Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Beginning

Sometimes the greatest gift Christ can ever give someone is to let them fall. Our pastor sent out a message on Saturday about how we will reflect on the past year. 2011 was a great year. Not one MS attack. Marriage returned to the “honeymoon” stage with a lot more wisdom. Lost "friends“ and gained new. Found a church that taught biblical truth. Watched my children achieve milestones. Paid tribute to my uncle that was the definition of giving on so many levels. Went through a crazy house hunt only to realize that what we have is all we need. Removed interference in our lives that damaged our hearts and gained HIM.

The biggest gift was changing my heart to understand that I was a slave to Christ and not a servant. Whole new perspective. Becoming selfless is easier when he is control. Realizing what he wants me to do and what I don't have to do is an awesome and peaceful feeling. I have decided that individuals will have to earn my friendship now and I will not be as giving of my heart as I once was. I will have to earn that from others as well. It is true that with age comes wisdom.

John MacArthur’s book “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” talks about the Evangelical movement in this country that has turned Christ into a pathetic, compassionate, and passive man. My husband and I were talking about this on our drive home from the west yesterday. Matthew chapter 23 discusses false teachers and the religious elite of Israel; wolves in sheep’s clothing  One of the greatest myths of Modern Christianity is that Christ looks favorably on the religious elite far more than the lowest form of a man or woman. The easiest way to define it is do we have enough humility to admit when we are wrong or do we not? That is really what it will come down; can we admit our failures to one another and then forgive?

“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
(Jude 1:3-4 ESV)

Hours now of study have come to one conclusion that I was in the dark, but now I am starting to see. When Christ weeps in scripture it is more for the individuals that have been deceived by false teachers than for those that have taught it. He was militant in his rebukes far more than he was compassionate to those that were teaching false doctrine; hypocrites. One of the main reasons why I never wanted to start this journey was because of this. I always knew in my heart that God was not this feel good “man” that everyone talked about all the time. I have done drugs, had pre-marital sex, drank way too much and had sins in my heart that were the 7 deadly. I was the definition of sinner and when I walked into a church I just knew they could see it. The judgment was far more damaging than any other of issue than I have encountered in this journey.

My temper was the biggest thing that was going to damn me. I need to remember that although there is justifiable anger I must always be firm in saying “no” without yelling. The journey would have been a lot easier if I had relied more on scripture than the teaching of others.

Our trials are his way of preparing us come to him. The things that happen to us is of our own making we just don’t know it always. Our souls are in a constant battle between good and evil. I have come to believe that if we live in a fog regarding his love for us we are in big trouble. We only become the act and appearance of a “Christian” not a true follower. The entire New Testament is about the hypocrites of God in their deeds; they didn’t have faith that he would judge them for forgetting his anger. Read all of Paul's letters and the overtone is that the church was failing as well as the followers of Christ as well.
Rob Bell’s book about the removal of hell and that all we need is love was the number prophetic book of the year on one list that I recently read. False doctrine. The biggest sin that is going to damn us is not the sins we can see, but the idea that we are perfect in our “religion” according to scripture. We are taught to discuss the rights and wrongs of his commands with love, compassion, and empathy. There is no where in the bible where he discussed it so calmly and loving as they say he does. He was very firm and militant that they were wrong in how loved God. We are told from so many Christians that we are to accept the wrongs as rights. This is false teaching and witnessing. There is no room for this his commands. We either do it or we don’t.

I removed myself from face book for a little bit. The main reason is because I could feel myself getting angry or offended by stupidity. That is my issue not someone else‘s. That is why I stepped back. I had to focus on what was inside me that was making me feel that way. Defending his word and him is one the ultimate goal. Scripture is offensive and we should be offended because what he is saying is us. I want to know why someone perceives scripture a certain way. I want to understand how as a Christians we can manipulate his commands so easily and condemn another without having enough humility to say we wrong.

I am sitting back watching now. I want too see things clearly and then find out why I am perceiving it that way. Sometimes we see things that others don’t see or don’t want to hear. Our saving grace is not going to be the perception of what others think of us, but is going be what he holds us accountable to that we don’t see. The ironic part is I have great peace about defending him and putting scripture first above anything else. I have no desire to play the game any longer. This new thrist to know him more is overwhelming and understand what is in my soul is by far the greatest gift of my life next to my husband and my boys.

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