started with genensis when adam ate the apple. i also think that churches have done some disservice in the fact that they have sugar coated the fact that GOD is vengeful, jealous, and dangerous when you disobey.

am i sad that we are in this place now in our country; yes. do i blame our government; no i don't. i blame all of us. we have to pray for enemies and those we love, because we will see hard times ahead. i really hope that all of us will be able face this. every nation has fallen when they turned from HIM; every nation. if you don't believe in HIM it doesn't matter, because we are still going to fall. a few days ago i started to write another blog about politics well i'm not going to do that, because i cannot separate GOD from politics. it is time for us to face some facts.

the debt ceiling will go up whether congress approves it, or not. our president will invoke the 14th amendment. taxes will go up on the rich, the coporations, industries and small businesses; more job loss. they will move down to the middle class, then the poor when they need more. both plans that are being presented by republicans and democrats will have more money added to our deficit. the only difference is forcing a balanced budget amendment into law that will force our congress to solve the problem, and hold our president accountable for his policies. we are not going to default now, but if we don't pass the amendment we will in the future.

our health care system that we currently have will no longer exist. we opted to take away advances in healing individuals and the care of individuals, because we wanted it to be free. nothing in this life is free. good health care is gone unless you have the cash to pay for it. they have pushed out the really great doctors and nurses. it is time for each american household to get their homes in order. our time has come.

i have lost faith in our federal government, but i am watching state governments and their governors. if your governor is cutting and not raising taxes commend him, or her, because they are getting out of the red and making sure there is a surplus. this is all because they want the citizens of their state to be able to handle the storm of what the federal government is going to do. i don't agree with a lot of the cuts our governor in the state of texas has done, but he is getting us ready for what is going to come. the oil industry in this state alone is about ready to get slammed, and that provides a lot of jobs for people. he is making sure that the free market continues to work for the people of texas.

our president will get back in. he's not going to give up his power. he has bypassed congress regarding war in libya and he will invoke the 14th amendment if a bill is passed without raising the debt limit. if he gets in again i can bet you money that he is going to suggest terminating presidential term limits. he wants the power, the money and he is smart enough to get it.

have i lost hope; no. i just hope and pray that we have enough courage and faith to withstand HIS wrath whether we believe HE is there, or not. i commend our founding fathers for having a beautiful dream they turned turned into reality and we have destroyed it all, because we thought we were entitled to it. welcome to exile and the death of a nation's freedom.

"we don't hear about that concept much in churches today. in contemporary christianity the language is anything, but slave terminology. it is about success, wealth, health, properity and the pursuit of happiness. we often hear GOD loves people unconditionally and wants them to be be all they want to be. he wants to fulfill every desire, hope, and dream. personal ambition, personal fulfillment, personal gratification - these have become part of the language of evangelical christianity - and part of what it means to have a personal relationship with jesus christ. instead of teaching the new testament gospel - where sinners are called to submit to christ - the contemporary message is actually the opposite; jesus is here to fulfill all your wishes. likening him to a personal assistant or a personal trainer, many churhgoers speak of a personal savior who is eager to do their bidding and help them in their quest for self-satisfaction or individual accomplishment.

the new testament understanding of the believer's relationship to christ could not be more opposite. he is the master and owner. we are his possession. he is the king, the lord and the son of god. we are his subjects and his subordinates. in a word, we are his slaves." john macarther - slave, the hidden truth about your identity in christ.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

raising taxes and raising the debt limit - not a good idea

this is why i am against both of these...

raising taxes on the wealthy is not a good idea. christ was correct when he said it is hard for a rich man to give away his money. well, in my opinion why he said it is because when we request more from a rich man he is only going to try to make that money back. i know this isn't fair always, but we really need to look at the big picture before we agree that this a good idea. there a lot of wealthy americans that give a lot of money away to all the things that we hold dear to our hearts - what if they have to give more to a fiscally irresponsible government?

corporations and businesses will raise the cost on consumers. that's the way they make it back. if they pay more out in costs then they pass the costs onto you. so in reality tax increases will affect you. all the materials that go into a product will have an increase in cost, which means that overhead will go up. every regulation or new tax law that is required by the federal government, or state government costs more money in overhead and is passed down to us. that's why torte reform is so important, because companies have to carry so much in liability insurance for everything.

i know some of you think that corporations are evil because they make money - well get over it. the simple answer to this is the more federal regulations the more money it is going to cost you. if you think that it is immoral for companies to make money so they have profits to put back into the system you must be crazy. the more money a company makes the more money that goes into these programs that the democrats so desperatly want. companies and small buisnesses give a lot of money and support to the private sector to help individuals. you should ask your employer what they give away in donations a year.

