Tuesday, August 30, 2011

what if the church is the rich young ruler?

Over the years I have looked at the opulence of the Catholic Church, and have frowned upon it. I thought of all that money that could be used to help those in need. Now I look at all churches that way. Some appear to be in the business of appearance more than what the gospel teaches us. One of my new questions I ask myself is; didn’t Christ teach us not to accumulate so many earthly possessions?

Since January I have actually taken a huge step back in church involvement. I voluntarily did this. I just couldn’t keep up physically, or emotionally any longer. The biggest reason is because I was not a cheerful giver. I was doing most of it because I was told that that was expected of me as member of the church.

Our nation is in great need. If a church is asking for more money in hard times to cover the needs of more in the community, but are not cutting some of their non essential overhead question it. If you are seated in a pew on Sunday mornings take a look around you to see what your church is spending money on. Does it reflect scripture, and God‘s instruction about money? If we can’t back it up by scripture than it shouldn’t be there.

I feel like I have woken up from a dream, and I am trying to shake that groggy feeling that you have afterwards. I am looking around communities and wondering where the big churches are that aren’t supporting the needs of the nation. I have been trying to hold the government accountable for what they aren’t doing, but not questioning the church about what they should be doing. My question is if you are member of a church that is still very prosperous, but you see a nation still struggling where is your church?

We as Christians are to hold each accountable in our actions. I am going to lay it on our hearts about what we are choosing to ignore, and not questioning? I have changed my views about tithing, money, membership and giving all in the last month. We have a friend that said it very simply; our money is God’s money. Just think about how we would spend our money if we all thought that way. Would we still buy more than we needed? We would turn a blind eyed to someone else struggling? What if Christ was standing with you the entire time while you spent money? Would we change our spending habits?

I was given a financial gift at the beginning of this year. Well I decided that I could either follow the example of the individual that gave it to me, or just use it on crap that didn’t matter. Some of it I did use on crap that didn’t matter, and I am annoyed by it now. I bought these pillows that are beautiful. They are destroyed now because I have 2 boys that don’t care about the pillows, and two dogs that like to lay on them. I could have given that to money to someone that really needed it. I am in the mindset now of questioning how we spend the money. Those that I know that have accepted Christ into their lives, and are complaining about what is not be given to them I am going to question. Please look into your own hearts about what God is asking you to give up.

What scripture has taught me in the last few months is that we complain more about what we think we are entitled to more than what we need to do as a nation to really give up. Is it any wonder that society says that Christians are hypocrites when they see mega churches that aren’t giving that to the community? In the instance of our church I am questioning why they are asking us to buy shoes for the community and canned goods, but have a workout facility and theatrical shows for the congregation. We can preach as much as we want about scripture, but if we aren’t individually willing to live that way then we probably need to keep our mouths shut.

The old saying put your money where mouth is, is a conviction that I think each family or individual really needs to think about. I don’t worry about money like I used to. I have worried about health care costs, but in reality God has always taken care of me when I trusted Him. I can complain about education cuts, but I can also walk into the school and donate money. I can talk about helping those, but what am I willing to do for another family if they need help. The interesting thing is God doesn't want you to give anything unless you are cheerful about it. He may ask about you it though.

“21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” 28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30 but many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 19:21-30

Friday, August 26, 2011

9/11, pedophiles and our church

we as a nation are supposed to be politically correct and not say a word about so many "social" issues, or whatever you want to call them. maybe we should just say it like is. we are a morally corrupt society, and it has nothing to do with how we say it. we are a very weak nation when it comes to defending what is right and wrong. we will stand up for crap more than we will HIM, and what is right. how very sad we are. there is a passage in 2 corinthians that applys to church leadership, but in my opinion it can apply to this country. this past week i have read and heard 3 things that disgust me, and i have no idea why this would be happening in our country, and the church. why we would even allow these things to happen.

