Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Child Left Behind - Education in America

When it comes to my boys I become like a lion to her cub. My oldest son has been having some issues at school not with discipline, but with learning. They are considering that he has learning disability and I need to put him in tutoring. I don’t agree. I find it hard to believe that a child that can pronounce almost every dinosaur’s name perfectly without hesitation has a learning disability. My husband and I can’t even pronounce most of them. My child is not going to be “labeled” so the school gets more funding. That is what public education has come down to; our children are now money making machines. Children are no longer allowed to learn.

At the beginning of the year I was hesitate to put him in and just keep him where he was. We decided that we would and it would be fine. He has done well since the beginning of the year, but he is now having anxiety now at the age 6 about paragraph structures and how fast he can write sentences. He knows that when he goes to school he has to obey and listen to his teacher, and he does not want to disappoint her. He loves her.

When he isn’t able to keep up the “rigorous” pace of kindergarten he feels as though he has failed her and us. This of course is not even true and breaks my heart as mother. There is no way in hell that my child’s spirit and good little heart will be broken, because of a broken system. He is going to have enough to deal with enough in life and he has to learn the simple tools to deal with those things. Patience is a discipline. The sad part is that they will push him through to 1st grade even though they say he is has having issues and it is going to be harder for him next year to keep up the pace. If he has a learning disability and needs tutoring why in the world would you push a child on to the next level that isn‘t ready?

We have a conference with his teacher in a week, and of course I will point out the obvious; the funding. I feel bad for his teacher because she wants to teach him and work with him, but I will not have my child working a full work day at the age of 6. We are already looking at the options for next year for both boys, and it will not be in the public schools. The United States is number 26th in the world in education. We have pumped billions and billions of dollars into our schools, so why would we be number 26?

We are teaching our children that all they have to do is just get by. It doesn’t matter if they work hard and need more help during school. We just tell them that it is ok and they don’t work hard. We don’t hurt their feelings. What happens when he gets into the real world and he doesn’t even understand the fundamentals? If we train our children that they don’t have to follow through and they can still move forward without working for it then we have failed them. This would be apart of the definition of neglect.

I read a very moving sermon by John MacArthur about children. Children are a blessing from God. We as parents are to train them to be prepared to leave us at some point. If they are not trained they will keep coming back, and will not be able to handle the world. That would be failure on our part as parents. Children are observant and our son watches people all the time. He sees things and is intelligent enough to figure out the manipulation of getting what he wants, or he doesn‘t think that he has to do certain things because he cries. That is manipulation. We have to stop it in its tracks and be consistent with him all the time. That is the reason why I stay at home. As the mother I have made the sacrifice to know everything about them and know how they tic. My boys have extremely good hearts and I will protect that.

My husband and I had a long discussion about this. It is like saying ‘don’t do what I do, do what I say.” The problem is they will learn to do what you do and not always what you say. We are both notorious with each other for not following on our promises on the little stuff. We have to stop that. Our sons will see that and think that they can get away with that. They will begin to think that everyone will just do it for them and they don’t have to follow through. I would be creating children that think they are entitled to it without ever working hard for it. Huge failure right there. We would become enablers of bad behavior. That comes with simplest of chores in the home.
I started thinking about this especially being a mom. I end up doing most of it for them, because I can do it faster. Wrong. I need train them that no matter how long it takes there is great joy in working. If I act like it is awful to clean or do chores just because I don’t want to they are going to see that. I can’t tell them to have strong work ethics without them showing them that. That is the biggest problem that we have with his education. They are basically telling children that even though they don’t know it, they we will push them through and it is ok. That is a recipe for failure later.

It is like our congress and balancing a budget. I don’t think any of them have ever balanced a check book. If you don’t have the money you don’t spend it. We are a “credit” society though. We say just get a loan, or just get a credit card, it doesn’t matter you can pay it later. How many us have gotten into trouble because of that? I know we have. Look at what is happening to the citizens of this nation because of it. All about checks and balances. If our son sees his father and I not following through with each on our responsibilities he will learn that. It will be a hard cycle to break once it is started. I am going through that with him right, because we got lazy and impatient. We didn’t want to have to deal with it.

We don’t just have things without working for it. This includes our relationships. Marriages have to be strong to create strong children. We have decided to cut back a great deal with our wants to make sure these boys have what they need to grow up to be strong men. That is my job as their mother and that is his job as their father. Self-sacrifice is following Christ. He blessed us with these boys, and we have to follow his commands on raising them.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” Psalm 127:3-5

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

President Obama

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” Saul Alinsky

I really do hope that there is not a portrait of this man in the White House next to men like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. When Obama started running for office, I almost fell for it, and then Oprah endorsed him. I knew right then he was not the man he appeared to be. Trouble with a capital T.

