Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the act of giving

this morning i have to say i was conflicted on what i would post on this blog. i've been walking around all morning asking GOD what he would like me to write about. HE gave me many answers, but i need to choose just one. i've chosen the act of giving. GOD gives us a clear message on how we are to give. give with a cheerful heart! there are 49 verses in the bible about giving...i counted.

i have not always been a cheerful giver. i have given just to give because someone told me to, or i felt obligated to. this was not the right choice. don't give, unless you feel led to give it's that simple. don't give because you think that is how you are going to get into heaven. it doesn't work that way and GOD makes that pretty clear in HIS scripture.

this past weekend one of our sunday school teachers gave his lesson on giving and it's been gnawing on me since then. i've been thinking about how individuals give. there all kinds of acts of giving; money, words, gifts, food, a touch, discipline, time. sometimes i can not give emotionally, or physically has much as i would like to and i probably ask others to give too much. this breaks my heart.

the person i ask the most of is my husband, this is wrong of me because he can't give me everything i need only GOD can do that. while he can give me love and care, he will never be able to fill the empty places in my heart or mind; only GOD can do that. a lot of marriages fail because spouses do not understand this, they don't understand that, yes you have to give of yourself fully to your spouse in the good times and the bad, but only GOD is going to make you whole.

the world has placed an almost fanatical obligation for you to give. our government is probably the worst at this; telling us whom we should be giving to. in the same token i think about oprah winfrey. i watch her from time to time now, not as much as i used to. she gives all the time to everything, but she isn't humble and that disgusts me. you can visibly see how much she enjoys the praise. GOD says to give humbly, to give not out of obligation, but because he wants you to. all of us have given something to world humbly; that's a good thing.

the best thing to give and the only thing to give is your heart to CHRIST. if you do anything in life that's worth giving; it is giving your heart for the GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST. HE gave his life for your sin, what are you willing to give for HIM? search your heart, give what your led to give, that is all he asks of you.

"each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under complusion, for GOD loves a cheerful giver." 2 corinthians 9:7

2 corinthians chapter 9 provides instructions on giving..., as well as many other verses in the bible, check out your concordance.

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