i would assume most of us pray. i don't know how you pray, or whom you pray with if any body at all. i heard yesterday morning that a couple that prays together has a better chance of surviving their marriage than others. i find these little research teams fascinating, because this is not something new. prayer is the ultimate healing in my book. i can take medicine everyday, receive treatments for my MS, but what it all comes down to is praying to the LORD.
i have had lots of praying and praise going on for the last week. when you say you are going to pray for someone, do it. praying gives you hope and the person that needs the prayers a great deal of comfort. i have prayed on my knees, flat on the ground, walking around my house, in my car, anywhere and everywhere. I find some days i am even talking aloud to GOD and praying, questioning, thanking him. I like those prayers the most, because if i'm quiet long enough i can usually hear a response.
unfortunately, we have taken to praying for more material items then actually giving thanks for what we already have. we pray for the bigger house, nicer car, better clothes instead of giving thanks for what we already have. somewhere along the line have you ever questioned whether more will make you happier, or is that just space you are filling up in your heart. you can't heal your heart that way. don't get me wrong i love beautiful things. i have a weakness for pj's and as my husband would say i like to buy bags to carry stuff in. as i get older they don't seem as important. with prayer i have sought wisdom more, and my eyes are opening.
when i am sick i pray for healing, but i also pray that the lord will show me what i have forgotten. he usually shows me and i have to say thank you for that. i have to realize that i have been failing him in some way, or my family that i need to return all things to him. in my suffering the glory of god appears before my eyes and it is an awesome sight. pray, give thanks, seek him, behold him and most of all glorify him for your life.
"ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will opened to you. for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will opened." matthew 7:7-8
"you will pray to him and he will hear you." job 22:27
"the LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. he fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears the cry and saves them." psalm 145:18-19
"call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." jeremiah 33:3
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