Do you know who Saul Alinsky is? Hilary Clinton wrote her college thesis on his book “Rules for Radical.” Our president used his teachings and works to become a community organizer. His ideology played a major role in our parents’ generation. They are currently serving in congress and the white house. The biggest rule is to hide behind the scenes and be patient to gain power over another. Most of all make the immoral moral. Play on the insecurities and fear of speaking out against it.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15

"Alinsky's second chapter, called of Means and Ends, craftily poses many difficult moral dilemmas, and his 'tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends' are: 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.' He doesn't ignore traditional moral standards or dismiss them as unnecessary. He is much more devious; he teaches his followers that 'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...
I have to admit that I thought that most of this was too crazy for me to even believe. I thought ok I have finally lost my mind and people are right that I shouldn’t think this way. Almost. I thought I have become so radical in my “conservatism” that I have to figure out a way not to think about it. I have heard on more than one occasion just to allow it to happen without saying anything. I needed peace from it, and I do have it in the sense that I all can do is prepare for the inevitable what will happen if Obama gets back in. The problem is it is not just the democrats, but also the republicans. I am US citizen that believes in the constitution of the United States what is so wrong with that?

“What I worry about would be that you essentially have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply, majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that's just not what the founders intended. “President Obama

Our own president believes that the founding fathers did not what to have the house and the senate. Pay attention. He is playing on our bitterness and anger right now. He says one thing and then he stirs the pot. It is a trap, and he won over the majority of this country into believing this. He has studied how to gain control from very early on. I just am amazed that fellow Americans in our media did not dig all of this stuff up before he was elected.

48% of Americans are now being supported in one way or another by the Government. There used to be shame in men and women when they couldn’t work freely to provide for their families. Now, it is all hidden in the deception that we have to help people financially, because of the oppression of the rich in this country. In address last night he is going after the banks and stirring up the middle class to go against the tyranny of the establishment. Well, maybe just maybe he is the tyrant. Let's put him back in because none is this could possibly be true, and I am just crazy. I guess we all need to play the game right.

I guess our prayer should be that we can survive it and we have the strength to keep living.

“Well I'll tell you when you can arrive at that kind of position in prayer you have arrived. When you can look at the problems around you and the problems in your life and the problems in your world and say God I don't care about those things, all I care about, God, is that whatever happens to me or anybody else that You be glorified. What a tremendous, tremendous prayer. He had one through in his mind and that was that God receive the due glory for doing His work. He says, God, if you've got to do it that way I want you to do it revive Your work in the midst of the years. His one desire was that things be right according to God's plan, not comfortable according to his desires. Not peaceful, not easy, not happy, just right like God would have them. He wanted things to be the way God wanted them, and if you want a New Testament equivalent to that kind of a prayer you'll find it in the prayer commonly called the Lord's Prayer, Thy kingdom come. That prayer is simply a prayer that God rule in the way that God intends to rule. That all things be right under the plan of God and that's essentially what Habakkuk was praying for. He was simply saying God if You're going to do it this way bring Your purpose to realization. Let Your kingdom come in the way You want it to come, as if to say whatever I suffer, whatever my people suffer is of no concern as long as Your work is revived and kept pure. That's all that really matters.” John MacArthur

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Love Story

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

On Sunday our pastor asked the question “Where are you in your relationship with God?” At our community group that evening we asked the same question and we all came up with an answer. I said one thing, but I started thinking am I really there? I have no idea if I am. The week before he made the statement “subject everything in your life to scripture.” I thought do I do that? I don’t know if I do or not. Do I get up everyday and really see what is around me. Probably not. One thing I know for certain that I worry too much about the state of this country and don’t enjoy my life. I have been blessed and I need to cherish that more.

Have you ever just turned off the computer, the TV, radio, or your phone and just sat in silence? It is wonderful when you do it. Just to be able to disconnect and think. Our bible study teacher just got back from a mission trip in India. The poverty is so extreme and they could barely describe it. All they said was we have nothing to compare it to in this country. Then they said the joy and peace these individuals have is incredible. Such joy in God. The simplicity of it.

My husband and I didn’t talk much on the way home. The only thing we really said was we have so much and we argue about who spends more when these people have nothing. Our selfishness was a little overwhelming, and I think we were both ashamed of it. It puts things in perspective about our lives. We complain about everything that we want or don‘t have in this country; including myself. It makes me sick to my stomach.

There are 40 orphaned children that live together that are being protected and loved by their pastor named Beek and his wife. Their parents were killed for being Christians. We can’t even imagine that in our journey. I know I can’t because everyday I take for granted that I live in country that is still allowed to profess Christ.

