Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Manipulations of Vulnerable Hearts

I have been attending a bible study class called deceived. It has been an eye opening class to so many of the deceptions that are played out in society. Quite a disturbing manipulation of doctrine and God. If our hearts and minds our vulnerable we gravitate towards something that will fill it. If we aren’t secure in ourselves we are looking for something to make us feel better and fulfill that need.

I’ve attended 3 of the discussions so far; The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, and The Mormon Church. The first two philosophies are just stupidity, but people really believe it. The Mormon Church is another story all together. I have never been interested in the Mormon philosophy just because the idea of polygamy was just crazy to me. Why would any man or women want to be married to multiple individuals is crazy. Marriage is hard enough with two people. They have denounced this practice, but the book of Mormon suggests otherwise when they die. They like to change the teaching of Joseph Smith. This religion is actually quite disturbing when you start researching the history. They believe Christ and Lucifer were brothers - that should be a sign right there. There are links below.

The two books I mentioned above we have probably seen Oprah push very hard. I stopped watching her a long time, because she gets on my nerves. I don’t care about how much money she has, and how much she gives to the world. I also think she has a God complex. I think she has done wonderful things, but somewhere a long the way she just got a little too involved with herself. I have tried a few times to watch again, and just can’t do it.
Scripture is what it is. It is the living word of God, and we love to change it in our minds. I do this a lot. I try to manipulate it into something it is not, and I am not always as accepting as I should be. I have my own issues that I need to work on without the interference of the world. Trying to understand and discern scripture is hard enough without all of this other crap. The problem with the philosophies above is that they try to use scripture to back up their beliefs.

I love to research things. I love to find out the facts and the motive behind why someone is saying something, or why they do something. I do have an issue with over analyzing the situation. Also, I get distracted too easily. If I am incorrect in it I need know why and see it. At some point all of us have tried to rationalize a circumstance or situation of why we did something, or didn’t. I know very few people that have the courage to live constantly backing up there decisions with scripture, or just to admit why they are doing it. If we do that we are considered bigots, racists, politically incorrect, selfish, or we don’t have compassion. We are all a work in progress.

I have been going through something that has had me questioning who I am. Good and bad things came out it. It pushed me to reevaluate some things. The bad part was that I allowed the perception of others to interfere with the great attributes of myself. The bad parts I can fix with work. No big deal and it was a blessing in the end. When it comes to politics I am willing to change if they can prove that it is really good for our country. God I can’t waiver on. I can educate myself more on scripture and seek wisdom from others that have been in this journey longer, but I will not allow an individual to persecute me or another because of their belief in Him.

The theory that Christians have to be perfect is ignorance in society. If he is not changing the way we perceive things, or how we relate to another then makes me wonder why someone would even do it. If we do not have love in our hearts, or compassion for another we have totally missed it. If we slander someone else for their beliefs or their mistakes without first seeing what is in our hearts it is the definition of hate, jealousy and envy. People just want to be accepted for who they are. We may not agree with it, but that doesn’t give us the right to be hateful towards another. Forcing someone to be something they are not is wrong. Forcing individuals to do more than what they can give is wrong.

It used to be acceptable in society to become older. Now if you physically look older that is bad. Women really get hit hard with this. First of all that is crazy. If you have a child sorry a woman’s body will change. I am back to size I was before I got married or had children, but stuff does not fit or look like it did when I was 25. I have wrinkles around my eyes and smile lines around my mouth. I remind myself when I look at those now that they are not wrinkles of age, they are wrinkles from smiling. I have to accept these things about myself. All this means is that I am maturing.

Seek wisdom and maturity. Seek facts and not myths. If something does not feel right check it out. If you know it is wrong just own it for what it is, and try to stop doing it. We put so much on ourselves to be perfect, look perfect and win the popularity contest with another. Here is the question is it worth it when you still feel so lost and needy? If we are trying to do the “popular” thing with a group, or someone else ask yourselves if those individuals will be with you through the good times and the bad?

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

(Galatians 1:6-10 ESV) - this is about the mormon religious beliefs

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