"For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough." 2 corinthians 11:4

the first story i read just about threw me over the edge. my mother was a social worker for a very, very long time. she pulled children out of homes that were sexually abused by  members of their families. i just read an article that a group of psychiatrists are trying to change the image of pedophiles. they are trying to say that it is understandable that a pedophile has fantasies about having sex with, or raping a child. they are trying to say that in one way shape, or form that it is a lifestyle choice. the stories i have heard about sexual abuse from my mother is not a lifestyle, or understandable. they are horror stories about children, and what someone is capable of doing to a child and a baby.

i have no compassion, or sympathy for someone that hurts a child this way; none. i don't even think we should allow pedophiles to live - they shouldn't get a second chance. see this is even against the act of forgiveness that i have been taught from scripture, but i can't. i just do not have that type of forgivness in me. our society lets them have so many chances. the one comfort i have is that GOD has a special place in hell for those that hurt children.

the second story was about how the clergy will not be allowed at the 9/11 memorial. mayor bloomberg is not allowing it. this is where the story of the mosque being built near ground zero really should upset you. what hypocrisy that we allow our citizens to say, and do. we as a nation are supposed uphold the 1st amendment of religious freedom. what a joke. this country was founded on CHRISTIAN religious freedom. i am so sick of hearing people say that is was about all religious freedom. read the history of our country, and educate yourself about the people that came here. this is lie we have been taught by individuals that are not willing to uphold HIM.

the third is about a friend that we attend church with. she has had a relationship with our church for over 20 years. she attends our church, went to school there, met her husband there, was an employee there, and her children now attend school there. a situation occurred a few weeks ago that has left us wondering what type of church we are attending. see i wouldn't really be a christian if i didn't hold the church accountable, or stand up for this. i could leave quietly and pretend it didn't happen, but it did. i could allow fear to overcome me, because it's our church. i am not that type of friend, or person for that matter. i have too much passion in my heart, and love for people.

without going into details our church has decided that this person no longer exists to them. they have ignored her pleas to discuss the matter, and everyone that has been her "friend" is ignoring her now. shame on them, and the church. favoritism is a sin to GOD. not resolving a christian issue openly, and transparently as a church is even worse. the judgement on those that are willing to not stand up, and say the truth are going to be held accountable.  i would fear HIS judgement far more than man's. i am very disappointed, angry, and sad because i believed in our church.

with all of this said i need to show humility, and admit that i have committed this offense to GOD on quite a few occasions. i haven't stood up, or held the individuals in the above 3 stories accountable because of fear. i have made horrible mistakes in my life, but if i stood by and ignored these issues it would be wrong. we are arguing in this country just about money; we can make more money. we are allowing things that are wrong to happen, because we are scared of it. shame on us; including myself. well, this morning after i do my obligations to my family i will be saying something loud, and clear. i understand that i will be made to feel like i am some crazy woman, or just a bible beater. i really don't care what is right is right, and we know that.

i don't want to be one of those people that easily just ignores it, and pretends like it's not happening.

Monday, August 22, 2011

my little kindergartner

today my first born will be going to kindergarten. i have to admit to all those crazy feelings of fear, excitement, and anxiety. i really never thought i would be one those moms that got so anxious about this. he is very excited and a little scared i think, but he seems ready to take that step.

the verse trust in the LORD in proverbs 3 keeps popping into my mind. i am trusting that the LORD will protect my little boy today, and so many days to come. what a journey being a mom is. celebrating with a child all of the milestones they achieve is quite an experience. talk about giving up control, and realizing that you can't be there for everything is really hard.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." proverbs 3:5

i know he is only in kindergarten, but i have to admit when it comes to my children i can be a lioness. with each achievement we have celebrated with cheers and claps. with each hurt, and tear my heart would break. with each moment that we have had to discipline i have to remind myself that he has to learn. his stubbornness is definitely me, and when he sets his mind to something it is very hard to change it. he can be very shy, and quiet. he can be very loving, and sweet.

when i think about our relationship with CHRIST i can't imagine what it is like for HIM to be a father to so many. HE watches us make so many mistakes, and it hurts HIS heart when we don't obey. the constant training we go through to truly become HIS. i can't even imagine the pain HE feels when HE sees us fail time and time again.

then i think about how much joy and love HE feels when we obey HIM. i think about when we do something that HE asked us to do that was so hard to do. we feel fear and anxiety over what our next milestone should be in our journey. when HE is pushing us in one direction, and we keep fighting HIM because of fear we aren't trusting HIM. when we do trust HIM it is so glorious!

this family has chosen to make some big changes this fall.  HE is leading us in a new direction. HE is pushing us to achieve other milestones that we are all a little scared, and nervous about.  i know that HE will protect us, and guide us if we put all of our trust in HIM.  we have to remember that our son is trusting his father and mother to protect, and care for him. the innocence of that is something all of us can learn from.