I wish I had just an ounce of faith that these people have. Just an ounce of that joy. They know that he loves them, will provide for them, and protect them because they give their hearts completely to him. Just that simple faith of knowing that nothing else is going to matter except how we love him. When you start to remove people, things, or just the busyness it becomes simpler to just love him. All of it starts to fall away and you begin to find peace. Such peace about everything in your life. There are no more excuses for why we don’t take care of something when he has laid it on our hearts to remove it. The drama of the world becomes meaningless.

Our ideas of what it means to be a Christian just seems silly compared to what I heard on Sunday. I have made horrendous errors in my walk for the past 10 years with Him. What I was taught wasn’t what he wanted from me. The appearance of being a Christian in so many of our churches is false. I worried so much about what it meant to be one without being one. This story hit home in the sense that none of the stuff that people say you should do in your walk even matters. What matters is what is in our hearts when it comes to him. Are we willing to really put him above everything and let his love fill us up? Are we willing to sacrifice everything in our lives for him? These children lost their parents for him literally. I would be ashamed to bring them into my home and tell them my complaints when some of them don’t even have pants.

For the last couple of months something has been laid on my heart to do. Well, I have been hesitant because of the concerns of what others might think about whether I should, or not. I told my husband this on Sunday and he said why? There is no reason why you can’t do it. He is right and it doesn’t matter. People have been judging me for years about what I should do, how I should act, what I should look like, what is up with my kids, etc and guess what it doesn’t matter anymore. Worry about your own heart and quit telling others how to live.

What is beautiful about what is happening right now in this country is he is stripping away everything that we have replaced him with. He is testing our love and faith in him. A lot of us won't have the strength to let it all go and let him love us completely. That is the simple truth of it. Just let it go. Just let him fill you up. There is no problem or trial we can’t overcome when it comes to him. Be who he created you to be because he loves you so very much without judgment, without fault, without what you look like, where you live, what car you drive, or all that other stuff that has consumed our lives. Who are we without all the stuff? What is really in our hearts?

I bought a prescription yesterday that could feed one child there for over a month; just one. What I spend on my co-pays a month for this damn MS I could feed 7 children for over a month. My doctor would kill me, but you know what we would give them those co-pays and more just so they could eat. I have no right, or anyone else in this country to complain about anything. We have the power and the strength to overcome this. Just have a little faith and let him take care of us.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tim Tebow

I find it comical that people are in such an uproar about Tim Tebow praying on the sidelines at games. God bless him for it. At least he is not scared to defend Christ. I am not even going to pretend that I enjoy sports. Not my passion, however I do hope the Texans win. It would be great for the fans. A man called into the Joe Pags and quoted scripture that says we should not pray in front of others, because of what Mr. Tebow is doing. It got me thinking that maybe just maybe it is because people think that it should be private and he shouldn’t really pray for a win or to do well in a game. It seems to be working out for him. Plus, if you read anything about him he seems to be doing pretty well in life so what is the problem?
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. (Matthew 6:5-8 ESV)

I get why he said it because most Christians don’t pray in churches or in public about what is really going on in their lives. We say prayers out loud but is that what we are thinking, or what is in our hearts? That is why we are hypocrites. Our pastor made a statement in a sermon about what someone had said to him “I don’t want to go to church, because of church hypocrites.” His response was “yes, we are all hypocrites.” How many of us can actually admit that? Not many that I know of including myself.

We can talk about scripture as much as we want but do we actually live it? That is the paradox of course. We can attend every bible study, attend church, have our favorite verses, and be involved in the church but maybe we are doing it just to be seen by others. My favorite part of this is we judge others for not doing it the way would do it. That is a hypocrite. We either try to live it or we don’t. How is our faith without doing any of that? Questioning people about how they love God, or telling them what they should be doing sometimes is being judgmental. We have to be able to admit our own sins before we can confront another about it.
The whole reason why Christ said this is because the “religious elite” would do this in public to show how “religious” they were. I really do believe that whether or not Tim Tebow says it out loud, or silently that he is praying that he does well for himself and his team. Wouldn’t we pray for the same thing? The sad part is that now we are judging how a man prayers without even realizing that we are judging. My question is why do people care so much about this? A man in our Sunday school class was asked to pray out loud, and he was nervous about it. The person that asked him to pray asked is that how you pray in private? He said no. He told him to pray from his heart and what he felt led to say.

How many of us actually have sat in church, bowed our heads for prayer and didn’t even pray? That is what Christ is talking about it. That is a hypocrite. I wouldn’t do it then. I hate to admit it but there are some mornings in where I am thinking about the stuff I need to do for the week, or what we are going to have for lunch.

