Thursday, June 2, 2011

the american dream

i may have called another posting this, but i don't remember and i didn't go back to check. it's funny as you get older you realize certain things that matter and other things that don't. i read a posting about the 5 things people regret before they die and it got me thinking about what we would all regret in the long run. everyday i read scripture, or i read something that GOD has inspired another to do.

the american dream now seems to just be able to stay afloat. the labels that we put on individuals and their economic status really doesn't matter to me; we are all in trouble now. over the last few months i have been thinking more and more about my grandparents and how the depression affected them. i'm starting to get it.

when i was a teenager i remember looking at my parents and really thinking they were a money tree. i hate putting it that way, because that just shows how selfish i was. i did not grasp the complexity of just living everyday. my dad used to tell me to save enough money, so you could live 3 to 4 months if you lost your job. make sure you always have something to tide you over. now he says at least 9 months to a year. even now i wonder if that is enough.

i admire our founding countrymen not just because of their beliefs, but what they truly wanted this country to be about. we often just think this country was founded so individuals could worship freely, but we don't think about they were trying to end such high taxation from britain. the government was literally taking food from their tables. that's the way i look at it right now in our current state of affairs. i don't see it as having to give up my luxuries, i see it as the government wanting more from the individuals that cannot give it any longer. they are taking food from our tables and our children.

we are no longer a free nation, because we are bound by the slavery of our debts. we lived beyond our means. china owns us - no matter what you think, or lies you've been listening to. we encouraged those that could work to take freely from us, because we felt sorry for them. we encouraged individuals that they were nothing if they didn't have everything their neighbors had. the prosperity gospel is not just in churches it has become the definition of being an american. we could blame everyone else in the world for our problems, but we did this to ourselves.

GOD talked about money all throughout the bible and the evils of it. HE told us countless times to be good stewards of our money and we didn't listen. HE told us that all men and women had greed in their hearts. HE did not lie to you. all of us have wanted more than we needed - all of us. we have been taught a lie. we have been taught that the prosperity would always be there. when we replace what's important with money we will fail. you will always be a slave to money..debt, worry, anxiety, greed, envy, vanity and fear. that's what HE has tried to tell us.

earlier this year my husband and i thought about buying a larger house. well the bad outweighed the good. we were arguing all the time about it, and then i remember GOD asking me what we were doing. i remember HIM saying, i have given you all that you need and the desires of your heart why aren't you happy? see we thought we needed more and we didn't. HE was preparing us for what is going on now in the economy.

the best advice i can give people is this. college students don't spend more than you have. young married people you are not in the same economic status as your parents just because you don't have children now you will find out just how expensive they are. people with kids remember you have to provide them with food. GOD instructed you to care for HIS children above yourself.

one of the 5 things a dying person said they regretted was not spending enough time with family and friends, because they were a slave to money. we are emergency mode now, our hearts and souls need some serious changing. you are worthy because you are one of GOD's children, not because of money.

there are over 250 verses in the bible regarding money. the one verse we should probably remember is GOD will provide you with food, clothing, and shelter - nothing more, nothing less when you believe. HE will provide you with all your needs.

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