Monday, August 15, 2011

our education system

as americans i think we can agree that our education system is in the toilet. not because of teachers, or lack of parental involvement (well maybe) but because of funding cuts. our education is in the control of  the federal and state governments, and not in the control of the districts or community. we are all passionate about our children. there is a rising number of parents that are taking their children out of public schools to home school, or send to private schools.

as  parents we have begun to think about sending our children to a private school instead of a public school, because they focus more on testing, lack of funding, and they aren't learning the tools they need to succeed in life. children should be non-negotiable when it comes to money.

i can argue the reasoning behind not raising taxes on people in a recession just because i have more of a mind towards business. i understand what it takes to budget large sums of money to keep a business going. that is how i look at our home finances. i don't see our money as a charitable gift from my husband's company. he had to work for that so we could live. fiscal responsibility is obviously the key to running a home, as it should be with any business. the government is a business. when the business you work for goes under it is usually because of poor money management, regulations, and higher taxes.

military, defense, education and seniors are non negotiable in this country. defense cuts should not even happen this country. we are too vulnerable in a world where many hate us, and want to kill us. education and children's benefits should not be cut, because it is our responsibility to take care of the innocents. there is no reason in this country that we should jeopardize a child's life. seniors in their elderly years should not have to worry about food and care. these cuts should never happen; ever!

i heard story saturday night that made my blood boil. a individual lost their job over 2 years ago, and has been receiving unemployment benefits that entire time. no one from the federal, or state government asks to see proof if this person is looking for a job. he just keeps taking it, because he is getting our money. would you work if no one was stopping you from receiving unemployment; no. this will effect everyone of us in the long run. we would blame the rich people, but it seems that the fault should lie on the government.

we are raising children to memorize how to take a test, and not teaching how them how these things work.  i had a conversation with my 5 year old about where milk came from. we were on our way to school, and saw a milk truck.  he knew that, because he has memorized that image in his mind. i asked if he knew where milk came from. he said, it comes from the store. i said yes, but what makes milk. he didn't have a response, and looked confused by my question. i told him cows make milk, and then told him about the other animals and natural products that make milk. he now says milk comes from cows and not the stores.

it is one thing to teach a child math, but what if you teach with a calculator only? they have only memorized the numbers, and not used their minds to add and subtract. see i understand that the arts are important, but if they do not have fundamentals of math, science, and reading how in the hell will they compete? they have to understand how things work, so they can use their imaginations to create a better world.

we have individuals in this country that have become career entitlement recipients and unemployment recipients. some have even created dummy health care businesses to bill medicare, and then they just take the money.  they have made it a business of stealing from our children and seniors in the private sector to pay for their lives. it is a touchy subject, because we do not want our children to go hungry. i have question though what if a parent that receives these benefits is a repeat offender in abuse; neglect, physical, or sexual? we should terminate the parents rights, and you cut them off welfare. why are we giving money to individuals that are willing to take a child in their home? foster parents receive money for taking care of a child that has been removed. why? it makes you wonder if they taking a child just for the money, and not because they truly want a child to be taken care of? if the individual wants the child and can financially take care of them why are we taking money from them or giving them money? think about adoption cost.

this is not a revenue issue. we have the money - this a spending issue. the link below is every federal, state and local government agency that we pay for. i encourage you to go through them, and start cutting. another thing is our leaders should not be paid until these things are done. we control that money - not the government. they need to fear us, and we are not to fear them. start holding them accountable. come on america we can do this; republicans and democrats. we are getting to the point now that even law abiding citizens are thinking about cutting the government off with their tax dollars.

this is just balancing a check book. if you spend more than you have less money. how many of you could go into your employer's office now, and could ask for a raise because you spent more than you had? most employers would laugh in your face. the only employer that does not seem to being doing that is our government. we like to blame the banks, credit cards, etc for our revenue problem, but is that really true? there is billboard on the 59 freeway in houston from bill ramsey that says "act your wage." when are we going to start acting our wage?

say you make 40,000 a year gross. your employer takes federal, state, social security, medicare, and medicaid out automatically. if you have medical insurance through your company they take that out as well, or your 401k. look at what is after - your net gross. pretty sad sometimes.  say you go buy car, and you have a $500 payment. say you have 40,000 plus a mortgage. what if you buy a house that  you really have no business owning, because of your income level and debt level. where is the money for food, and utilities? where is the money for gas to get to work? if you have kids, i have no idea how you're making it.

last tuesday i heard the richest company in the united states was apple inc. that's interesting to me, and says a lot about the priorities in this country. i watched a movie yesterday that was a satire about the american way of life - consumerism. one guy ended up killing himself, because he spent is way into that dream, and had no way to pay for it. GOD warned of us of this in the bible. this is not a surprise to most christians that read scripture, and believe that the bible is the living word of GOD.

i read a lot about adolf hitler, and other leaders of the past that were descrutive to humanity. hitler by far was a master at getting people to do what he wanted. he did do it with violence in the beginning. one thing believed was not educating individuals, because then he could control them more. people would be ignorant so they wouldn't know what was happening to them and why. i interesting that the governments are more willing to provide for others than the education of children. don't teach them, because then they will know what is happening to them. history repeats itself.

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction" Adolf Hitler

giving too much is sometimes the worst thing you can do for some. we are sympathizing with individuals, because of circumstance and not telling them no. every person that has a child that is unwilling to take a job, because it doesn't pay enough is stealing from that child. every person that says a job is beneath them,  isn't what they want to do, and has a child is stealing from their child. this applies to our seniors as well; your parents. we are allowing the government to steal from our children and seniors. at this point i really don't care what the circumstance is, because you are stealing from my children, my parents and my husband's parents. it will not happen in this house.

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 1 timothy 3:1-5

 "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need." ephesians 4:28            

look at the attachment below and you will understand where all the money is going. it shows every department and agency that the government pays for. they have their hands in everything. it is crazy to me that crap they have listed on here. we have people in office that just went to school to study theories, and never applied theory to money management; including our president. there is one on here that is called "citizens stamp advisory committee." really?

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