We are a managed and controlled society that if we waiver one way or another then it is wrong, and we just can’t be ourselves anymore. Accepting yourself for who you are is good thing. Accepting others for who they are is a good thing. God made us this way, so why we would ever question someone on their love and trust of our Savior? That is the funny thing about atheists, and even some professed Christians. There is great fear regarding God whether people realize they do it or not. If you don’t believe in him and you think it is a fairy tale why are you so angry that someone professes their faith? Why do Christians worry so much about defending scripture and the truth of scripture because of the fear of hurting someone else. Do you want them to go to hell? Our pastor said that “sure, let them go to hell comfortable.”

I have been watching my parents and I have to say I underestimated their faith. They never talk about god, but their actions are different. Both of them have devoted their lives to serving others. My dad said something the other day that made sense to me. The bible tells us how to live, but do we actually live it. Some people have too much religion and we seem to forget that we are supposed to live it. That is the way I see this blog now. I can write about it, but am I living it? Do my actions actually show my devotion and trust in the gospel? Do I do it, or am I pretending to be what others think I should be. For a very long time I did that because of individuals that felt that I needed to act a certain way to be a Christian.

We are all Peters running around denying Christ. We say that we love him, but our actions sometimes speak louder than words. We can quote scripture but are we doing it out of our love for God, or out of a need to control someone else through scripture? Here is a thought; would you let Paul into your house knowing that he was a murderer? Just think if he wasn’t in the bible and we just knew of him through history books. Would you think that he was evil even if they said he had stopped murdering? Remember, Christ said the act of murdering and the thought of it were the same.

That is how we know we are religious hypocrites. We wouldn’t even let him in the house unless he looked and acted the “part.” Right? How many of us would sit in our living room condemning him in our thoughts, but were kind to him right to his face? I don’t know if I could do it. He was convicted to hold true to the gospel no matter the consequence to himself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Recent polls say the number 1 concern of Americans is the economy. Is it? Many individuals will not vote for a republican because of their beliefs or ideology. They cannot possibly vote for someone that is not pro-choice, or does not support gay marriage. Why? Why wouldn’t we put someone in office that’s sole purpose is to try to remove the government from our lives? Right now, I am not quite sold on any of the GOP candidates, but none of them is Obama so they have my vote. Should we vote for someone that wants control of our lives or someone who does not?

I recently read a report that the white house has started a new office that determines where the crops go and they are given bonuses for how many sign up for food stamps. They made the statement that no one should be hungry in the United States. What if there is a drought? What if there is too much rain? Where is the food going to come from and will our government be angry when the farmers say they do not have enough to feed others only their families? I guess the farmer is being selfish. I can't even grow a tomato. I am in some deep crap if I don't learn how to grow a vegetable, because it is going to cost too much to buy them.

That is not spreading the wealth around is it? We should tax the rich more so others have food. This would be the Christian thing to do right. That is communism. When Russia became the Soviet Union it was about class warfare. The rich had more and the working class did not have enough. My question is why does God owe us just as much as the rich man. Why do we think deserve that? Is it because he died for us on the cross and we profess our faith in him? If we have food to eat that we have worked for why isn’t that enough for so many? Christ loved the poor more because they were grateful for what they had. The ones that wanted more were the ones he was ashamed of and saddened for. By the way these are the sins of gluttony, greed and envy.

I like Ron Paul because he is crazy. I do not agree with his foreign policy, because it scares me to death. I agree with him about shutting down all government agencies except for the military and intelligence. I do not understand to this day, why the federal government is involved in the state governments. I would investigate and close the Federal Reserve Bank. Their manipulation and control of our money has nearly destroyed our dollar, but all people think about is that the FDIC will not back their money. The era of low interest rates is about ready to go. If the Euro collapses and it is going to happen, we are in major trouble. I know it is just silly of me to worry about such things because this could never happen to the United States.

People have warned us for years about globalization and no one listened. Why do we care so much about what other countries think of us? We have been told that we have to worry about them because of political correctness. That is conforming to what the government says is the right thing to do because we are Christian nation. Bullshit.

This is not about social issues anymore, because we have made laws for that. We chose that as a nation and we still have massive problems. We want god in our lives, but we are too scared to talk about his rules for following him. I don’t care anymore if it offends people and why should people care what I believe? Does it really matter to people if I am a republican or conservative? Am I a bigot because I do not believe in abortion and gay marriage? Am I a mean person? Would you like to see my charitable contributions so you could like me more? Would you like me to tell you if I give money to the church or not? What would you like to know about my life?

Am I a selfish person because I do not want to pay more in taxes to help someone else when I can do that on my own? Am I a selfish person because I think they are crazy for cutting defense and not giving our military everything they need to protect our country? Am I a selfish person because I admire individuals that work two or three jobs to support their families? Am I a selfish person because I think it is crazy to force someone to buy health care insurance that cannot even pay his or her bills?