we have to trust that he will go, and obey like he is supposed to. we have to realize that he is a child and will make mistakes, but hopefully learn from them. we have to help, and guide him in the direction in needs to go. we have to teach him about all the beautiful things GOD wants him to learn about, and seek wisdom.

i have been thinking about my parents this morning, and what it must have been like for them over the years letting their children go. they let us achieve our milestones, and make our mistakes. they let us become us. each one was different, and they knew each one of us could conquer the world if we wanted to. they allowed us to move forward, and live. i think about how they knew what would give us hope, and what we would regret. so many choices they had to let us make. they were training us, and training themselves to let go.

as my son starts his journey now i have to realize that while i'm training him we are also training ourselves to let go a little at a time. we are preparing him to live his life. we are preparing him to become the man CHRIST wants him to be. i am overjoyed and scared all at the same time. i have to learn to trust that he will learn from us, and become a great man. i have to let him go make his journey. i have many years to go, but with each day i am letting go a little more.

i talked my dad last night, and reminded him that his grandson was starting kindergarten. his only words were, so now it begins and laughed. what a hard journey to let your child become an adult, and hope that they make the right decisions for themselves. i gotta give my parents credit they have let me become an adult, and soar on my own. i have no idea how they have done it always, but they let me do it. they continue to let me live without interference, so i can become the woman CHRIST wants me to be.

we all have to let go at some point and trust that GOD is in control. i can understand why he wants us to have children so we have physical reminder HIM teaching to us let go. HE is our father.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." proverbs 22:6

"The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him." proverbs 23:24 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

the US government is our church; give them more money

i have been thinking about theories this week, and it has evolved into a thought. the federal and state governments have become our churches. so many americans want the government to take over the role of the church. in the 1st amendment it said that the two could not mix. the principle of the separation of church and state is in not even in the constitution. the reason why they separated it in my opinion is because they knew that the government was a business, and not a church. they aren't separate any longer as much as we would like to believe that. we are just aren't allowed to say GOD.

the united states has continually created programs, and laws that the church once took care of. it is that simple. we made the government our church and saviour. well if you don't believe in GOD it makes perfect sense. if you are a non-believer then you would want the government to take care of all these programs. you are paying the government your charitable contribution. that's it. i get it now. it took me a while, but i figured out.

instead of us looking at the men running for office as a politician we need to look at him, or her now as our preacher. preachers have a lot of influence on their congregations. the more we give a church the more they have to spend it on the things we want them to do. we blindly give money to the church because it is a house of the LORD, so we never think about it. how many of us that tithe never question the church authority on how they spend that money? i know we don't - ever. i was blinded into that thinking, because they are the church. i assumed that they were doing the right thing always with that money.

well, why are we so shocked about what the government has been spending money on. even christians have replaced GOD with the government. should we the blame the government, or us? i would say that it is us. every program the government has that does not have to do with defense is the church. we have thrown our responsibilities to the government; children, seniors, unemployed, and poor.

our president made a comment during a speech that really bothered me at the time; he believes in collective salvation. now i can understand why he is doing the things he is doing. he truly believes that as president he is responsible for our salvation. for most christians we know that our salvation is based on our personal relationship with GOD; individual salvation. we see our president and the government  as our saviour.

even our states have done this. we are mad in the state of texas for our governor for running the state as a business, and not a church. the state of texas is not my salvation, or my church. this effects each one of us in our lives whether we believe it or not. we want accountability from our leaders for the money they spend, but we want them to take care of all things we are supposed to be taking care of as individual. we are relying on the government to teach us from the pulpit how we are to live our lives. we no longer have that right anymore, because they are doing exactly what we have told them do for years. we are so blind as a nation.

the same with the church. we want to pay the church in our tithes to do good works. most churches have become businesses. my husband and i give a lot of money to our church. we pay them to provide services for us that we believe in. we pay our pastors to teach us the bible, and we pay all of the staff that provides services to us when we are there. in the month of july we had a shoe drive for families that could not afford to buy shoes for their children. we bought a pair of shoes for a boy and a girl. this morning i thought about that. i thought we give our church a lot of money, as well as so many others. why didn't they buy the shoes from that?

i should be holding the church accountable just as much as i hold the government accountable. the money we give the church is questionable to us now.  if i see a family in need inour church i need to ask the church why that money was not given to that family. we have to remember our pastor is not our saviour. i can question the church authority just as much as i can the ruling authority.

