Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Thoughts; Guilt

"For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete." 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Below is a posting from John MacArthur's blog. It is about the dangers of the Sinful Mind. One of my greatest sins to God is guilt. I have felt guilt about my MS since the day I was diagnosed. I have felt guilt for being blessed in my life. Our pastor said something to me that I desperately needed to hear; do not feel guilt for the blessings God has given you.

I should never feel guilt for having this disease. It is the greatest gift he has ever given me outside my husband and my children. This gift is what brought me to him. It wasn't my husband it was my MS. God battled with me for over a year before I faced it, and then a friend that I have known since I was 15 said come to bible study with me. That is when the journey to healing began for so many things that I had ignored.

Our pastor said this to me the week that we signed the papers on our new home, and I was supposed to be in Romania. I had been reading the updates and looking at the pictures of individuals that I was supposed to be with that week. I felt tremendous guilt for the blessings in my life and these people had nothing. I never thought about that the fact that these people have tremendous faith in God. They knew that God would sustain them with food, clothing, and shelter: He has done that for him. I am a little envious of that faith I have to admit.

This summer has been very eye-opening for me. At the beginning of the summer my doctor called and said remember summer is coming, and you have to be careful. My husband asked me not to make major commitments outside of our family until the fall, and I agreed which is shocking. My father told me I would feel extreme guilt if I went to Romania and left my husband after the death of his father because he needed me with him. My mother said how are you physically going to do this when you know the heat bothers you, and then you aren't going to be able to take of the boys. Come to find out it was one of the hottest weeks in Romania that they had had in awhile.

A comment was made to me, and to be honest it would have pissed me off about two years ago. My response was actually quite calm, because it is the opinion of the world and not of God. I heard the verse "forgive them father for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)." Two days later I was sitting in my doctor's office. We were talking and laughing about my boys. I received a very rare compliment from her. She said you wanted those boys, with love in her eyes, and you went against the advice of allowing the fear of what the MS could do to you. I should praise him, give thanks, and glorify him everyday that I did not fear the advice of others not to have my sons. I am overjoyed that I didn't listen to the world.

It reminded me of a conversation that I had with my father after I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd son. My parents were terrified of seeing their daughter physically disabled. I told my dad don't you remember what you said to me when I was diagnosed; "don't ever let this be an excuse not to do something." What is your excuse? Stop making excuses for the choices you make outside of Christ.

Why should I feel guilt for my greatest gift. The reason is because people over the years have made me feel guilty that my husband has to carry this burden. I allowed people to do that me. Don't feel sorry for a man of incredible integrity, strength and that took the vow of in sickness and in health very seriously. Admire that because there aren't many men that way. Why wouldn't I give up everything that takes me away from him about myself? If there is something that your spouse needs from you don't for a moment hesitate in giving that up. Christ commanded us to do that.

Take the hardship you are going through and face it. That is a warning sign from God that you are ignoring him. Stop blaming others that you love for what you have in your heart. We allow ourselves to be offended, be bitter, be angry, be manipulated, be used, and then we blame others for it.  A friend asked why do I believe what I do about this country; because of God or the world? I came up with an answer;  I understand the game of guilt played by Satan very well, and that is what I see. People use guilt on the masses, and that is not from God.

People use guilt on their families and friends, and that is not from God. We have to stop apologizing for putting God first. I am not ashamed of this disease and the burden it has caused any longer. I am not ashamed that my sons will have enough courage to uphold God first in their lives, because of this. I give great thanks to God for this, because it has made my marriage stronger and my boys hearts strong in love and compassion. They are witnessing what a man should be and what a woman should be. They are witnessing they parents give up everything that is within them for each other. Don't ever apologize for putting God and your family first it breaks God's heart.

Take some time today, and sit in silence with him. Ask him why I am feeling this way? Why do I have this nagging feeling something is not wrong? He gives you the reasons, and they aren't always  going to be what you want to hear about yourself. Have enough humility to admit that you probably did that, and say; I am so sorry God. Please don't say "no, God I did it because of this reason". God's not wrong; ever.

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