Thursday, August 5, 2010

the ever presence of guilt and regret

"for i will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." hebrews 8:12

so many, many regrets in my life that i have. in my teens and early twenties i made horrible decisions. decisions that still haunt my heart to this day. i remember a conversation with my father one time about a choice that i had made and he told me that i would regret it one day. he was right. we carry our guilt and regrets on our shoulders and in our hearts.

i think of how i may have treated someone once, and i am so ashamed. i didn't have compassion or empathy. i regret not spending more time with grandparents before they passed, i blamed it on youth. i feel guilty now when i physically can't do more for my children. i think "did i do the right thing by having them?" they will have such a burden with my care when i am older. i feel guilt when i don't honor my husband enough. i feel regret when i jump to conclusions before knowing both sides of a story.

i do not have the virtues of slowing to anger or "taming of the tongue." i have spoken so many words out of anger, or just pure hatred that i wish i could take them back in a heartbeat. i have gotten better with age, sort of, but i still battle this when the occasion rises. i regret when i have done this to my family, or my friends. i seek forgiveness from all them for it.

we can't take back what we've done in our life that we regret, but we can learn from it. it shapes us into who we are and what we hope to become. GOD's grace is a beautiful, wonderful thing and i am so happy that he gives it to us.

"for if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly FATHER will also forgive you." romans 12:20

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