we will have to seriously think about our next president, and what we want the role of our government to be in our lives. if we want the government to take care of our families then we will have to pay more in taxes. we don't have a choice in that. it is time for america to see the government for it has become; our church. just think about it, and every social issue we are battling right now; welfare, unemployment, children, seniors, abortion, marriage, health care, housing, food, energy, etc. if you want them to do these things then obama is your man.

i am going to tell you the truth that our president should be saying. we have to tax everyone more in our country; everyone. this includes me, and every american that makes low wages. we want the government to take care of these issues, so we need to show them the money. as parents we want the departments of education to provide all things for our children's education, so we have to have higher taxes. we have made huge cuts in our state, so our governor in reality should say to the citizens of texas we are going to raise property tax and sales tax. we need to add state income tax as well. that's the truth. we want the government to be responsible for our child's education then we must do be willing give them the money.

we want social security and medicare for our seniors, because the truth is we don't want to have the financial responsibility of taking care of them in their old age. our own parents included. we have to raise taxes so they can do that. there is no compromise on that. we want them to do it, so it is time to give them the money. we are one sick society that we would rather not have the financial responsibility of caring for our children and seniors - disgusting. i am to blame just as much as all of you.

paul is one of my greatest hero's because he holds those that have accepted CHRIST accountable. that includes the church. now i know why some are saying JESUS CHRIST would be a socialist, because they literally have made the government responsible for their salvation. below are the links for the books of corinthians - the NIV version. i prefer other versions, but this is the version most individuals have.



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

i am scared

fear can drive someone crazy. i have way too much fear about the state of our country. i read or see something i just want to take control of, and i can't. it's almost like waking up from a nightmare, and you have those lingering feelings of despair. i keep searching for a saviour in all these problems, and i keep forgetting that GOD is the only saviour. i am expecting men and women to solve all of these problems from what scripture has taught us, and that is not reality.

the only perfect man to walk the earth was CHRIST. if i don't keep my heart and mind in scripture i can be led to too many outlets that have nothing to do with living a CHRISTLIKE life. the story of babylon taking the israelites in the old testament makes me want to change history. i want to change what is about to happen and i can't. GOD let babylon take them and there was nothing jeremiah could do about it. most men and women right now are worried about our country, but there is the greater fear of how they will take care of their families if this continues.

one of GOD's greatest promises is that you are only accountable to HIM, and not the masses. we are trying to find someone on this earth that can repair the damage. we have to repair our own damage before we can even suggest that someone else can do it. i have a very black and white view about most things. i can be unwilling to see outside the box, and that is very risky in my relationship with HIM. i have an ongoing problem with money.

over the weekend we had a conversation with a family friend that instantly changed that view. we were talking about tithing, and what the scripture meant you pay what is owed to caesar and what is owed to GOD. GOD doesn't need money. why would HE? GOD provides you with money through work. the money we have is not ours; IT IS HIS. just think about that, and what that means in how we handle our finances.  it is the definition of the FATHER providing for the child. all in the course of a conversation with a brother in CHRIST my views changed. thank you GOD!

here are some examples. when we get married we become one. we have to learn to communicate and compromise about two sets of values regarding money. my husband and i have had problems with this for over 9 years. i hope we are getting better, and we seem to be. we both want to spend money on different things, because we feel that one thing is more important. first of all it was my fault in the beginning, because i did not always communicate finances with him. i wanted complete control over it, and well it doesn't work that way. i can't argue with him about money if he doesn't know how much stuff costs, and how much we have to work with. we have changed that over the years.

imagine what washington is having deal with. they are trying to communicate and negotiate costs with millions of americans, because we all want different things. it kinda makes sense to start over, and go from there. we can argue about money as much as we want, but each one has a different view about money.  each one of us has a problem with it. i caught myself negotiating our tithing amount with GOD the other day. HE would give me one amount, and i would say how about this? i totally kept missing the scripture give what you feel led to give. i wasn't trusting HIM, and i was questioning if HE knew how much was in our bank account. issue right there.

i have been going the through the lists departments and agencies that our federal, state, and local governments pay for. there are so many costs in there that i don't how they justify those costs any more when we are hurting our military, children, and the citizens. historical preservation is one. i love history, it is an important thing to me, but their are a lot of private donors that could keep that going without the government.

we are so confused on what we should be spending money, including myself, and it appears the government is confused about it also. when president obama was elected he gave a really great analogy about money. he said in a speech that if you don't have money to go to las vegas, and gamble then why would we do that? i wish he had stuck to that analogy, and then maybe he would have gotten what people are so angry about.

