Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I hope this offends you

I just scanned two articles regarding the Occupy Wall Street protests. One was that a 6 year old girl was living in a tent with heroin addicts/dealers. The other was about a 14 year old girl that possibly could have been raped, and the police are now investigating. Can we explain how this is the same as the tea party movement in this country? Is it because practicing their right of free speech? I don’t think I have one article about a child being raped and another living with heroin addicts in a tent at tea party movement.

Disgusting and vile are the only words that I can describe the abuse of a child. The protestors want Wall Street to be held accountable for its practices. I get it. I get that individuals believe that this is the reason why they don’t have jobs or money. The government and financial institutions work together. The government regulates and Wall Street has to make up the revenue loss. Do you see Wall Street executives out on the streets raping girls? Do you see them living in a tent with a 6 year old girl handing out heroin? How the hell is this accountability? Where is the accountability of our President that supports this movement as well as so many in his party?

A couple of weeks they opened the memorial for Martin Luther King Jr. on the Washington Mall. President Obama said that he would have supported the protests. Reverend King did support violence Mr. President and never would have supported violence or neglect of a child. Nancy Pelosi and her crew think that it is wonderful that these Americans are standing up for their rights. I really hope that I never meet her.

I have to admit that I have reached a whole new level of shame and anger regarding this country this morning. I have started to question even more why anyone would support our president and really be a democrat. If you can explain the ideology about the unfairness of not having money, but yet be abused continually by your own government please explain. If you can explain why you have a right to anything other than food, shelter, and clothing please tell me? We are to protect innocent life in this country, but would rather spread the wealth around. Why is that so important to so many when children are being hurt? Where is the justice in that?

We are fighting about higher taxes, affordable healthcare, welfare, job bills, defense cuts, immigration, gay marriage, college tuition, etc but yet our children are being hurt the most. We give more protection to evil in this country because of circumstance now and it is quite frankly unacceptable. We are supposed to have compassion for the drug addict that neglects a child. We are supposed to have compassion for a rapist because of his or her childhood. We have to be supportive of Muslims, but yet they marry 8 year old girls, rape their wives because they think are entitled to, or my favorite on is stone a woman in an arena because she looked at another man.

Most recently I read article that pedophiles would like the same rights as homosexuals, because theirs’ is a lifestyle. The intellectual elite are saying that we have to understand this is acceptable behavior, and they should receive the same rights as consenting adults in their sexual relationships. This is natural for them, and we should understand this is the same as our own sexual desires. My mother was a social worker for sexually abused children, and we should give pedophiles the death penalty in this country. There is no justice strong enough for someone that hurts an innocent life. I can’t write anymore about this.

We can fight all we want about these other issues, but aren’t we supposed to protect children. I will ask my friends that are on the left is this ok with you, and does it really matter if you have affordable healthcare? Does it really matter to us so much that we don’t make a million dollars, and we think that is unfair?

I hope this posting offended some of us, because if we support the left side in this country then this is what we are allowing all because of money. We wanted defense cuts in this country all because of “social services.” We wanted to show compassion for evil. I hope that I lose friends in my life over this posting today, because you know what it is going to show me that this is exactly what is in your heart, and what you are willing to give up because your money. Don’t give the excuse of a few bad eggs, because guess what you are supporting a president that believes in collective salvation and all the masses are his to save.

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people”( 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV)

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. (1 Timothy 6:9-10 ESV)

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