Monday, December 12, 2011

Crazy Bible Lady

Spiritual gluttony; Christians that search scripture to make themselves feel better about themselves. Busy Christians; bible study after study, books about Christianity, daily devotionals for every group. We are studying the Dark Night of The Soul, by Saint John of the Cross in our class. Talk about deep, hard core stuff regarding our journey with Christ and what that actually means.

Saturday I got up and scanned the headlines. I read that we have begun our military cuts while US warships are moving towards Syria, N Korea possibly has a weapon that can reach our soil, and Iran has stolen a drone that they plan to copy to attack those that don’t conform to their laws; Islam. I have a question though is the evil of the world in any of our feel good books, or bible studies that we attend, or do we have such hope that God is not going to allow this to happen to the United States?

I went Christmas shopping, spent too much money on more stuff that no one needs, bought stuff for myself that I don’t need and by Sunday morning felt such guilt about it I thought I was going be sick. This year is the last year I buy Christmas presents for people. I’m not doing it anymore. It is a waste of money and most people don’t need it, they need money, gas cards, and grocery store gift cards. They need to survive. The idea that the economy is going to get better is false. The Euro will collapse and we will sink into a deep economic depression that we will not come out of for a very long time. I do not believe that God is out to save us with more money. He is going to strip all away and the self-proclaimed Christians are really not going to understand what happened to them. My prayer is that Americans have enough strength to go through this. We are definitely not the World War II generation, and we are waiting for an immoral, bunch of thieves in Washington to save us.

I guess we could say I have become the crazy, bible lady. I will wear this title like a badge of honor. I have been trying to remove myself from politics more so I wouldn’t get so angry, but we get a little naïve when we do that. I am over the pretense of what society thinks a Christians should be; loving, empathic, silent, and so happy that you could puke. I have written this blog for a very long time now, and I guess we could say I have gotten over the fear of just saying the truth. I am over the loving, soothing tones of making us feel better about ourselves. That is false doctrine, so I would probably stop reading now if you don’t really want to hear the truth.

Gluttony is the sin of feeding ourselves more to feel good. How many of us are food addicts. We eat to make ourselves feel better. I have an addiction that I have had for years. It is destroying my body along with my MS drugs. I feel shame about this addiction, because it is just an excuse and that is all it is. This is how I justify it; I know that the toxics in the drugs will destroy me physically over time, and they are supposed to keep me well over time. One of my drugs causes seizures. I take it everyday, and hope that I won’t have a seizure. I have extreme pain that is increasing. I have actually cut back on my pain med. I’ve cut back because my pain is a reminder to me of why he was killed on the cross. This is what I have learned over the year. I will continue to sacrifice myself for him and he is giving me strength the take care of my family. Great suffering for him carries us through.

We have a mentor couple that has started a plant church in San Antonio. It has not been easy for them emotionally and physically, but they are doing this for Christ. He will give them the strength. One of my best friends and husband are doing the same thing in Katy. It has not been easy, but it is same thing and Christ will pull them through their suffering. This to me defines followers. All this other crap that we have corrupted ourselves with behind Christ doesn’t matter to me, because it is false doctrine. I don’t think we even know was suffering, and I know I don’t, because we really do is stuff to make us feel better about lives and our choices. How many charities and good deeds do you because you think you have to without really wanting to do it? We do it for ourselves so we look good to others. It makes us proud in how good we think we are.

Maybe we think I am being judgmental and too harsh. I hope that we think that, and it I hope it offends us. I have a friend that is going through a terrible time financially. The family has been affected with Autism. She is working from home and her husband is working odd jobs to feed his family. She feels such guilt that they can not give their children the “stuff” that they want this Christmas. She shouldn’t feel that way, because that it is what this country has taught her; they aren’t worthy because cannot buy their children all of these things. We should be ashamed of ourselves for making ourselves and others feel worthy about the stuff they can buy, and not that they are worthy because God gave them life.

Just read about another family in Katy Texas that is about to lose everything. Both have been ill, and they have to raise their grandchildren because their children can’t do it. They will lose their home to auction in January and their business this week unless a miracle happens that they have $5000 by Wednesday to pay their back rent. How many of us are reading this saying they should get government benefits to help themselves. How many of us will say I am trying to make us feel guilty, and guess what I hope we do feel guilt. Loving our neighbor means going to give another something we have without any regard to what we are giving up. How is this honoring thy mother and father as an adult when we doing this to our parents. Why because we think we are entitled too it, just because we are their child?

The government doesn’t have any money, because they didn’t have enough guts to cut off those that could work. We have been made to feel guilty for not wanting to help people. I don’t believe liberals, democrats, republicans, and conservatives are even Christians really. They may say they are, but guess what God never said we deserved anything without working for it; including food, clothing, and shelter. We need to get over ourselves because we aren’t even entitled to those things without working for it.

I don’t understand what is happening in this country and it makes me very sad and disgusted. I love this country, and what is it was founded on. We have destroyed what was given to us by individuals that had enough courage and strength to fight. We have taken it to disgusting levels of selfishness, greed and envy. I have been sitting in my house disgusted with myself for renovating our house to make it look pretty, buying clothes that I don’t need, or buying stuff to make it look pretty. I am so happy that moving feel through, and the woman that was going to buy our house won’t have a mortgage to support in her retirement years. We got a little too greedy in thinking we needed more space. We can build on to our house for my mom. It doesn’t matter to me if we don’t make the money back, and if I hear one time one more person say that I am going to scream. It is an honor for me to be able to care for my mother as she did for me and my brother. It is not about money it is about making sure that she is safe and cared for when she needs it the most.

I am an addict to face book. I have been praying that I would be on there less. All it is a social network to make us feel better about our lives. I have started to use it more for the purpose of sharing articles, and this blog. Terrible, disgusting notes have been written about me on there about my love of God and country. I am glad that they did it, because it shows how selfish they really are and they know nothing about my heart or my family. I have been de-de-friended because of it, and I think that it is great. I say bring it on. It is just one less person that I have to kiss up to that I have offended. These individuals that have made comments really aren’t the Christians they say are, because they don’t seem to get that the stuff they are saying about God is false. He is not here to make us feel good about ourselves, he came to break us in all our sin to make us his.

The below verse is the United States. He destroys nations that turn their back on him. This is what is happening to us and egos think it won’t. We know from scripture that we will not know the day he returns. I don’t know when he will, but I do know that every great empire has fallen before they died to him. It pains my heart what we are doing. I cry all the time now for this country and for Christians that are so naïve in their journeys. He wasn’t just born for us, but was killed for us. Somehow we think we are entitled to live the lives we live.

“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,” 2 Timothy 3:1-4

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