The definition of freedom is not forcing someone to believe what you believe. You could give me every circumstance, every belief, and tell me every good thing you do, but I want to know why you do it. Do you do it because everyone else does it, or because you actually believe that Christ would want you do it? Why is what our president saying a good idea for this country? When he won, I remember a woman said, “I won’t have to pay for my gas or my mortgage anymore.” They found her and she is in shock that she still has to pay for them all the while our president is living his lavish lifestyle. He does not seem to be too worried about the middle class or the poor in this country.

You know why our president and why democrats believe in abortion it is because of population control. More mouths to feed and there is not enough money for that in government. Our daily bread is about to go up in cost and we are more worried about whether a candidate believes in gay marriage, abortion, if they are “mean” to Islam, or our kids are getting bullied. Are you kidding me? Have we have not read about the history of the world and great empires that fell?
I just read a book about the Soviet Union during World War II. Well, they had a group of individuals called weeders. These people would remove the individuals that did not conform to the laws of communism. A woman found a bag of sugar and kept it. Well, one of the weeders found out she had it. He told her she had to take it back so she did. They told her that she was stealing from the people because she wanted the sugar for her family. They convicted her to hard labor for taking it away from the people, but yet her family barely had food. What makes us believe that our own would not do that to us?
You know what this has do to with God. He warned us not to turn from him. He warned us not to put faith in man. He warned us and we ignored him again. We are playing with fire and he will strip us of everything if we do not pay attention to his commands. He does not owe us anything. There are rules to be followed. Are we going to choose God or man?

Back it up with scripture, but remember scripture is not for the masses it is for you. If we can't even defend him because of political correctness we have already lost.

"And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds." 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 ESV

Friday, January 6, 2012


Abolition of Private Property.
Heavy Progressive Income Tax.
Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.
Confiscation of Property Rights.
Central Bank.
Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.
Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.
Government Control of Labor.
Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.
Government Control of Education.

Does this sound familiar? Actually, it looks a lot like our current government doesn’t it? This is Communism - Marxist-Lenin communism. I don’t even know what to say other than our government has got their hands in all this and have created regulation and laws that we think is for the good of the country. I am actually in shock that I would even have to write this about the United States.

I am very fortunate that I was raised by a man that loves history. If we remove God, and education the people become passive and ignorant. False doctrine has been taught for so long that I don’t even think people know they have been taught it. The biggest problem is they still have in their words, but it is been replaced by the social gospel. I can’t really explain other than people have no idea the theology of Christ in the mainstream Christianity. If Christians conform to what they believe is moral than they become immoral. We are to be kind to all - the social gospel. My favorite phrase is “how we say it” or “we should be loving in all circumstances.” That is control of another and no one has that right.

The baby boomer generation is an interesting study. They are by far in my opinion the most dangerous generation to ever be in power because they have been taught the social gospel. All we have to do is read about the hippie movement; peace, love and not war. The parable to this is that they hated the government for the Vietnam War, but they are controlling the freedom of Americans now because of their ideology. They truly believe it is “good” for the nation. It is time to wake up. We are slaves to United States government. The list above is frightening to me. I cannot believe that our parents’ generation did this us. This is what was taught in the 60’s to so many that are currently in power; republican and democratic.

My husband made the comment to me that I have become hard-core southern Baptist. I told him; no I have become a hard core believer that the only way to live is to follow him. If I break one law than I break them all. We have always had discussions about Paul. My husband at one time found Paul to be too harsh. I find Paul to be quite refreshing and I wish that we had more men and women like him. Paul called like it was, and I love it.

I do not believe for a second that we can learn about what we are doing is wrong without being firmly told that what we are doing is against God. I am actually quite confused by Christians that think this, and shocked. The funny thing about it is he said; “I wonder if people that prayed that for you to accept Christ regret it now.” My answer was yes they probably do. I think they under estimated that I would actually study it and would what to know why they told me I needed it. I agree I needed it, but I definitely can’t conform to what they think a Christian is.

I have been told by many that this blog is offensive to others; good. My husband has been told that. We both have been told that this journey should be private; social gospel. Christ was very firm that his followers had to teach the truth and get the message out no matter the cost to themselves. What is your definition of a Christian? For most people the definition is our deeds and how we love another is a reflection of our faith. Sounds pretty good doesn’t? Deeds without faith is false.
Circumstance is just circumstance. Excuses are just excuses. Having an illness changes your mind about some things. I have a very hard time with individuals that use illness as an excuse. Very hard time. I also have a hard time with the abuse of love and compassion. People use it to gain control. People forget that in their definition of “love” they are teaching a form of the social gospel. If we conform and are tolerant then we are a loving Christians? False doctrine. We are to love our enemies, but the truth is that the only salvation is through Christ. Don’t be fooled by what is happening in this country.