here's an example that effects all of us. kraft foods produces tons of products. well, all of us buys something from them - mac n cheese. well here is the trickle down to the consumer. they have tax increases, so do does each company that they buy materials from - all the way down to the farmer. so you have higher overhead costs, which means you charge more. is this greed, no this is so they can continue to pay their employees and cover their employees benefits. here's the even bigger rub...most large corporations give money back to the community - they will stop doing that, or they'll move overseas and you will no longer have thousands of americans paying into the federal government or your state, so no more social benefits. you've seen in it manufacturing for years. how many things are your in your homes that are made overseas? every new regulation, or tax increase on a company goes to back to you.

take for example oil companies...i know, i know everyone hates big oil. get over it! we import more oil which costs us more at the pump. we're not allowed to drill here because of the driving costs of the epa and liability insurances to these companies. think of how many products have petroleum in them. this is not just about the cost of gas, or energy. we are driving jobs away from our country, because we are penalizing this industry. they are trying to find more efficient energy sources would you please give them a chance people!

you know what is immoral is the fact that the united states is not willing to say NO to all these people that want something for nothing. it's immoral that they would raise the debt limit on us, we cannot sustain it - we do not have any money. why do you think the american revolution happend? GOD SAID YOU DO NOT WORK YOU DO NOT EAT - that is exactly what he meant. there is no hidden meaning in that.

you know why china is so pissed at us, because they are our main lendor. they have warned us that if we raise the debt cieling we will default. we will have bad credit. it does matter if we raise taxes on the wealthy. this only means that the cost of everything will go up even more and we will still be charged higher interest, because we weren't willing to make the cuts across the board. no one will win - we all lose. we have added too much to our plate, we can't pay for it. this isn't about helping anyone any more this is about robbing us blind, so we really can't help people in need. if they continue to take more none of us will have anything to give. this will mean less money to churches, food banks, the red cross, the salvation army, goodwill, and every other cause or charity that you hold dear to your heart. where will people go to get the help need. everyone will suffer.

if you agree with raising these items you should be ashamed of yourself, because that means that in the long run you are hurting american families even more. if i were you i would be pissed that our congress did not cut off funding for these wars a long time - even when bush was in office and that the health care bill passed. that bill didn't lower costs that just raised them and made health care worse. now what are we going to do - we are losing great doctors, great individuals in the health care industry because our congress and president wasn't willing to go in and make the reforms that we needed years ago.

ask your employers how much it really costs them to run their companies, pay you and provide you with benefits. we get mad that we have to pay more in interest rates, or just the cost of living. we are paying for the irresponsibility of our government and those that aren't willing to work. the government has to stop getting involved in the private sector, or we won't have money coming in. sooner or later people are just going to stop paying, or giving us loans.

you know my dad said something to me about abortion that really stuck with me about why it shouldn't be legal. it's not just about a life that we have killed, but we have killed a child that could have possibility been a great hope to the world. an individual that possibly could have given so much to our society. we could have killed someone that could have solved our problems, how selfish is that? all because some women didn't want to support a child, have their life interrupted, or because of the way that child was created. think about it people. how is that moral?

at some point if it came to me paying more in taxes than feeding my child - guess what the united states government isn't going to take food away from my child. i pray that our government realizes what they are doing. i pray that someone comes along to help us, but we are going to have to give up something there is no way around it now. we have to take accountability for actions. we have to start becoming the nation GOD created us with his rules. we have to stop running from our problems. america has a big spending problem, not just the government, but all of us. at some point the joy ride will end.

Friday, July 8, 2011

the world doesn't owe you - neither does GOD

a friend posted this as her status on facebook a couple of days ago and i like it except i added the GOD part. the world doesn't owe you anything, get over it, work hard and pave your way. this is one of the hardest lessons to learn about life. we want to be taken care of. we feel that we are entitled to this. well not really. GOD wants you to worship HIM completely, put HIM above all things, and then you will prosper.

17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”

our choices in the long run will shape who we are to become with age; good or bad. if you sit on the sidelines then guess what you will probably fail, or life will just get harder. GOD will provide you with food, shelter, and clothing if you work hard for it. HE expects that of you, because when adam decided to eat the apple working the land was how he was to survive. we are not living in the garden of eden and we have not for a very long time.

i recently read a blog posting of a pastor that really struck a chord with me. the united states is the only nation to ever be created for the sole purpose of worshipping JESUS CHRIST. the founding fathers created all of the laws and documents based on what GOD had instructed them to do from scripture. they worked very hard with their fellow man to build a nation of freedom. why are we jeopardizing that? why are we continuing to enable people and penalize those that do work hard?

