i think our beliefs are tested at one time or another in our life. in our country, in our world there seems to be a lot of testing going on. have we put too much faith in the world and not enough in GOD? i think so, but i have to say i didn't realize how bad we had gotten until the last few years. in my lifetime i have never lived thru a mess like we are in now. we as a nation are heading into the unknown, and most us do not like knowing what is right around the corner. we are a nation of planners - we have to be able to control our futures.
as a christian the ultimate reason for being here is to glorify god! another reason for being here is to share the word of the gospel and to bring HIS people back to HIM. we have replaced putting GOD first in our lives with money, power and material goods. most us are not in the public world, we are just living our day to day lives. we are trying to raise our families, pay our bills, and just get thru the daily grind. a shift seems to be happening though where all of us are being confronted with the way we were doing it and we are going to have to make some drastic changes. man's laws are trying to take over GOD's laws. nations have fallen when they decided to do this, when they turned from GOD. we are fools for thinking we could do it better than HIM.
a shift started happening in me when i started this blog. i was very angry politically with the world; with this country. really i was just angry with our government, but then i realized i was putting faith in men, not GOD. everything that is happening is because GOD wants it to. he is putting events in motion for us to wake up. the question now is are you?
it doesn't matter which political party you associate yourself with any longer - what matters is what is right and wrong. what matters is if you believe that JESUS CHRIST was your saviour and HE is testing you now more than ever; will you fail him? i will put it to you this way, i do not believe in supporting the opulence and wealth of a government where a man goes hungry on the street. i do not support a government that gives money for abortions, because that is murder. i do not support a government that does not put GOD's laws before it's own.
somewhere inside yourself you are going to have to search your heart and question your faith. just as CHRIST died on the cross for you, you are going to have to defend and uphold your belief in HIM. social issues are not GOD's issues, those are man's issues. we have distorted his laws to make ourselves feel better about our sin. there are no grey areas; only black and white. read your bible, if you don't have one go get one, i encourage you to. the founding fathers of this country had faith in JESUS CHRIST only.
"therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. let us fix our eyes on JESUS, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down on the right hand of the throne of GOD." hebrews 12:1-2
"the wrath of GOD is being revealed from heaven against the GODLESSNESS and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about GOD is plain to them, because GOD has made it plain to them. for since the creation of the world GOD's invisible qualities - HIS eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." romans 1:18-20
wow, jess. i totally agree. a long time ago, someone in our class (peter) brought bumper stickers that said, "America bless God."