Friday, July 6, 2012


"I do not mean your conscience, but his. For why should my liberty be determined by someone else's conscience? 30 If I partake with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of that for which I give thanks?." 1 Corthians 10:29-30

I have come to the conclusion that most Americans really don't know, or understand the history of this country. They have no idea what influenced and shaped the hearts of the founding fathers. I can honestly say people are ignorant. If there is anything you do before this coming election study the history of this country and what shaped these men and women. They lived their lives according to scripture, and then they wrote our founding documents based on it.

Two of the topics that drive me crazy are slavery and women's rights. People have no understanding that these laws actually came from scripture. I do not support the abuse and tyranny over another human being. It is disgusting, and still happens today. Nothing has changed. What is ironic is most Christians do not understand that you are a slave to Christ. God bought you with his son's blood, he owns you, and you are to fear and love him above all others.

One of my favorite shows is Everybody Loves Raymond. It is the perfect satire of the American family. Marie is the controlling factor for the entire family. She creates hell for those around her, and her favorite line is "everything I do is from love." She uses guilt, manipulation, fear and love to control others. It reminds me of our government, and a lot of citizens of this country. We are made to feel guilty if we say no. They say we don't really love our neighbor if we don't conform to this. Pretty sad, and it shows the ignorance of our knowledge in the Christ we profess.

I read an article about the "dumbing" down of the modern church in the United States. It implies that many Christians are ignorant of scripture, and I agree. We have created churches that unless the members are comfortable, entertained, pleased on all levels regarding their lives they become angry or offending when their fantasy world bursts. I don't quite understand how Christians  think they are going to escape this ideology when they stand before the gates. My question is do you even know the gospels and the suffering of his disciples? Do you even understand the great amount of physical and emotional pain these individuals went through because of their love for him? They understood that this life was just a minute compared to eternity with him.

Our inability to discern, and question others about their motives has created our fall. We don't understand that we are allowed to say no.  When I started writing this blog I obviously had to study more of scripture. It has forced me to question, discern and seek wisdom. I want to understand it so I can become his fully. I have learned how to say no. I have learned how to say "sorry, that is not from God and I'm not doing it. I slip and then I repent.

Our entire mission as Christians should be that we become his slaves, because we fear and love him that much. Members of churches need to remember the church is not meant to fulfill your every need, you are meant to hear the gospel and then share it with others. That is it. If you constantly are questioning why the church isn't fulfilling your need then you need to question why God isn't? What are you missing in your relationship with him? You are trying to find your worth and goodness from men and women not God.

I know Christians will find this hard to believe, but usually when God lays something on your heart it may not be about the other person it may because you just don't recognize what you are doing that is a sin. When my husband and I disagree about something my initial thought now is what I am not doing for him that I don't see? If my kids are acting out even more than usual what is it that they are not getting from us?

The one great peace in all this is knowing that those that support the oppression of others with taxes will be judged by God. Knowing that your inability to see that you have caused financial ruin for so many Americans that are already struggling financially will be judged by him. Knowing that congress did not go after the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and cut off the lobbyists because of their own greed will be judged by him. Knowing they didn't reform the programs that are already in place (medicare and medicaid) to help the poor in our country will be judged by God. Our own guilt for not helping others with the money we make has now caused the financial ruin of good people. If you don't know why we had the American Revolution with Britain you should probably study your history. You have allowed the United States government to do the very thing the British Monarchy was doing to the colonies.

I am sorry that the Vietnam War happened to my parents generation. It destroyed so many of them. What is ironic is the very government that they hated they now control, and they have destroyed their children and grand children's freedoms unless we vote them out. I have great peace that God will hold them accountable to what they have done. I have no idea what it is going to take for people to wake up. I don't know if God will oppress us and create great suffering for us to understand. I don't know, but I hope we have the strength and courage just like our founding fathers.

"While we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious not to violate the rights of conscience in others, ever considering that God alone is the judge of the hearts of men, and to him only in this case they are answerable." George Washington.

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