i have been thinking about theories this week, and it has evolved into a thought. the federal and state governments have become our churches. so many americans want the government to take over the role of the church. in the 1st amendment it said that the two could not mix. the principle of the separation of church and state is in not even in the constitution. the reason why they separated it in my opinion is because they knew that the government was a business, and not a church. they aren't separate any longer as much as we would like to believe that. we are just aren't allowed to say GOD.
the united states has continually created programs, and laws that the church once took care of. it is that simple. we made the government our church and saviour. well if you don't believe in GOD it makes perfect sense. if you are a non-believer then you would want the government to take care of all these programs. you are paying the government your charitable contribution. that's it. i get it now. it took me a while, but i figured out.
instead of us looking at the men running for office as a politician we need to look at him, or her now as our preacher. preachers have a lot of influence on their congregations. the more we give a church the more they have to spend it on the things we want them to do. we blindly give money to the church because it is a house of the LORD, so we never think about it. how many of us that tithe never question the church authority on how they spend that money? i know we don't - ever. i was blinded into that thinking, because they are the church. i assumed that they were doing the right thing always with that money.
well, why are we so shocked about what the government has been spending money on. even christians have replaced GOD with the government. should we the blame the government, or us? i would say that it is us. every program the government has that does not have to do with defense is the church. we have thrown our responsibilities to the government; children, seniors, unemployed, and poor.
our president made a comment during a speech that really bothered me at the time; he believes in collective salvation. now i can understand why he is doing the things he is doing. he truly believes that as president he is responsible for our salvation. for most christians we know that our salvation is based on our personal relationship with GOD; individual salvation. we see our president and the government as our saviour.
even our states have done this. we are mad in the state of texas for our governor for running the state as a business, and not a church. the state of texas is not my salvation, or my church. this effects each one of us in our lives whether we believe it or not. we want accountability from our leaders for the money they spend, but we want them to take care of all things we are supposed to be taking care of as individual. we are relying on the government to teach us from the pulpit how we are to live our lives. we no longer have that right anymore, because they are doing exactly what we have told them do for years. we are so blind as a nation.
the same with the church. we want to pay the church in our tithes to do good works. most churches have become businesses. my husband and i give a lot of money to our church. we pay them to provide services for us that we believe in. we pay our pastors to teach us the bible, and we pay all of the staff that provides services to us when we are there. in the month of july we had a shoe drive for families that could not afford to buy shoes for their children. we bought a pair of shoes for a boy and a girl. this morning i thought about that. i thought we give our church a lot of money, as well as so many others. why didn't they buy the shoes from that?
i should be holding the church accountable just as much as i hold the government accountable. the money we give the church is questionable to us now. if i see a family in need inour church i need to ask the church why that money was not given to that family. we have to remember our pastor is not our saviour. i can question the church authority just as much as i can the ruling authority.
we will have to seriously think about our next president, and what we want the role of our government to be in our lives. if we want the government to take care of our families then we will have to pay more in taxes. we don't have a choice in that. it is time for america to see the government for it has become; our church. just think about it, and every social issue we are battling right now; welfare, unemployment, children, seniors, abortion, marriage, health care, housing, food, energy, etc. if you want them to do these things then obama is your man.
i am going to tell you the truth that our president should be saying. we have to tax everyone more in our country; everyone. this includes me, and every american that makes low wages. we want the government to take care of these issues, so we need to show them the money. as parents we want the departments of education to provide all things for our children's education, so we have to have higher taxes. we have made huge cuts in our state, so our governor in reality should say to the citizens of texas we are going to raise property tax and sales tax. we need to add state income tax as well. that's the truth. we want the government to be responsible for our child's education then we must do be willing give them the money.
we want social security and medicare for our seniors, because the truth is we don't want to have the financial responsibility of taking care of them in their old age. our own parents included. we have to raise taxes so they can do that. there is no compromise on that. we want them to do it, so it is time to give them the money. we are one sick society that we would rather not have the financial responsibility of caring for our children and seniors - disgusting. i am to blame just as much as all of you.
paul is one of my greatest hero's because he holds those that have accepted CHRIST accountable. that includes the church. now i know why some are saying JESUS CHRIST would be a socialist, because they literally have made the government responsible for their salvation. below are the links for the books of corinthians - the NIV version. i prefer other versions, but this is the version most individuals have.
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