Monday, September 26, 2011

Israel has lots and lots of Oil

I have started thinking about these wars and why we are in still there after 10years. What are we really gaining from this? The biggest response to this question by our leaders is that we are trying to spread democracy. After 10 years wouldn’t these individuals that truly wanted democracy and peace been able to achieve that?

We accomplished the mission after 9/11 quite well. We should have come home then. We made it very loud and clear that we would retaliate if we were attacked again. We could have found Bin Laden at home through our intelligence. The Clinton administration knew for years where he was. Pakistan knew where he was all this time. Why hasn’t the United States cut ties from Pakistan? Why is there a sudden push for us to be so tolerate of Islam and Palestine? Why?

I’ve heard it say on more than one occasion that after all Israel has been through they should be accepting of Palestine and it’s requests of peace. Goliath was a Philistine living in what is modern day Palestine. God chose David to conquer Goliath. I don’t think that scripture has changed, and I don’t believe God’s chosen have changed.

I don’t believe we will ever leave the Middle East because it has something we desperately need and want; oil. We are not going to give that up. Environmentalists and the EPA are pushing for even more regulation on the energy industry in this country. Our president has slowed the permits to almost a standstill now of oil production. Why would we want to use our own resources when we could get it from others? Gas and energy prices would go down immediately if they upped the production in this country. Thousands of jobs could be created just from that. Why wouldn’t our president and leaders what this? We have the technology and innovation to improve the environmental impact of this.

If they are saying we cut our dependance on foreign oil why aren't we drilling. If we continue to enforce more regulation on the oil companies they are not going to stay. If we can gain control of the Middle Easts oil reserves we have the control. So who is next? Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, so which one is target? Most signs are pointing to Iran.

The below is an excerpt from an article in Israel Nation News regarding what they have found in Israel. The article was written in June of this year. When I read this in June I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time. With presidential debates heating up I keep thinking what are these individuals to bringing our troops, and ending the wars. Most of them have said we can’t make that decision until we see high security clearance. They always bring up Iran, and I always think “shouldn’t we have troops here to protect us on our own soil?” Whether want to believe it, or not Iran will have a nuclear weapon if they don’t already. They want us dead, but most of all they want Israel gone. Their own leader doesn’t even believe the Holocaust happened.

“Israel also may be sitting on huge shale oil deposits, and the Israeli Energy Initiatives company hopes to launch a pilot project by the end of this year that will lead towards production of 50,000 barrels a day, one-fifth of Israel’s consumption. Oil shale deposits cover 15 percent of the country, according to estimates of the Infrastructures Ministry, which would place Israel as having one of the largest oil reserves in the world. The World Energy Council estimates Israel's shale deposits might contain up to 250 billion barrels of oil, almost the same amount of proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia.” Israel Nation News

There is a prophecy in the bible that all nations will go against Israel. We can either believe biblical prophecy, or not. The above makes you think though it could be true. We have all the signs. God was very clear in scripture what would begin to happen. Do I believe the “end of times” is near; I don’t know. Christ made it very clear that we would not know, but God would begin to warn us.

Chapter 37 of the book of Ezekiel describes the valley of the dry bones; Israel. They face great trials and tragedies in the coming years. The greed of the nations is playing out before our very eyes and it all points in one direction; oil. We could manufacture and grow almost every product that we import from around the world. Why in the world wouldn’t we do that? This would solve a lot of economic problems right now.
If we are supporting a new regime in the name of peace for fallen dictatorships across the Middle East we should be wondering why. Most of the factions there have very limited resources, but are willing to kill to gain control. Just think if they had the greatest army in the world as their backing; the United States military. If we continue to fight these wars then we can have control over these factions, and then we would have control over of the oil.

Afghanistan has oil reserves estimated to be at 150 million barrels. That's why we are there. This is why our current president is willing to show that he does not support Israel. He is the only one to actually go against them openly. The rest of them like the cowards they are pretended to seek peace between Palenstine and Israel. We are killing innocent men and women for this. We are using our military for this. We should be asking the question to all individuals in Leadership, the EPA and environmentalists groups are we reallt willing to kill our citizens over the production of oil? Are more willing to save tree over a human life. We can always grow another tree, but once that life is gone it's gone.  I pray that this is not true, but the facts are starting to pile up.

One of the links below is from 1998. It is a letter to Dick Cheney regarding a pipeline in Afghanistan. This company they found out gave huge amounts of money to Bin Laden and the Taliban. What have we done? What have we been ignoring? The social issues don't matter is this what our government is really doing to our citizens, and all of those that I have lost because including Middle Easterners. This just be theory. I don't if i'm right about this, but it starting to make a lot of sense. There is always a motive behind individuals actions - always.

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10 34:39

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