It very important to understand the love of God and the death of Christ. 1 Corinthians 13 4-7 is that verse, but we are the sin in that verse don‘t forget that. The Corinthians were a social gospel church. They believed that what they were teaching and following was correct. It was false because they worried too much about what society when they said "no." They allowed the false appearance of goodness to take over. The sad part is it will not be our government that damns us it will the hypocrite in the pew next to us.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:18-32 ESV)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christian Politics

Yesterday, we had a healthy debate regarding women working outside the home. Balance is the key. I do not have balance what so ever. I never have. I love debates about the bible, because we learn so much from others. If I had to work I would work, but my passion for achievement would get in the way of my family. I should have made it clear that I don’t have a problem with women working unless they are doing it to escape from their families. I have more of problem with women in church leadership roles over men, because scripture says that are not to do that.

I would love to have a career in politics, but it would take away from my family. My husband thinks I should write a book. Who knows one day maybe I will. Actually, that it is one of my greatest dreams; to write a book. I love history and historical fiction. I love to learn from past generations. I love to find the facts about why something occurred or why it is happening now. I like bigger pictures. This is one reason why I love the bible so much, because it is a complete history of what mankind is capable of doing in the past and the future. My husband and I both have this passion. We want the facts so we can learn from it.

I am reading a series of historical fictions books regarding World War II history set in the Soviet Union. I’m on the second book now and a line caught my attention from one of the main characters; “I am worried about what happens when the capital runs out.” He was a young boy during 1930 talking to his American father that had moved his family to the Soviet Union. His father believed that capitalism was bad and communism was the utopia of mankind. The horrors after this were incredible and the money ran out. Mans’ search for the Garden of Eden continues even today.
It is a known fact that I dislike the Obama agenda. I don’t hate the man, but his agenda is communism all the way in my opinion. In the beginning I thought he was just hardcore liberal, but now after studying him and his words things started clicking. It should have been a sign to most Americans when he said “I want to spread the wealth around.” What happens when the money runs out is my question? Well it has run out. That’s not my biggest fear now at all.

I assume most of us know what communism is. If we don’t know what it means I would hope we would find out. A new bill passed and was signed by our president that gives our military and the president power to hold US citizens indefinitely. The bill is intended for terrorism. My question is how do they define terrorism; Al Queda, Radical Islam, Timothy McVeigh, Christians or someone that goes against Obama’s agenda?

The perception is that we a free nation, but with this bill passing I don’t think so. They can hold anyone on the assumption that they are going to commit a crime against the United States government, or its citizens without a trial. On the other side we have Romney and he is a wolf in sheep’s’ clothing. The Mormon Church believes that Christ and Satan were brothers. Right there should be a warning sign, but he is nice, good looking and seems to be willing to work well with others. Compromise of doctrine is a failure of Christians. Our excuses for those that appear to be sheep is going to damn us.

All throughout the New Testament Christ watched the acts of others. The religious elite would test to see if he could uphold God. He proved over and over again the failure of man in their faith. The attacks on Christianity in this country will only get worse, because if we understand scripture people understand freedom. That was actually Hitler’s agenda; remove God and education so the people won’t know. Don’t we find it interesting that the cuts in education are getting worse, and teachers are mostly teaching our children to memorize for tests?
What is in our hearts are going to be what defines this country. Abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, over taxation, and oppression of the people are sins against god. What are we willing to stand up for? How many times have you compromised in your beliefs or acts when it was clearly against God? The wrongs above are the ones we can see as Christians, but what I am starting to learn is that the 7 deadly sins are what we are missing. We have a lot of little Gods running around. We have a lot of individuals that really do believe they are Christians and they are blind. That was me just over a year ago and I knew something was not right. I’m still trying figure this out, and I have long way to go.

During advent one of our pastors asked me to read scripture and pray during the week of love. First of all I was amazed and humbled that he would even ask me, because on more than one occasion people have told me that I don‘t understand the love of Christ. His compliment to me was; “you understand the love of God.” The love of God is defined as either we uphold his commands or we don’t. We either choose him above all others and things or we don’t. I am trying to figure out the compromise in this from others. I can understand compassion and empathy, but I don’t understand how we can do this with him. I love our new church for the very simple reason that our pastor is willing to teach sound doctrine and uphold Christ. We have to know as Christians what are doing wrong so we learn how to love him selflessly. Christ told us to flee from those that taught false doctrine.

