the biggest lie we ever told ourselves is that we could do it all. society told us that we could, sometimes our parents, or even the church. our weaknesses prove that we can't. GOD made sure to put great emphasis on sin for that very reason in my opinion. HE wanted us to realize that each one of us has a weakness. this is going against everything we have ever said about teaching our children and ourselves about self-esteem.
guess what if you believe that you can do it all that is the sin of self-righteousness. you're conceited. i have no idea where this ideology came from; none. it has to be one of the most damaging concepts we have ever heard. there is no way that all of us can do the same thing that someone else can. you can do all things through CHRIST, because HE has instructed each one us to do that. it is not going to be equal, or the same as another person. that is why we are different.
some churches have done a great disservice when they have not taught us the love of CHRIST and the sin of human nature; our weaknesses. if we fail to realize in ourselves what tempts us, or what our weaknesses are how are we to grow? i tend to stay away from churches that only teach the love side of CHRIST; the prosperity gospels. if the bible is just a book about how much GOD loves us why would HE put in sin? why would HE tell us that we will face trials? why would HE give us examples of mans capability to ignore sin, and then give you the consequence of that sin? why?
there is always hope that we will overcome our weaknesses, but we have to realize first that we have them. that we will always be tempted by them. just because we accept HIM does not mean that that goes away. we are lying to ourselves if we do that. if we wonder why bad things happen, or why we are facing a trial well HE is trying to tell us something. i am tired of individuals thinking that they do not have this in them. it is like trying to explain something to a brick wall.
all we have to do is look around us. each one of us can do something that another can't. my husband is an engineer. when he tells me something about his job it is like i am hearing a foreign language. i do not have the patience to be an engineer, or even the capability to understand everything he does. he thinks that he could do my job and stay at home with the boys, but they drive him crazy after a couple of hours. he does not have the patience for it. he still fights me on this. he would much rather be at work doing the job he knows he was meant to do. guess what there is nothing wrong with that, and i don't pretend that there is. this does not diminish me, or degrade me.
i can name on one hand the events in my life that made me realize that i couldn't do it all, and that was hard too accept. when i got sick i truly believed that i could be the first woman with MS that could do it all. i could work long hours, have a family, take care of my home, take care of my husband and i would never get tired, or become resentful. that didn't work out so well. it took me almost 9 years to realize that i couldn't do it all. 2010 was the biggest, crap year i have had in a long time. i had overextended myself to the point that when i lost two of my favorite people and my dad i got sick, and i couldn't function physically, or emotionally.
the next event following those events nearly ended my marriage. the trial that was put before us we had ignored for a very long time. we had a pastor intervene; we had to, or else we would have gotten a divorce. is this dramatic on my part; no, even the pastor said you will divorce. it was a very harsh reality in what we could do, and not do in our marriage.
marriage is your training in your relationship with GOD. GOD holds great value on marriage, and when we break the rules of marriage we are breaking a contract with GOD. marriage is not easy. we are to love each other, but we are also instructed to continue learning from each. it was hard lesson for us. you have to give up yourself when you get married - when a man and women get married they become one. when we accept CHRIST we become HIS. HE owns us. We were bought with the blood of HIS SON.
at the beginning of this year i knew something was wrong. i couldn't figure out what i should be learning from HIM. i would look around and see others, and thought that's what i should be doing. i would go to church, and i would commit to things that my heart was not in to. i had been hearing arguments going around about why we were doing something in the united states, but it didn't make sense to me. i would hear other christians say that is what GOD instructed us to do, but then i would hear the scripture to be a cheerful giver or don't do it all. it didn't feel right to me. i was reading one thing, but hearing another. i started questioning myself, and those that i trust regarding scripture to help guide me. i needed to seek the truth and not feel crazy about the black and white of GOD's law. i knew i was missing something.
i really wish could have had my grandma here to ask. she is the only person i knew that truly was a slave to GOD. the only one, and i have been blessed to have many individuals in my life that know scripture. i think in some ways she resented GOD on what she gave up in this life to serve HIM. i truly believe that was one of her greatest fears of passing away. she was afraid maybe that HE was going to ask why she resented HIM for giving up worldly things. i know that woman is in heaven, because she was willing to do that for HIM knowing the consequence of what others would think of her for it. she lived for HIM. she told you the truth about life whether you wanted to hear it, or not. she observed individuals and was dead right about them every time in my opinion. she knew the sins that she was capable of, but i gotta give her credit she continued to seek wisdom from HIM and HIM alone.
