Monday, April 30, 2012

hard to believe

what do you find hard to believe about god? that was one of the questions yesterday in our sunday school class. do you believe that christ was crucified, died and resurrected? do you believe that he rose from the dead into flesh and bone? do you doubt this? do you believe that he walked with them, ate with him, and drank with him? if you doubt this then you doubt god, and you are false in your faith.

judgement is good when someone you love is going against the scripture they profess and you call them out on it. never heard that before right? it goes against what we have been taught in our churches? god loves us enough to hold us to judgement. are we indifferent to how we love jesus? no one will get to the father unless he accepts the son; no one. our selfish desires must go for him not just the ones we love. he wants all of you, and he pursues you for it. our pastor said something yesterday about love. the opposite of love is  indifference. bored with him would be the best way to describe it. do we have a constant thirst to be with him? to be cherished by him? how many of us are like this in our marriages. we are indifferent to our spouses and their needs. their wants and desires. then we wonder why they won't do those things for us. we made them that way.

in all my years in this journey i was very neglectful of the holy spirit; him in my heart. we ignore our gut instinct because of the world, society, family, and friends. we fear them more than god. we forget that they will be held to judgment just as much as us. when we remember that we find peace in the act. what will it take for you to believe in him? big acts or little acts? it took a huge act for me to stop doubting what i knew was wrong. i knew it, i ignored it and then he pushed it. huge, huge lesson regarding the fear of the others and not him.

there is a rule in the bible that too many ignore about our role as a follower. sharing what is in our hearts that is good because of him with another. it doesn't matter where we do it, it is just if we do it. we don't have to say all the terms that people push for us to share. simple acts make a huge impression. simple phrases like "how are you?" it is one thing to know scripture, have it memorized and quote it but do your actions actually reflect that? i have got a few things that i really need to get my act together about. i can hear him saying " what are you doing?" i am trying to take control, and not letting him do it. i will be judged for that.

our pastor gave one of the best reasons for the fall that i have ever heard. it wasn't that adam and eve didn't know the difference between right and wrong, it was that they wanted to make the choice. he said no and they said yes. we should be very confident about knowing what our sins are. that is not a self-esteem issue if we recognize that. that just means that we are as sinful as the next person, and we have humility. the ones that don't recognize this is what we should be concerned with. we twist god's words from no to yes.

the last 6 weeks have not been great. i have great faith that it will work out the way it needs to. i am in a lot of pain, because i was off my major MS meds for a while because of the insurance. i got a taste of what we will have to deal with because of the health care bill. i just want to be able to take care of my kids physically. i have that right because we pay for our medical insurance. i have never had a problem with getting approved for my shots - ever. this is my preventative care, and there is no way i am going to let the government dictate that. i am not mad at the insurance company because they are doing what they have to do now to cover all the mandates. the government dictates our private lives. we are fools to think that they don't. this is called oppression my dear friends.

we are headed into something big in this country. he already knows who is going to be president. he knows that we put our faith in men and not him. he knows our false sincerity about others and him. there is a verse in acts 17 (30-31) where god overlooks ignorance for so long then he makes every knee bow and repent. quit with the idea that we are not going to held accountable for ignoring him, choosing the world, thinking we were blessed because of stuff, and taking control of our own lives. the simple truth  is we wanted more than what we needed, and then called that a blessing. we chose to indulge and enable our wants and desires, instead of our needs. be indifferent to the stuff, and not people.

the promise is that he is in control not us, and we really are getting what we deserve. we can blame anyone we want, but he is forcing each one of us to see what is in front us. we aren't going to heaven because we do good things and we talk about doing it. that is lie you have been taught. you have to accept him and give your life to him. he isn't going accept excuses for that because we were afraid to defend him and his living word.

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