women fascinate the hell (sorry for the word, but it had to be used) out of me. one of my favorite things to do is watch women in social settings. i can hardly wait sometimes to see what their reactions are going to be to other women. women are very complex individuals i must say. all of them can be the same and different all at the same time.
i am in no way a "girly girl." i hate to get dressed up, because i would much rather wear my pajamas. as a matter of fact, i am usually in my pajamas. probably every service provider that has come to our home has seen me in my pj's and i know all my friends have. i envy women sometimes that look like they just appeared in a "sex and the city episode" with their style, but i get over it. i like comfortable clothes that i can breath in and believe me my clothes show that. this does not bother me at all, because it is who i am. i can't stand tight fitting clothing, because i have had 2 children, years of MS treatment drugs and i like desserts so i don't like showing the lumps.
i very rarely wear make-up and if i do it is a small amount. my hair is never done, because i have crazy hair. if it ever looks beautiful it's because i just got my haircut and my wonderful hairdresser does it for me. these are my physical attributes, and my inside characteristics have been shown on many occasions. i can never hide how i feel about someone, or a situation. i have tried. my face either shows my opinion, or my mouth speaks it for me. this of course has gotten me into a lot of trouble.
what i find most fascinating about other women is their tendency to have drama. we are all in the same boat, but we seem to have a lack of compassion for each other. we are jealous, envious, offended, hurt, scorned, and just plain rude to each other sometimes. i think women are the biggest offenders of judging one another. GOD does not want us to do this! HE wants us to support and care for each other. our roles have become so confusing and much too complicated. women feel like they have to do everything. i am guilty of this all the time.
GOD has specifically told you what your role should be in this world and that is to care for and nurture your spouse and family. now before all of you women get offended and bring up that you don't believe in the scripture verse that you must submit to your husbands you need to read the entire chapter about that. GOD wants husbands to treat their wives like they would the church and JESUS CHRIST (that's a pretty awesome way to be treated)(ephesians 5:25). for all of you single women that is how you should be treated period.
i ask this of all the women reading this, just for awhile put aside the negatives of other women and focus on their gifts. focus on their beauty, their uniqueness..let them know that. GOD made you to be cherished, made you to be a companion to adam, not an enemy of men, or other women. love each other for once.
"let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." galations 5:26
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