I don’t understand the thought process of circumstance. So many say they can’t do something because of circumstance, but yet believe all things come from God. I have MS, but does that mean I am allowed to use illness as an excuse not to care for my husband and children; no. I am over hearing about what we don’t have, or can do in this country when history shows us that we can. Some Christians are a little too soft in my opinion; just a little too compromising. Too many excuses for those that can’t get their act together. If we are Christians we need to get our act together and uphold Him; including myself.
The assumption that we will not suffer for him is a myth. Stop telling your heart that. Name one individual in the bible that did not suffer in everything for him; name one. The love of God is freedom from sin, but we have to die to ourselves in order to receive it.

"As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions. Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted."

(1 Timothy 1:3-11 ESV)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eve Caused the Fall of Man

My grandmother passed away over a year ago. I have been studying her life in my mind and who she was. 3 things really stick out my mind regarding her mindset and beliefs; god, her role, and money. A few of her comments really stick out in mind in conversations we had about life; “women decided to be men, and women are not men, your husband comes first and the banks can fail again.” I am grateful that by the time she left us to go home with him her mind wasn’t aware of the complete changes in this country. She was so disturbed by Hilary Clinton running for president of this country.

She was the definition of Proverbs 31 and that is hard legacy to find in this day and age. The Old Testament view of women was very different from the new, but the roles were defined and the same. Men were to work outside of the home to provide financially and women were to care for the home. The role of women has never changed in scripture only in the world. I was having an issue with exactly what I should and shouldn’t be doing regarding church during bible studies. Scripture is very black and white on the roles and the corruption of the church leadership if women are in those roles.

Women are to teach to women only. Men are to be pastors and elders of the church. Very defining roles and I don’t really know why women have changed so radically coming from depression era parents. This is a pretty simple command, and so many protestant churches as well as catholic studies allow women to teach in leadership roles; women pastors, bible studies, and boards. False doctrine. Eve was the cause of the fall not Adam.
Both of my grandmothers had huge impact on my life. Both were very strong women and polar opposites in personality. Extreme hardships in very different lives. My mother’s mother lost her husband very early and had a child to support, but she was still the proverbs 31 woman. Women should only be working to feed their children. That is the definition of being a mother; you work to feed your child and not for self-gratification. Men are to provide for their wives and children, and women are to make sure a husband’s home runs efficiently. Christ loved women, but the idea that he would have allowed women to have such major roles in the world is confusing to me. He knew that Eve was the reason for the fall and he knew what a woman’s role was, so I am trying to figure out where Christian women got the idea that they were to be spiritual leaders, and have careers outside of the home.

This has been prayer for the past year and my new conviction to my husband. I want him to be the leader in our home. I want him to make more decisions regarding how we are to live. That is hard thing being raised by a feminist mother, and society’s view of what a woman should be. It is never out of my mind that I am woman and women cause men to fall in God’s eyes. The parallel to this is that women will be held accountable if they take control over a man. We have a pagan society where women are worshipped for their success in their careers and advances. My question is how do husbands and children fit into this? Men have lost their masculinity to the point by women that they have no idea any longer about their roles.

This was actually was one of the biggest problems in our marriage. Trying to figure out our roles. It took almost 9 years to overcome. We were blessed to have been told by a man that we respect dearly to tell us exactly what we were doing wrong and what needed to be done in December of 2010. We are returning to a honeymoon stage and it is awesome. Don’t get me wrong we have our moments, but we are very aware of what we need from each other. We both have a tendency to rebel with each other when we don’t keep the Ephesians 5 definition of marriage.

Over the past month I have heard the term “militant” over and over again about being a follower of Christ. Once from our pastor’s wife during an evening of fellowship with other women. We have to be militant and firm when it comes to God’s commands in all things. When I give my husband more control over our lives his needs are respected and met. When I try to take control of that we do not do well. That is God. We have a very deep, loving marriage because of this now. I am so grateful to a woman that gave me the advice of what a biblical marriage is supposed to be. My husband is so grateful to a man that told him what his role was as a husband.

The breakdown of families in this country is one of the main reasons we will fall. Women since the 1960’s have decided they could rule the world better than men. They have decided that they are men. Women choose their advances in careers over their husbands and children. Somewhere a long the line women thought they were doormats, and I don’t get it. The women I know that live their lives this way are anything but doormats, and are deeply cherished and loved by their husbands. There isn’t a lot of resentment or bitterness in their husbands.

My husband and I wrote love letters to each other for Christmas. It made the life we are living worthy to each other. My heart is greatly fulfilled because I allowed God to come first, and let my husband be a man. It really isn’t that hard and I have no idea why I waited this long to do this. It would have been a hell of a lot easier to have listened to my grandmother before I got married. The funny part this is that when I finally allowed him to take the reins he was much different about our marriage and my heart.

Our bible study teacher asked if my husband felt overshadowed by me because of my speaking in class or that I ask questions. He said no, because I get up and study and he doesn’t do that. The funny part is in my mind it has always been the opposite; he has overshadowed me.