when roosevelt created government assistance programs after the depression it was desperately needed. the one question i have now as our president begins class warfare is how much do wealthy men and women give away to the private sector without government involvement? are we lumping together an entire group of individuals when there just may be a few bad eggs? where in the world do you think the united states gets it's money to pay it's employees? if we continue to take away jobs from the private sector where in the world are we going to get the money? we have to protect the working individuals in this country that aren't working a government job and that are paying what is owed to the government. we are stripping a man of doing his duty to GOD, because some think that others are entitled to what another man has without working for it. if you think that you are entitled to another man's money without working for it than you are just as bad the rich people that won't help another in need. GOD is going to question you about that.

three of the most wealthy americans in the united states are by far the biggest givers. they still have large amounts of wealth, are still amassing that, and they still give away millions; paul newman, oprah winfrey and bill gates. paul newman (sadly passed away) created his "newman's own" corporation and gives all profits back to those in need. oprah winfrey as we know has given great amounts of money back to society. bill gates is one of the leading individuals that gives to education in this country. i think about these 3 people and individuals that do work hard that are setting an example that are achieving what GOD asked asked of them to do. they are setting great examples to individuals that will hopefully give back with their whole heart.

our president's next line of attack is to go after oil and gas. well in houston alone you should see how much these companies give back to the community. over half the exhibits, or charity fundraisers are supported and maintained by the oil companies. i know of 1 school in the channelview/pasadena area that had there entire playground renovated because of 1 oil company.

for a lot of individuals their definition of giving is actually that of giving away. you can give money to a charity, or cause. you can provide food for a family, clothing, or even shelter if they are in need. well, i look at this way providing a job so someone can feed, clothe and shelter their family is just as giving. if we continue to enable those that think they are entitled, what are we teaching them? we are taking away their ability and their gifts of being able to provide a livelihood for their families and themselves.

are we telling them that they don't need to do what GOD has instructed them to do; yes? if you are envious of another, if you are thinking that life is too hard, because of the choices you made, and people need to take care of you well it's time to grow up and take responsibility for your life. we shouldn't be mad about what the united states government isn't giving us, we should be mad about what they taking away from us.

i stay at home with my children. this wasn't really a hard decision for us not because of money, but because we wanted our children to be raised by me at home. that was more important to us than having more money. we wanted our children to have the security of being with their mother everyday, all day. we wanted to teach and train our children the way GOD intended us to. not saying we do this perfectly, because we are dealing with the emotions and rebelliousness of a 5 and 3 year old.

this is what GOD wanted from us. does that mean that i get to sit around all day and be supported by my husband; no. does that make me selfish in the eyes others, because i am not providing income to our home; maybe? does that mean that i'm greedy and lazy because i don't work? are you envious of my life? really people? if that's what you think, then i suggest you come and live my life for a month and see if you still feel that way. it takes a lot of hard work to have my life and boy is it a great life because of that. this all came from working hard, thanking HIM, glorifying HIM, praising HIM, and putting HIM at the center of our home; HE comes first.

"12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil. 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 25 Brothers and sisters, pray for us. 26 Greet all God’s people with a holy kiss. 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers and sisters.

6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching[a] you received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

a half, truth life

are we too compassionate? do we allow too many emotions to control logic, or reality? do we take scripture as christians and still change it to our own authority? is it too hard to follow the words of GOD, or is it just that we think we can do it better? do our individual beliefs reflect christ, or christ and society, or just society? are we too afraid of being called the label; bible beater? are we just too lazy to put GOD first?

for the last few months i have been doing something more frequently than i have in years. the last couple of weeks i started asking myself why? i know that it is displeasing to GOD, so why i have been doing it? i have no excuse - none. i was beginning to bury the guilt and ignore GOD regarding this sin. i was beginning to justify it. my husband even pointed it out to me, and i argued with him because i knew he was right. so i decided to stop it, deal with it and repent. i'm not feeling guilty about it anymore and it's be given to GOD. i have been forgiven.

i just read a blog posting that talks about conservative evangelicals. it talked about how some believe in abortion, but not as a means for birth control. it talked about money of course, and what we ignore about it. it talked about social issues and what we believe regarding those that are in place. what's interesting about this is most of their views are half truths of scripture - we believe some of what GOD says and some of what society says. we are living by the interpretation of man's idea of scripture instead of what scripture actually says. that's why it is so important to actually read scripture on your own if you are a christian.

some time ago my husband and i had a discussion about paul. paul is one of my heros. my husband sometimes thinks he was too judgemental of how individuals lived. maybe it's more that he thinks his tone was too harsh. see to me i see paul as this; he was instructed by GOD alone no matter what the tone he may have used. he held those that believed to be accountable to what CHRIST instructed. two of my biggest sins is being quick to anger and being too harsh. i've had to adjust my tone and become slow to anger. i have had to be silent on many occasions.

i believe a lot of things that go against some of what my friends and family believe. i always question why i believe it. i always ask myself if i am living that half truth when it comes to what scripture has instructed me to do. am i too compassionate in situations where the truth needs to be said. i am allowing myself to fear the reaction and placing myself in a position where i will be judged harshly by GOD because i didn't stand up for HIS word?

i believe a child is created at the time of conception - no matter the circumstance. i believe that we are to pay what is owed to "Caesar" (taxes) and what is owed to GOD (so i do believe in tithing whether it is a quarter, or a thousand) luke 20:25. GOD never said that you could stop giving what is owed just because it is no longer 10%. i believe you have to pay your debts. i believe that if GOD asked you to give up your possessions you are to do it. i believe that you have to hold yourself accountable to what GOD's instructions are to live a christ like life. i believe if you don't accept CHRIST you are not going to heaven no matter how good of a person you are. are these society's beliefs, or can i back it up with scripture; yes?

