Friday, April 29, 2011

jesus; socialism, social justice and equality in the eyes of GOD

there is been quite a debate going on, on my facebook page regarding the thoughts that CHRIST would have a been socialist. i watched a news anchor make this claim because of taxation. that if you make $250,000 or more than you have to pay more in taxes and CHRIST would be ok with that. i get it i understand why the government wants to tax people more, because we need the money because we are debt. we cannot sustain our economy now without making drastic cuts to all government programs. it will not be fair - GOD never said that life was going to be fair, or an easy ride.

we all know where the theory of socialism began. it began with karl marx. karl marx did not believe in GOD. karl marx was a poor man financially. he believed that the monarchy of russia was breaking the backs of the working man and the working man was entitled to all things that the monarchy had. well, we all know how that turned out. the royal family was shot at gunpoint, the era of communism began and the poor still went hungry.

there are many countries that have socialist governments and they are in as much financial trouble as the american people. the only thing i can really say about all of this is that we all seem to be poor stewards of our money. there is a verse in the bible regarding taxes. people came to CHRIST and asked; should we pay our taxes? HE asked to see the coin so HE could see who's face was on the coin; ceasar. HIS response was you pay your taxes and you pay what is owed to GOD. the myth in this country is that they rich don't pay enough. the rich carry this country. over half of the american people don't pay income tax. this is public knowledge, not some craziness started by the right-wing conservatives.

social justice was defined by st thomas. he talked about the equality man. he talked about the poor treatment of man. he was correct in his teaching because we are capable of great good and great evil. social justice has become the platform for the progressive movement in this country, not because of what st thomas said though. they base their ideology on the new deal. the new deal was based on a lot of ideas and teachings of a priest named john ryan. he wrote a book called the living wage.

the new deal was created to help americans if another depression hit. government assistance was created so individuals could get back onto their feet and move forward. this did not mean you continued to take government assistance and not move forward. first of all everyone has had a point in their life where they have needed help financially. all of us have had to move forward.

GOD does not define riches based on money. the story of the young, rich ruler that asked CHRIST what else he could do to have eternal life is an example. CHRIST said give away all your money and your possesians. the rich ruler failed GOD by not doing it. this story can apply to anyone that is rich, or poor fiscally.if CHRIST asks you to leave all things behind to follow HIM, that is what HE requires of you. that includes your family, your friendships - everything.

we are blessed with riches, because we have GOD in our lives. we are equal in GOD's eyes because we are capable of great goodness and great evil. we cannot condemn every man that we think has enough to spread around, because you feel you are entitled to it. that's envy, that's greed. we cannot condemn, or judge those that have more because remember you will be judged also. please stop thinking that you are entitled to something that you're not. if GOD wants you to have it; you'll have it. your rich because you have HIM in your life; not because of how much money you have.

we can talk about unbelievers, we can group all rich people together, and say that they don't give enough. well, then i'm about to rebuke some christians. i know christians that don't give money to homeless people, because they think are drug addicts even when they felt led to give that person money. i know christians that go to church each sunday that don't even give a dollar to the church, but will go on a vacation the very next week. i know christians that give money and won't even go next door to help their neighbor because their too busy. i know christians that don't even give money, or time to the church, or anyone else for that matter. these are all their choices, and GOD will probably question them about it. we are no better than the rich, young ruler. if you sow generously, you will reap generously, if you sow poorly, you will reap poorly.

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