Friday, October 1, 2010

a healthy fear of the LORD

"the LORD detests all the proud of heart. be sure of this: they will not go unpunished. through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the LORD a man avoids evil." proverbs 16:5-6

the big question of the day is; do you fear GOD? the answer should be yes, but i don't think the world any longer fears HIM. GOD expects you to have a healthy fear of him, just as you would a child to parent, or in your relationships. we are here to hold each other accountable with love and grace, to live by HIS rules. if we live through HIM we are truly free people; all people are equal in HIS eyes.

it is much easier in human nature to blame another, than to accept the blame for our mistakes. we hardened hearts to those around us if a wrong is committed. we become prideful and righteous without looking to ourselves first. we judge them harshly without consequence. we begin to ignore the voice in our minds and the heaviness in our hearts when we make choices. i think HE gives us a very clear messages on how to live if we just listen and read HIS words. if your heart is telling you something feels wrong then it probably is. the devil is just waiting for an opportunity to step in to take your deeper into the darkness.

we are HIS children, so there will always be a consequence to our actions, but that does mean that HE doesn't love us. do you still love your children when they do something wrong; of course you do! do you still love your spouse; of course you do! do you still love your friend; of course you do! GOD does not forsake you even if you have forsaken HIM; HE always fights for you and your love.

holding each other accountable shouldn't be offensive; that is the world's law not GOD'S. HE has created us to be brothers and sisters in CHRIST; to confront what is wicked. HE has asked us to be as merciful with each other as HE is with us. HE asks us to be forgiving and show grace to another. above all HE asks us to love our neighbors as you would yourself and even our enemies. HE created us in HIS image and HIS image alone.

the current state of affairs in this country and the world proves that we would rather blame our governments than to ourselves accountable. we became passive and turned a blind eye to those that we asked to administer our laws. we allowed the devil to take over and rule, not GOD. we as GOD'S children must always admit our wrongdoings and seek the forgiveness of HIM first and then others. by HIS hand alone we will be given grace; no matter what good deeds we do. the choices we make will play in part in that; so we should fear HIM just as we would our fathers and mothers.

our government alone is not to blame for our crisis. we chose to live beyond our means, we chose to look away and not guard our freedom. now that we have awakened to the light will we fight GOD'S way, or man's way? if we fear HIM and look to HIM. we can surely find the right answer, or we continue to suffer the consequence of following man's law. we can solve this problems with hard work and peace. we can learn too teach without it being offensive to another.

please take the time to read scripture, because you will learn just how much HE loves and cherishes us. HE is teaching us like a parent would a child.

"he who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for HIS children it will be a refuge. the fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death." proverbs 14:26-27

check out the accordance in the back of your bible and you will find so many verses regarding fearing GOD and not man.

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