we as a nation are supposed to be politically correct and not say a word about so many "social" issues, or whatever you want to call them. maybe we should just say it like is. we are a morally corrupt society, and it has nothing to do with how we say it. we are a very weak nation when it comes to defending what is right and wrong. we will stand up for crap more than we will HIM, and what is right. how very sad we are. there is a passage in 2 corinthians that applys to church leadership, but in my opinion it can apply to this country. this past week i have read and heard 3 things that disgust me, and i have no idea why this would be happening in our country, and the church. why we would even allow these things to happen.
"For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough." 2 corinthians 11:4
the first story i read just about threw me over the edge. my mother was a social worker for a very, very long time. she pulled children out of homes that were sexually abused by members of their families. i just read an article that a group of psychiatrists are trying to change the image of pedophiles. they are trying to say that it is understandable that a pedophile has fantasies about having sex with, or raping a child. they are trying to say that in one way shape, or form that it is a lifestyle choice. the stories i have heard about sexual abuse from my mother is not a lifestyle, or understandable. they are horror stories about children, and what someone is capable of doing to a child and a baby.
i have no compassion, or sympathy for someone that hurts a child this way; none. i don't even think we should allow pedophiles to live - they shouldn't get a second chance. see this is even against the act of forgiveness that i have been taught from scripture, but i can't. i just do not have that type of forgivness in me. our society lets them have so many chances. the one comfort i have is that GOD has a special place in hell for those that hurt children.
the second story was about how the clergy will not be allowed at the 9/11 memorial. mayor bloomberg is not allowing it. this is where the story of the mosque being built near ground zero really should upset you. what hypocrisy that we allow our citizens to say, and do. we as a nation are supposed uphold the 1st amendment of religious freedom. what a joke. this country was founded on CHRISTIAN religious freedom. i am so sick of hearing people say that is was about all religious freedom. read the history of our country, and educate yourself about the people that came here. this is lie we have been taught by individuals that are not willing to uphold HIM.
the third is about a friend that we attend church with. she has had a relationship with our church for over 20 years. she attends our church, went to school there, met her husband there, was an employee there, and her children now attend school there. a situation occurred a few weeks ago that has left us wondering what type of church we are attending. see i wouldn't really be a christian if i didn't hold the church accountable, or stand up for this. i could leave quietly and pretend it didn't happen, but it did. i could allow fear to overcome me, because it's our church. i am not that type of friend, or person for that matter. i have too much passion in my heart, and love for people.
without going into details our church has decided that this person no longer exists to them. they have ignored her pleas to discuss the matter, and everyone that has been her "friend" is ignoring her now. shame on them, and the church. favoritism is a sin to GOD. not resolving a christian issue openly, and transparently as a church is even worse. the judgement on those that are willing to not stand up, and say the truth are going to be held accountable. i would fear HIS judgement far more than man's. i am very disappointed, angry, and sad because i believed in our church.
with all of this said i need to show humility, and admit that i have committed this offense to GOD on quite a few occasions. i haven't stood up, or held the individuals in the above 3 stories accountable because of fear. i have made horrible mistakes in my life, but if i stood by and ignored these issues it would be wrong. we are arguing in this country just about money; we can make more money. we are allowing things that are wrong to happen, because we are scared of it. shame on us; including myself. well, this morning after i do my obligations to my family i will be saying something loud, and clear. i understand that i will be made to feel like i am some crazy woman, or just a bible beater. i really don't care what is right is right, and we know that.
i don't want to be one of those people that easily just ignores it, and pretends like it's not happening.
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