When he asked my father for my hand in marriage my dad had two firm requests from him. One that he would always have a job, three if he needed to, and that he would protect my heart no matter what. My father has only held him accountable once to this. Women have great power in their homes to either to destroy it and make it a home. One of my greatest fears is that my sons will marry a woman that does not understand this definition. My boys are witnessing a father that has deep love and respect for their mother, and vice versa. We have to train them everyday to leave us and care for their own families.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Beginning

Sometimes the greatest gift Christ can ever give someone is to let them fall. Our pastor sent out a message on Saturday about how we will reflect on the past year. 2011 was a great year. Not one MS attack. Marriage returned to the “honeymoon” stage with a lot more wisdom. Lost "friends“ and gained new. Found a church that taught biblical truth. Watched my children achieve milestones. Paid tribute to my uncle that was the definition of giving on so many levels. Went through a crazy house hunt only to realize that what we have is all we need. Removed interference in our lives that damaged our hearts and gained HIM.

The biggest gift was changing my heart to understand that I was a slave to Christ and not a servant. Whole new perspective. Becoming selfless is easier when he is control. Realizing what he wants me to do and what I don't have to do is an awesome and peaceful feeling. I have decided that individuals will have to earn my friendship now and I will not be as giving of my heart as I once was. I will have to earn that from others as well. It is true that with age comes wisdom.

John MacArthur’s book “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” talks about the Evangelical movement in this country that has turned Christ into a pathetic, compassionate, and passive man. My husband and I were talking about this on our drive home from the west yesterday. Matthew chapter 23 discusses false teachers and the religious elite of Israel; wolves in sheep’s clothing  One of the greatest myths of Modern Christianity is that Christ looks favorably on the religious elite far more than the lowest form of a man or woman. The easiest way to define it is do we have enough humility to admit when we are wrong or do we not? That is really what it will come down; can we admit our failures to one another and then forgive?

“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
(Jude 1:3-4 ESV)

Hours now of study have come to one conclusion that I was in the dark, but now I am starting to see. When Christ weeps in scripture it is more for the individuals that have been deceived by false teachers than for those that have taught it. He was militant in his rebukes far more than he was compassionate to those that were teaching false doctrine; hypocrites. One of the main reasons why I never wanted to start this journey was because of this. I always knew in my heart that God was not this feel good “man” that everyone talked about all the time. I have done drugs, had pre-marital sex, drank way too much and had sins in my heart that were the 7 deadly. I was the definition of sinner and when I walked into a church I just knew they could see it. The judgment was far more damaging than any other of issue than I have encountered in this journey.

My temper was the biggest thing that was going to damn me. I need to remember that although there is justifiable anger I must always be firm in saying “no” without yelling. The journey would have been a lot easier if I had relied more on scripture than the teaching of others.

Our trials are his way of preparing us come to him. The things that happen to us is of our own making we just don’t know it always. Our souls are in a constant battle between good and evil. I have come to believe that if we live in a fog regarding his love for us we are in big trouble. We only become the act and appearance of a “Christian” not a true follower. The entire New Testament is about the hypocrites of God in their deeds; they didn’t have faith that he would judge them for forgetting his anger. Read all of Paul's letters and the overtone is that the church was failing as well as the followers of Christ as well.
Rob Bell’s book about the removal of hell and that all we need is love was the number prophetic book of the year on one list that I recently read. False doctrine. The biggest sin that is going to damn us is not the sins we can see, but the idea that we are perfect in our “religion” according to scripture. We are taught to discuss the rights and wrongs of his commands with love, compassion, and empathy. There is no where in the bible where he discussed it so calmly and loving as they say he does. He was very firm and militant that they were wrong in how loved God. We are told from so many Christians that we are to accept the wrongs as rights. This is false teaching and witnessing. There is no room for this his commands. We either do it or we don’t.

I removed myself from face book for a little bit. The main reason is because I could feel myself getting angry or offended by stupidity. That is my issue not someone else‘s. That is why I stepped back. I had to focus on what was inside me that was making me feel that way. Defending his word and him is one the ultimate goal. Scripture is offensive and we should be offended because what he is saying is us. I want to know why someone perceives scripture a certain way. I want to understand how as a Christians we can manipulate his commands so easily and condemn another without having enough humility to say we wrong.

I am sitting back watching now. I want too see things clearly and then find out why I am perceiving it that way. Sometimes we see things that others don’t see or don’t want to hear. Our saving grace is not going to be the perception of what others think of us, but is going be what he holds us accountable to that we don’t see. The ironic part is I have great peace about defending him and putting scripture first above anything else. I have no desire to play the game any longer. This new thrist to know him more is overwhelming and understand what is in my soul is by far the greatest gift of my life next to my husband and my boys.