Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the wrath of GOD

the race is starting to heat up. everyone is throwing their hat in. i wonder whom the winner will be for 2012. i have no idea who to believe and who not. i don't even know if we can survive the problems we have and what was once our way of life. we have polluted even the simple things and made them so complicated that we can barely breath. i wonder if we even know that.

i can write about GOD all i want, but in reality i have the belief that GOD will always forgive no matter what. i have read scripture for years, seen the words in black and white, but still don't have as much fear as i should. do i have hope that HE will; of course. i have a question though if we continually turn our backs, and HE gives us warnings is HE going to be so kind in the end?

it's like raising a child. as a parent you are continually trying to teach your child not to do the bad things. you tell them no the first time and you have patience. the second time you're getting a little more annoyed. by the third or fourth time you're furious. punishment usually follows. why wouldn't GOD do that? are we so naive to think that HIS wrath has calmed in the years since CHRIST?

i guess the first question would be as a christian do you believe the bible to be the true word of GOD. do you believe it just to be stories? do you believe that it is only half truths? HE flooded the earth because HE was unhappy with mankind. HE had HIS OWN SON brutally murdered on the cross to save you. why would HE stop that wrath now?

of course i will be considered crazy for questioning this by friends and family. i had two individuals in my life talk about what GOD wants from me and HE is about love. well HE is about love, but HE is also a jealous GOD - he does not like being replaced. HE does not like being ignored. we have ignored HIM for a very long time and i just wonder if we have royally screwed ourselves. how many inches is HE going to allow us to take?

i don't know if it's the church that has taught us to ignore these things, fellow christians or the world. i don't know if it's friends or family that has taught us to say "sure, you can have an inch, how many do you want?" i have quite a few issues that i know i should not be doing, and i am even passive in thinking that HE will not get mad at me.

i used to believe that we were such a strong nation. i don't think we are anymore. we are too passive. we aren't willing to stand up to our authorities for leading us down the wrong path. we aren't willing to say no because we can't even do that in our own lives, because of the fear of what our friends and family will say. we have allowed everyone to take an inch and keep taking inches. every move we make is supposedly justified and we aren't supposed to question it. what is wrong with us?

the sad part is that i will get off the computer and keep on being passive, living in my rose colored glasses and assume that HE will keep on forgiving me even when i say i won't do it again but do. i am stupid in thinking that this will not be my judgment. i can't even question why someone doesn't believe in GOD, because i don't even believe half the time there will be a consequence to my actions.

i guess what i'm asking is; when is our luck gonna run out?

"I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” luke 18:8

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