Friday, December 16, 2011

Ingnorance is Bliss

“Thirdly, and just briefly, we are oblivious to our sin. We try to camouflage our sin by covering it up, attempting to justify ourselves as victims or we are oblivious to our sin. In other words, we may sin in absolute ignorance. We're so ignorant, we're so unknowing in terms of God's law that we just sin inadvertently. And that's characteristic of us as sinners.” John MacArthur - Keeping a Pure Mind - Sermon

The below list are the 7 deadly sins we commit one way or another. We just don’t know we do it. The ones that are really bad at it are “Christians” that have been in their journey a long time, due to the false gospels taught of feeling good about themselves in every act. They have become the pretense of what society, or their church thinks a Christian should be. The way to realize that it is false is probably the spiritual” books we read; devotionals, how much god loves us, women’s bibles, men bibles, and the books about how much God loves us. How many us go in to a Christian bookstore and actually pick up the books about the true followers and martyrs of Christ. I can bet that each one of them either died for defending him, were persecuted in their faith, and they have had horrific lives.
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

10 years ago when I started this I had great reluctance to become involved in a church. My husband was raised in the church and that is a lot of pressure for someone that was not. Little did I realize at the time I had a grandmother that was fountain of knowledge regarding scripture. She very rarely said things to you, but when she did she knew what she was talking about. She could discern scripture and was wise in her discernment. When I got married she said remember your husband comes first even above your children. That was hard to hear being raised by a feminist.

Some years ago a friend that is a mentor for so many women suggested a book to me that was suggested to her called “created to be his help meet.” It is a very harsh reality of women and what they can do to damage their marriages without even realizing what they do. My grandmother lived her life exactly this way for my grandfather. God bless the man because I don’t think he could cook anything, but he sure could build a plane. She took care of their home and he took care of her even after his death.

About month I ago I realized that my husband is a lot like my grandfather. Pray for me, because he was tough one. The other side is that my husband cares for me so deeply and protects me that I cherish him even more than I did yesterday. My grandparents knew that about each other and the 2 other women that have influenced me regarding marriage are my aunt (my mom’s sister) and my friend in San Antonio. All 3 are the proverbs 31 woman, and their husband’s love them as they do Christ.

I have a huge confession to make: I really have a hard time with Christian women in churches. Some Christian women are by far the most judgmental women I ever met if they have only read about the love of God and not the wrath of God. I surround myself with women that understand both, and are trying to become more Christ like in their journeys that have chosen the biblical foundation for marriage. They get it.

I don’t believe that we can have a solid marriage without understanding the biblical definition of marriage. I really don’t believe we can see the damage that we do in our marriages without understanding how we love god first. That is why the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is so important. We read this verse at our wedding, and I bet most of have. This is how Christians are to love one another because God loves us that way, but the problem is we are the sin in that verse. It we are blind to those sins we cannot love another like Christ loves us. That why is Paul confronted the Corinthians with these words. They had forgotten in their ignorance of sin that they did not love God correctly. Last year my husband and I went to a conference called love and respect regarding biblical marriage. We then facilitated a group after that. All hell broke lose after that. We were given a rebuke by a pastor that we respect and love great deal. He told us we had failed and would get a divorce if it continued and we would justified. We both had failed God in our marriage.

God does not make life easier before it gets better; that is myth. He will take it away bit by bit. He is doing very bold acts now out of his anger for what we have done in this country. Every great empire has fallen that has ignored him. We turned our back on him by not understanding the truth of the gospel, or I should saying ignoring it. It breaks my heart that we have turned so far from him and in our ignorance as Christians we think we haven’t. He loves us enough to strip us everything we have to give him glory, because he comes first above all things. If we think in our pride of being a Christian that he won’t do that because we love another we have failed. We use his love to abuse others with it; that is control of another.
I have been trying to figure out a way to put something without being hurtful, but I don’t think that is even possible. The worst part about it is I realized that I do this in my own life and it is very harsh reality of scripture. Marriages are failing because spouses have chosen the world, families, careers, and money above each other. Women are the worst at this. We choose our children above our husband’s needs. Adult women that are married are even worse. We know the term that men need to cut the cord, but women do it far more than men. Ask your husband or wife about it, and see what they say.

Our parents have no business being in our marriage. They try to control us in their love for us. We want no part of it because it not fair to each other. Twice my parents have overstepped; one was wrong, and the other they were justified to do it. It is not fair to my husband if they do that, and it is damaging to him. They were told to back off both times. I love my parents, but my husband comes first then my boys. My parents and I are very close because of this, and they respect our marriage a great deal. Their divorce trained me for this, and thank God they did it.

Women want control, and they use love to do it. Ladies, we were not made first our husbands were. It was Eve that was deceived not Adam. The moment we decided that each other came first things started to get better. It is has been a hard year getting back to where we were before we got married, before I got sick and before we had children. Be careful using love against each other. My husband uses his love for me with guilt, and looks pitiful when I have done something. I get angry and try to make him feel guilty while saying harsh words. We both have finally figured that we do this to each other. I am very blessed to have had my grandmother, my aunt and my friend that have biblical marriages to be influenced by. They are my star women! I want desperately to be a proverbs 31 woman only.

We are damning ourselves to hell everyday when choose everything else above him, and we don’t even know it. He brutally killed his son and made him suffer physically to save us. Who in the hell do we think we are that he does not deserve complete control over our hearts just because we say we he love him and we have trials. Our trials are nothing compared to what Christ went through to save us from his father’s anger.

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