Monday, January 10, 2011

trying to plan our futures

during a conversation with some friends this weekend we were talking about living in the present; living in the moment. this is hard one, because for most of us we have been trained to plan ahead with our lives. i realized that i do this all the time, all the time. i am wasting precious time by not enjoying what GOD has put in front of me.

the one thing that i try to plan ahead for is my ms. ms doesn't work that way, and neither does GOD i am realizing more and more. i can choose to rest more. i can choose not to do physically more than i should. also, i have to realize if i don't do these things then there is a great possibility that i will get sick. the same goes for following HIM; i can choose to follow HIM, or there is a great possibility that i will fail. i don't know if i'm willing to take that chance anymore.

really the main point is that GOD didn't say we could plan out our futures, because HE is the only one that does that. HE knows every choice we are going to make before we even know. HE try's HIS hardest to move us in the direction we should be going, whether we choose that or not is the question. i have made choices over the years that went against what HE sought for me, what HE tried to tell me not to do, and i failed.

for most of us this is going to be hard to do, because we aren't trained to think this way. take for the example the economy. no matter what economists say about what the long term holds; it's what happening now in the economy. groceries, gas, and utilities have already sky-rocketed. whether we want to believe it or not, even medical care is going up. i have had to face this after a drug that is used for my treatment was no longer covered after being covered for 9 years.

GOD has really been trying to tell us for years that we cannot sustain our economy with the rate we have been spending. great civilizations have fallen because of this. this is a verse i heard in church yesterday and boy did it home to what one of my personal goals is for my life; to lean on HIM for all things, not myself.

"i am the vine; you are the branches. if a man remains in ME and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from ME you can do nothing." john 15:5

i have a great amount of fear regarding the future, but i have to learn to give this to HIM. this is what HE requires of us when we are submissive to HIM. HE tells you that you can't have it both ways. blind faith is what it is - the hope that all things will work out. my ms is this way; it is complete blind faith that my ms will take it's course and i really can do nothing about it.

"what I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do." isaiah 46:11

"the LORD is my light and salvation - whom shall i fear? the LORD is the stronghold of my - of whom shall i be afraid? psalm 27:1

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