Saturday, April 23, 2011

blessings are miracles; everyday life

"because you have seen ME, have you believed? blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." john 20:29 (nasb)

verses 30-31 talk about the acts performed by CHRIST in front of the disciples the ones that were recorded in scripture and the ones that weren't. all acts were performed so that we would know HE was the SON OF GOD and we would have eternal life in HIS NAME.

i think a lot of people think that miracles have to be of the supernatural kind. the miraculous gift of healing when there was no hope, the weeping of a virgin mary statue, or even an angel appearing before someone. we've all heard those stories and they are a miracles.

it is a miracle that you have life. every breath we take is a miracle. each bite of food you take to nourish your body is a miracle, or the water you drink. children are miracles everyday, all day (even when they are driving you crazy). my son was born 7 weeks early. my husband and i had so much fear about his young life and what would happen. it was a miracle that he was allowed to stay with us. my second son was not planned by us, but we had thought of having another child in our lives. it was a miracle that GOD gave me another when i didn't know if i could have another.

GOD gives us the desires of our heart. most of us may be thinking i want a vacation, or a new house, or a new car and those are the desires of my heart. well as in paul's words "count them but rubbish." for some right now the desires are they want to get out of debt, they still want a job in the morning, or they want to live free from tyranny. GOD doesn't tell you how you will always get those desires, but HE will give you what is best for your life; HIS WILL ALONE.

miracles don't have be supernatural to be a miracle. miracles are in our everyday lives. some big, some small and they are to be cherished and recognized for what they are. our trials are miracles, because they make you stronger. overcoming a tragedy is a miracle. look at japan right now. we can blame everyone that built the nuclear plant and it's radiation, but look at what has come out of that tragedy. the world came together with money, food, clothing, shelter, etc all to help japan because they needed it desperately.

my favorite miracle in the bible is paul. i love paul. this is one person i would love to sit down with and talk with. GOD took his heart and changed it from evil to love. every word that he has written we can learn something from. i've heard christians say that he was too harsh in his rebuking. i don't think so. he just pointed human nature. he pointed out what we are blind to. i love that about him.

i have been blessed to be surrounded by powerful individuals in my life. i'm not talking about what they've done in their careers, i'm talking about who they are in there hearts. each one is beautiful and so significant that i hope that they know this about themselves. if not then i am telling you are. i have be blessed to have the courage to stand up for my beliefs through him. i have been blessed to give love when it is needed and to still love. i have been blessed to have humility in my mistakes and try to learn from them. the wisdom that i have sought from GOD is miracle and that it was given even when i didn't always want to hear the truth.

each circumstance, good and bad, has been a miracle, because we have been given the opportunity to learn from HIM. in HIS death and resurrection a great gift has been given to us by GOD. HE gives each day of life to do HIS whether it be big or small to do HIS will. we have been saved from ourselves because HE died for us. please give yourself the chance to accept HIM and let HIM love and cherish you for who you are; a miracle.

"16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” matthew 28; 16-20

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