i really do believe that is why we are having so many problems in this country. we weren't willing to say no, and allow citizens to make the changes they needed to in their live. we didn't tell them the truth. GOD did not tell you yes all the time. HE has told us what we have to do to be loved by HIM and to be accepted into heaven by HIM. you will not get in just because you are a good person, or because you have accepted HIM. we have to be willing to sacrifice ourselves, and everything for HIM. we must change our weaknesses for HIM to be able to become CHRISTLIKE.
I am tired of christians that tell us only half of what it means to be HIS. HE wants to love us, but what if we're not willing to face our weaknesses? i know two individuals right away that are going to disagree with me, and they are wrong. they need to read all of scripture and face the reality of what GOD is telling them. HE's not done with you yet, and i would be a fool to think that HE is done with me. i still have a whole bunch of issues that HE's laying on my heart to fix.
paul, my hero, was the ultimate of GOD's slaves in my opinion. HE did exactly what GOD told him to do. recognize the good in an individual, and make sure to recognize the weaknesses. GOD instructed paul in his teaching to tell the truth about what an individual was doing that was offensive to GOD. paul told them what GOD expected and left at it that. he didn't constantly try to pound it into an individuals head about what they were supposed to be doing. the individual was responsible for it.
politics is ideology. it is what you believe in. it is just a bunch of ideas that people either agree with, or don't. our president in my opinion is a communist. he wants control over our country, and everyone in it. he has surrounded himself with individuals that believe in taking more from the american people than what is owed. when he said spread the wealth i knew that we were in big trouble. GOD never said that all people would be rich. HE said that their would always be the rich and the poor. tell me where in the bible it says to spread the wealth around? that's envy by the way. HE actually said to guard your hearts, so you don't begin to put money first.
please don't use the verse you are to give to the poor. two scriptures that go against being forced to do that is; give with a cheerful heart and do not let your left hand see what your right hand is giving. the book acts is not socialism - it is about holding your acts accountable to GOD. our president is not responsible for our salvation - you alone are.
"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." 1 timothy 6:9
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 corinthians 9:7
"And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need." acts 2:44-45
"Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” luke 21:1-4
i don't believe in the ideology that our government is feeding us right now. i do not belive that is what scripture teaches us. you can read this and say i'm wrong about it, and if you feel that way tell me why and show me the scripture. teach me. make me understand. i don't believe that you can continually give to someone and that won't begin to expect it. i believe in helping someone, but i'm not going to enable an individual to not go out and learn for themselves. at some point we are going to have say no. that is not for you to decide, but please stop forcing others to do that.
"For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have." 2 corinthians 8:12
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" matthew 6:24
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." matthew 6:1-4
you know when i started this blog i did it, because i had prayed for GOD to give me a way to have the courage to talk about HIM. i was weak when it came to verbally talking about GOD with another that i did not go to church with. i was scared to do it. since writing it i have learned more about GOD, but i have also learned a lot more about human nature.
there are people that read this that i have never met, or talked to. i have friends that read this that we never discuss GOD when we are together. i have friends that do read it, and we discuss it. i have had family and friends call me out on stuff that wasn't right, so i went back and had to learn from it. i've had friends and family give me incredible praise about it. some people have read it that i have known for years that i would have never of thought that they would read something about GOD. HE does work in mysterious ways.
i have had my husband on more than one occasion come back, and tell me what i needed to change when i was writing the blog. he has had family members tell him that i shouldn't write it, because it was offensive to them. he had already read them before they said that. he knows what is on here and what isn't. i have had people tell me its too transparent, and others tell me that is why they like it.
the choices we make good, or bad will have consequences. GOD loves you for who are, not what the world thinks you should be. HE wants you to grow and give yourself to HIM. HE wants you to trust that HE will help with your weaknesses, but you have to face that about yourself before HE can help you. that's our choice in life.
"You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." james 4:2-3
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 corinthians 10:13
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