Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Biblical Truths

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions", 2 Timothy 4:3 

"Many people would become intolerant of the confrontational demanding preaching of God's word. Professing Christians, nominal believers, in the church follow their own desires and flock to preachers who offer them God's blessings apart from forgiveness, and his salvation apart from repentance. They want to be entertained by teachings that will produce pleasant sensations and leave them with good feelings about themselves. Their goal is that men preach to suit their own passions. Under those conditions, people will dictate what men preach, rather than God dictating it by his word." ESV Study Bible, John MacArthur

This is America. If we are in churches that aren't teaching each word of the bible from genesis to revelations flee. If we are sitting in the pew with our bible and the pastor, the teacher or the priest is not matching the scripture word for word flee. How much do you hate God that you are not upholding his doctrine? The bible is still the number one selling book around the world. People have them, but they collect dust. People read them but only read about the grace, blessings, and love not the judgment of God. They read it to find peace about their selfish desires. They manipulate it to make themselves seem worthy, or find justification for their acts

The simplest way I can put this to you is that you are seeking more judgment from God by ignoring what he has told you is true. That is what we should fear not others. Do you love someone enough to tell them the truth of doctrine? Yesterday, our president came out and supported gay marriage.  We have much bigger issues as a nation than gay marriage, and do be honest if that is the biggest concern you have about our nation you need a reality check. You are obviously deceived and a fool in a nation that has vast resources to actually educate yourself. By the way marriage is between man and woman - get over it. You can call me whatever you like; Jesus Freak, bigot, hate moger - go for it professed christians.

Some Biblical truths somehow have been neglected. You don't work, you don't eat. Pay your debts - this is not a Dave Ramsey quote. Do not judge for you will be judged far harsher. There aren't many paths to God and heaven. There is only one way; you must accept the son. Being baptized as an infant does not mean that you have salvation. That is a church tradition not a mandate of the bible. There is not one piece of scripture that supports this. Parents are baptizing children that are non-believers. Babies do not know the difference between right and wrong, sin and consequence. They have to make the the choice not you for them. Children are innocents. I seriously doubt that God is going to throw a child to the pits hell because you did not baptize them in his name.

Jesus would not have been a communist or socialist. He will you the individual accountable for not helping another when you knew you could. He did not support tyranny and oppression. He did not say it was a sin to have wealth it was sin if money became your God. That afflicts all people not just rich people. Liberals, if you did not have wealthy people you would not be able to sell your art, buy your books, pay for your education, or have money to your precious causes. God says to parents to build inheritances for their children. Get over your envy and your greed. He would not support robbing individuals of their livelihoods for the greater good.

Men can not give you grace only God can. You can't give yourself grace only God can. You have to actually repent and confess to God to find grace. Women that submit to their husbands are not doormats, because Christ said husbands need to love their wives as they do Christ. Our worth is not based on our jobs, money, the perception of family and friends. Your worth is based on  your willingness to put him above all others. If we are not doing that then we are deceived. I don't care how hard it is you have no choice but to uphold him, and his laws if you have proclaimed him.

If you are too worried about offending, hurting, or telling the truth to someone even though they are doing something to offend the god they profess I feel sorry for you. You are lovers of the world, and he does not come first in your life. There is nothing I loathe more than the manipulation of others because of false doctrine and teachings. Do not use God to gain control over another. You are not God. People that do this to others should be ashamed of themselves. I know tons of people that do this. It makes me question what bible they are reading.

I was 27 when I accepted Christ. I was baptized then and professed my faith publicly before others. The spirit filled me and the thirst for him was insatiable. Then the deception came in. I was not a good follower. I worried more about others and their perceptions of what I should be as a christian not what God wanted from me. He had to break me before I could fully see. I begged for it. I still beg for it. I started praying for him to put me in situations that tested me and my faith.

Some great things began to happen. My marriage started to heal. We left our old church. Got rid of false friendships. Started doing things that I felt led to do. Learned how to say "no" not gonna happen. Stopped worrying so much about money. Gave willingly to others without any question as to why I needed to. Stopped feeling guilty for having MS, and that my husband married me (this one though creeps up every once in a while). Stopped fearing political correctness because it offended someone. I love God more than I do people. I love my husband and children more than my parents or friends.

I will give you a piece of advice to follow. If someone comes to you with scripture to rebuke you study it. Don't say a word until you've read it and understood what it means. The truth of God is that you are not going to heaven because you are a good person. You will only go if you believe in the immaculate conception, the death and the resurrection of his son. You have to die to your selfish desires. You have to constantly pray, seek wisdom, and find the discipline to put him first. If you doubt any of that then you are calling a God a liar. All of these other religions are false. Stop being deceived.

"Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?" Galations 4:16

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