Wednesday, October 24, 2012

almost 2 years

there is a verse in the book of james that asks the question "show me your faith without your works." we are starting a new study about jonah. god asked jonah to do the right thing and confront those that were doing evil things. my image of jonah is of not him being in the belly of the fish, but of him running at marathon speed to get away from god. he caught him, confined him, and there was no where to run. (by way the story of jonah is not just a story, but the truth. if you don't believe it maybe you should question whether or not you believe in the birth, the death and resurrection of christ.)

"Immediately the father of the child cried out[a] and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” mark 9:24

about 2 weeks ago i had a conversation with a woman that is a part of my soul. i love and cherish her deeply as a friend. she said i have been thinking about you and being able to share in your miracle. i said what in the hell are you talking about? she said your MS. i hadn't even thought about it being almost 2 years. i believe so fully that he will not make me sick if i continue to listen, discern, obey, and trust that he won't it just has become my way of life. this december will be 2 years without being hooked up to an iv that makes me sicker sometimes than the MS. PRAISE GOD!!!!

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. hebrews 11:1

on sunday our pastor asked "do you remember the moment when he called you?" i remember the moment, and it wasn't when i walked down the aisle or even when i was baptized. i had peace when i was baptized - profound peace, but the big moment that changed everything was when i was sitting in that chair with an iv. that was the moment i heard him so clearly, and i listened. i stopped running away and started running towards him.

"because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." romans 10:9-10

we are seeking the truth far more now than i think we realize. we know it will be hard, but we want someone to really just tell us the truth; correct? maybe in reality we don't want to hear the truth because we haven't given up our pride. we haven't achieved his humility yet in our lives. here is a question for you; is your life a reflection of christ or your church tradition? is your life a reflection of society's definition of christ, or the gospel's definition?

our pastor said this is how you know if you are christian - would you go back to your old life? would you go back to where there was no peace in your heart, or mind? are your answers the politically correct ones, or god's command of the truth? is your advice politically correct, or the truth of christ? he also made the statement that the right thing does not always feel good. actually, i would say the majority of the time that  when we uphold god before another, confront them on it, and plant that seed it creates one hell of storm. christ said that for those that uphold his truth they would be blessed, and to ask for him to bless the ones that persecute you, say foul words against you and belittle you for upholding him.
"But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," matthew 5:44

i would think at some point in your journey it would become exhausting to be something your not. the religious game would get old. the traditions of man would get old. where is the rawness of christ in our lives. where is the emotion of justifiable anger at those that manipulate and use guilt as their weapon of choice.  i am amazed at the desire of christians to turn god into a wimp. they took the god of the old testament and turned him into this love all, tolerate all, and forgive all type of dude. god never changed he just made it easier for you to come to him. it is our dummy guide to get in, because we just did not get it.

the funny thing about judging those who believe that the bible is the truth of god is that you will be judged for not believing - far harsher than anything your spouse, family member or friend could do to you.

2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. matthew 7:2

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