when i first met my MS doctor i knew she was something special. she has devoted her life to god and her patients. every couple of months she tries to have a dinner sponsored for her patients. the men meet at one and the women at another. we haven't had one in a long time, due to funding. as you can imagine drug companies, or the health care industry, don't always see the necessity of understanding their patients, but that is not the topic of this conversation.
each of the dinners i have been to has been a miracle in the making. each dinner is filled with the power of the LORD. i have to say that if you have met an individual with MS, then you have been blessed. they are the strongest individuals i know. they take their disease from a burden to a great gift. each one has such compassion and love for human life. they would give anything to help a person in need. i draw strength from these women when i spend the evening with them. we laugh, we cry, we yell, we chat, and we pray a prayer of thanks to the LORD for our many blessings.
we always have a topic of discussion for the evening and we usually don't finish discussing it, because we all have something to share. my doctor can love you, care for you, rebuke you, call out your issues all in one breath. she treats my boys as though they were hers, she is of part of our family - a blessing.
for a individual with MS the small things are all miracles. for some it's just being able to feed yourself that day, for others it's just be able to go to the grocery without losing all your energy. for me it's if my pain isn't so bad that as i walk i don't have to hold my breath because it hurts so bad. when I'm able to pick up my children without weakness is a blessing. when i am on treatment that's what i miss the most; is being able to hold them without fatigue, or even being so weak i can barely lift my hand up. the great thing about GOD though is he gives me that strength back within in the minute, or the hour or the day.
when i see all of these women that struggle with this disease at a meeting and how they get through the days, it always the miracle of GOD. these are GOD-fearing, faithful, beautiful sisters in CHRIST! if you have never met a person with MS, i reach out to you to do so, you will blessed with a miracle of GOD's strength and power.
"not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; persevance, character; and hope." romans 5:3-4
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