he flip flops everyday about the economy. he wants us to spend and pay more in taxes because that helps the economy, but he is willing to cut things that are very important to americans. why isn't he cutting the things that really don't matter? his solution is raise taxes, and everytime he says that people hold back more. we have no idea what they are going to do us in the long run.

currently, a lot of road construction is going on in this country. highway 6 is the main road near our house that many of us use. our department of transportation just put these stupid medians that costs millions. we just layed off teachers and made cuts to education something that we all know is more important than a piece of concrete. this is the kinda stuff that drives people crazy in this country.

ok. GOD's money will be replenished. however, it makes you think about the other stuff we've been spending money on. i have decorative pillows all over the house. i love them, because they make my house look pretty. why? yesterday, my boys were throwing the pillows everywhere and making mountains with them. i was furious all because i kept thinking they are getting pillows those pillows dirty, and i spent money on them. i have no justification for i why i spent money on pillows; none.

i heard a sermon when i was little girl that i remember vividly in my head. the pastor asked can you take your possessions with you to heaven? he gave us an imagine that i still remember, and crack up about every time i think about it. he said, are you going to load up your station wagon when you die and drive to the gates of heaven? are you going to knock on the door and tell GOD that you've brought all your stuff with you?

i have come to realize in the last couple of days that we are taking GOD's money and flushing it down the toilet; including my husband and i. goal for the day - every time you spend money on something today other than food, clothing, shelter, or gasoline for your car why are you spending it?

"You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you." malachi 3:9

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." matthew 6:19        

Monday, August 15, 2011

our education system

as americans i think we can agree that our education system is in the toilet. not because of teachers, or lack of parental involvement (well maybe) but because of funding cuts. our education is in the control of  the federal and state governments, and not in the control of the districts or community. we are all passionate about our children. there is a rising number of parents that are taking their children out of public schools to home school, or send to private schools.

as  parents we have begun to think about sending our children to a private school instead of a public school, because they focus more on testing, lack of funding, and they aren't learning the tools they need to succeed in life. children should be non-negotiable when it comes to money.

i can argue the reasoning behind not raising taxes on people in a recession just because i have more of a mind towards business. i understand what it takes to budget large sums of money to keep a business going. that is how i look at our home finances. i don't see our money as a charitable gift from my husband's company. he had to work for that so we could live. fiscal responsibility is obviously the key to running a home, as it should be with any business. the government is a business. when the business you work for goes under it is usually because of poor money management, regulations, and higher taxes.

military, defense, education and seniors are non negotiable in this country. defense cuts should not even happen this country. we are too vulnerable in a world where many hate us, and want to kill us. education and children's benefits should not be cut, because it is our responsibility to take care of the innocents. there is no reason in this country that we should jeopardize a child's life. seniors in their elderly years should not have to worry about food and care. these cuts should never happen; ever!

i heard story saturday night that made my blood boil. a individual lost their job over 2 years ago, and has been receiving unemployment benefits that entire time. no one from the federal, or state government asks to see proof if this person is looking for a job. he just keeps taking it, because he is getting our money. would you work if no one was stopping you from receiving unemployment; no. this will effect everyone of us in the long run. we would blame the rich people, but it seems that the fault should lie on the government.

we are raising children to memorize how to take a test, and not teaching how them how these things work.  i had a conversation with my 5 year old about where milk came from. we were on our way to school, and saw a milk truck.  he knew that, because he has memorized that image in his mind. i asked if he knew where milk came from. he said, it comes from the store. i said yes, but what makes milk. he didn't have a response, and looked confused by my question. i told him cows make milk, and then told him about the other animals and natural products that make milk. he now says milk comes from cows and not the stores.

it is one thing to teach a child math, but what if you teach with a calculator only? they have only memorized the numbers, and not used their minds to add and subtract. see i understand that the arts are important, but if they do not have fundamentals of math, science, and reading how in the hell will they compete? they have to understand how things work, so they can use their imaginations to create a better world.

we have individuals in this country that have become career entitlement recipients and unemployment recipients. some have even created dummy health care businesses to bill medicare, and then they just take the money.  they have made it a business of stealing from our children and seniors in the private sector to pay for their lives. it is a touchy subject, because we do not want our children to go hungry. i have question though what if a parent that receives these benefits is a repeat offender in abuse; neglect, physical, or sexual? we should terminate the parents rights, and you cut them off welfare. why are we giving money to individuals that are willing to take a child in their home? foster parents receive money for taking care of a child that has been removed. why? it makes you wonder if they taking a child just for the money, and not because they truly want a child to be taken care of? if the individual wants the child and can financially take care of them why are we taking money from them or giving them money? think about adoption cost.