HE's not telling you, you have to be perfect, HE's telling you to be accountable to HIM and that there will be consequence of your actions. i believe in truth no matter how hard it is to hear and live it. i don't like hearing it, but there is a reason why it is being said. the truth of it is, is either you accept HIS rules or you don't. you accept what HE has told you is a sin, try to resist the temptation of it, or you give in to it. this is not about how your family sees you, how your friends see you, your children, or even your spouse - it's how GOD sees you. you are only accountable in the end.

each on of us has our issues that we have to work and keep in check. i believe so strongly in the power and being silent to hear what HE is telling you. this is a process and will happen overtime. if bad things keep happening over and over again maybe it's to listen to HIM and why it keeps happening; we haven't learned our lesson.

i have had all these sins in my heart that i have to keep in check because they are displeasing to HIM; anger, revenge, hatred, envy, greed, anxiety, worry, jealousy, and vanity..i will hold myself accountable to GOD for this.

"And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked" 1 john 2:3-6

Friday, July 1, 2011

our debts

when i was in college i got credit card applications and i filled them out. i got a whole bunch of credit without a job. i was late all the time, didn't pay every month - the whole works! when i started working i paid them off and got rid of them. i didn't have a credit card for years. when my husband met me i paid cash for everything. i didn't have any credit to speak of - none. i never had money - ever, not because of debt, but because of bills and stupid purchases.

when we got married we had my husband's college loans and his debt. we had to pay it off. it was not easy at all. what we were going to do; we had to pay it. my parents didn't live that way and niether did his. that's what was so bad about our finacial choices, because we were not taught that. we wanted to live like our parents did - what idiots.

i made very poor financial decisions for years - i mean years. it sure did come back to haunt me. my parents were furious and they had a right to be. they were willing to help me if i was going to help myself. i really had to get my butt in gear. now if that were to happen now they would help me just because they know how expensive it is to live, but we sure would have a lot of explaining to do. in another sense they see it just as money and they aren't going to let their grandchildren starve that's for sure. it would be our fault and we would need to be accountable for that.

when we got married we had very different views of money. we still don't always agree about it. we have to define what a need is and a want. we have to look at the long term because of our kids and my ms. we've chosen to live in a smaller house with a smaller mortgage payment, we have used cars versus new cars, we have 1 credit card that we pay off each month if we use it versus 5 credit cards. if we don't have the extra money for something that we want we just don't buy it.

dave ramsey has billboards that say live your wage. well that is true, big time. we didn't always live this way. we both had to break bad money habits along the way and get our heads on the same wave length. i'm not saying we agree on everything financially. my husband likes to buy home entertainment systems, speakers, and cars. i like to buy antiques, home goods, and vera bradley bags. we even have different ideas about vacations - i'm not even going to get into that.

for some of you reading this you know my family. we have been blessed financially. well i didn't always spend that money wisely. i would use it more on wants than needs - my fault only. when i made the decision to change that habit it worked a lot better. i actually had money to give more and help more. i prayed for that stability and GOD gave it to me. it took a long time to realize what money is for and the difference between a want and a need. once i was diagnosed with ms and had children that had to be responsible.

it's not something that just happens over night. i'm not in the same place financially as my parents, or the older individuals in my family. we can't live like they do because we are in a different stage of life. i think a lot people are going through that right now. we reap what we sow it's that simple.

i understand we get ourselves in jams financially, but what if we keep doing it and we keep expecting people to bail us out. what if we continue to spend more than we make? who's fault is that? what if we refuse to make cuts and a huge emergency comes up and we go bankrupt? who's to blame; you, or the people you owe money to? what if an individual is fiscally responsible and they are being asked over and over again to bail someone else out that isn't fiscally responsible. i just want to know what GOD would do. should i give more money out my pocket to a government that's in debt because i can and i have paid my the taxes i owed already, or should i give it to the person on the street that doesn't have food, clothing, water, or shelter. tell me what GOD would want me to do?

i'm not even going to put scripture on here because there are over 250 verses about money in the bible. all you have to do is go to the back of your bible and look up money, taxes and debts.