Monday, October 11, 2010

GOD comes first

yesterday was a powerful day for me. the past week and half we have had some house issues that have been quite unexpected and challenging. i am not a creature of change unless it is expected. i like the norm of my schedule with my children and that was interrupted. to be quite honest it makes me very cranky.

one of those great life lessons presented itself to me when i needed to be reminded of it. i didn't do such a hot job on handling it. GOD's unconditional love in all circumstances is quite reassuring. i have been hard on my spouse since this all happened, and of course there is no reason for it because he didn't do anything wrong. home improvement should be in all pre-marriage classes before a couple weds; it is quite a test of strength for the couple.

after our bible study class and church service i started thinking about how GOD should always come first. we may at some point in our lives put HIM last, but HE is always waiting for us to return to HIM. it may be a situation, a scripture verse you read, or even just a conversation with a friend when the clarity hits you that you weren't relying on HIM first.

i was putting my anxiety and worry on my husband when i should have been giving it to GOD. last week i didn't focus each morning on writing the words out that i felt that GOD wanted me to write. i wasn't reading scripture the way i have been doing over the last couple of months and i didn't feel at peace. it's amazing to me how fast we can let the world take over in our hearts; in a blink of an eye.

GOD is always testing our faith, and i think most of us fail at it. sometimes, it can take a day, a week, a month or even a year for us to get that HE IS THE ONE WE SHOULD TURN TO FIRST. there is great comfort in knowing that GOD will not fail you, because HE doesn't make mistakes. if we aren't choosing to listen to HIM, or do what he commands first then we are sinning.

"so then just as you received CHRIST JESUS AS LORD, continue to live in HIM, rooted and built up in HIM, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" colossians 2:6-7

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