Friday, May 11, 2012


 "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." Romans 12:9 ESV

The greatest trick ever played on mankind is that Satan made you believe that he was not real. That he was here for the greater good. He tricked you into thinking that you had the power and the control. He tricked you into thinking that he was an angel of light. Adam and Eve knew the difference between right and wrong. He told them not to eat the fruit, and Satan said why not? This is called selfish desires and control.

I just read that New York has ruled that viewing child pornography is not illegal. This is evil. This is Satan. My mother was a social worker for physically and sexually abused children for over 30 years. 1 out of 4 girls is sexually abused in this country. This is by people they know. There is reason why having sex is against the law before the age of 17 in most states. It is damaging to women and men. We are not mature enough to understand the emotional connection that comes with having sex. We only think about how it makes us feel.

I had sex before I was 17 and after. One of the biggest regrets of my life. When I accepted Him I had to repent for this and give up the extreme the guilt of it. I regret it most because it was not with my husband. My parents were very open with us about sex. Parents have to discuss this with their children. My dad very clearly said "you will regret this" and he was right. I disobeyed my parents. I refused to make the right choice.

Women base their worth on how they are desired by men. Women want to be desired by their husbands. The problem is that you heart gets destroyed because of that. You have no worth - you are just a sexual object.

Sometime ago I read about a study that is being conducted about pedophiles, and that this is life choice like homosexuality. This is how they are made and we should be accepting of this. I told my mother, and she was so angry she was shaking. Pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. A man that my mother knew was incarcerated for life. He told her I have be removed from society, because I will act on this with another child. Men and women that do this children must be removed from society. It is not discrimination. Once someone does this to a child they no longer have rights in a society. We can only pray that they accept Christ and repent for the crime they committed not only to child, but to God. They must spend of the rest of their lives in prisons, or receive the death penalty. That is justifiable in the eyes kind. It is pure evil.

That is the biggest problem that I have with the Catholic Church. Catholics that have allowed this to happen and did not push to have this priests removed should really be ashamed of themselves. You allowed evil to exist in your church because of the ruling authorities not God. These men should have been given to authorities not passed from church to church. Not only will God hold all of those men accountable for that he will hold the congregation accountable for turning and blind eye to protecting children.

I don't care if you are republican, conservative, democrat or liberal if we ignore this we deserve what we get. Every is so happy that our president came out and supported gay marriage. I don't care we have much bigger issues to deal with in this country. There is severe disconnect in this country. We have no morals what so ever. Anything goes anymore because of compassion and empathy. What the hell is wrong with people? We should be furious with our congress, lawmakers and president.

People should be furious that he signed the National Defense Authorization Act that gives him complete control of our resources as a nation whenever he feels like. Our president is not a good man, you may think is but is all about the gain and power.

I have been studying about the Romanian president, dictator really, before I go. He had the same exact power as our president does now. He controlled all of it, paid off their national debt, and Romanians starved and froze to death. The even more disgusting part was he had controlled the population for so long through abortion that he knew he wouldn't have work force to support his "dreams" later. In 1984 he ruled that abortion was illegal and they women must start having children. Rape, incest, or whatever was ok as long as it grew the population by 2000. Children were taken to orphanages to be raised by the state all for the glory of communism.

He destroyed the people of this country. The scars are still there after 12 years. This man's dream of a perfect utopia killed thousands. A pastor gave out bibles and taught the freedom of Christ. Taught that tyranny and oppression was not from God. The people overthrew the government in 1989.

My questions is when did Americans forget that they live in a free country, and not to take that for granted. When we decide that everything was wrong and bad in this country because our ruling authorities said it was. When did we forget to fight evil?

I don't want to hear anymore about what you don't have.  I don't want to ear about how you have to pay your debts. You are an adult. I don't want to hear about how your black and you don't get a fair shot. God made you black so you must be worth something. I don't want to hear about women's rights in this country, because you have it pretty damn good if you just opened yours eyes. See when people complain about how their life is unfair, it just shows how weak you are. Everyone has something it is just whether you have the strength to overcome it.

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