this is not a revenue issue. we have the money - this a spending issue. the link below is every federal, state and local government agency that we pay for. i encourage you to go through them, and start cutting. another thing is our leaders should not be paid until these things are done. we control that money - not the government. they need to fear us, and we are not to fear them. start holding them accountable. come on america we can do this; republicans and democrats. we are getting to the point now that even law abiding citizens are thinking about cutting the government off with their tax dollars.

this is just balancing a check book. if you spend more than you have less money. how many of you could go into your employer's office now, and could ask for a raise because you spent more than you had? most employers would laugh in your face. the only employer that does not seem to being doing that is our government. we like to blame the banks, credit cards, etc for our revenue problem, but is that really true? there is billboard on the 59 freeway in houston from bill ramsey that says "act your wage." when are we going to start acting our wage?

say you make 40,000 a year gross. your employer takes federal, state, social security, medicare, and medicaid out automatically. if you have medical insurance through your company they take that out as well, or your 401k. look at what is after - your net gross. pretty sad sometimes.  say you go buy car, and you have a $500 payment. say you have 40,000 plus a mortgage. what if you buy a house that  you really have no business owning, because of your income level and debt level. where is the money for food, and utilities? where is the money for gas to get to work? if you have kids, i have no idea how you're making it.

last tuesday i heard the richest company in the united states was apple inc. that's interesting to me, and says a lot about the priorities in this country. i watched a movie yesterday that was a satire about the american way of life - consumerism. one guy ended up killing himself, because he spent is way into that dream, and had no way to pay for it. GOD warned of us of this in the bible. this is not a surprise to most christians that read scripture, and believe that the bible is the living word of GOD.

i read a lot about adolf hitler, and other leaders of the past that were descrutive to humanity. hitler by far was a master at getting people to do what he wanted. he did do it with violence in the beginning. one thing believed was not educating individuals, because then he could control them more. people would be ignorant so they wouldn't know what was happening to them and why. i interesting that the governments are more willing to provide for others than the education of children. don't teach them, because then they will know what is happening to them. history repeats itself.

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction" Adolf Hitler

giving too much is sometimes the worst thing you can do for some. we are sympathizing with individuals, because of circumstance and not telling them no. every person that has a child that is unwilling to take a job, because it doesn't pay enough is stealing from that child. every person that says a job is beneath them,  isn't what they want to do, and has a child is stealing from their child. this applies to our seniors as well; your parents. we are allowing the government to steal from our children and seniors. at this point i really don't care what the circumstance is, because you are stealing from my children, my parents and my husband's parents. it will not happen in this house.

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 1 timothy 3:1-5

 "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need." ephesians 4:28            

look at the attachment below and you will understand where all the money is going. it shows every department and agency that the government pays for. they have their hands in everything. it is crazy to me that crap they have listed on here. we have people in office that just went to school to study theories, and never applied theory to money management; including our president. there is one on here that is called "citizens stamp advisory committee." really?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

i'm going to appeal to your heart this time; please read

this morning i woke up thinking that i would write about money again, and what our government is doing. two of the things i was going to talk was our children, and senior's benefits. well in the course of writing this it took on a whole new conviction; killing and death. i have been trying to finish now for two hours, but i keep sobbing.  i am convicting us as a grandparent, a parent, a son, a daughter, a grandson, or granddaughter to read the below. i want us to forget all of the things that society has taught us. if you are a follower of CHRIST, and say you are well i want to encourage you to really think about this. i just did, and cried out to GOD for forgiveness.

china has the largest abortion clinic in the world. do you ever think about why they have that; population control. they have a lot of mouths to feed under communism, plus they are supporting other nations right now. what have they decided to do; kill babies and deny health care to their seniors. the elderkt  are going to die anyway. they kill girls more than men, because they want an army to conquer the world.  talk about crimes against humanity. that sounds familiar to me; abortion and elderly care in the united states.

john holdren is our president's "science czar" and believes in population control. he has been quoted as saying that it is humane to kill a child up to the age of 2, because he or she is disabled; down syndrome, etc. this reason is it is a "financial" drain on the parents and society.

"Overpopulation was an early concern and interest. In a 1969 article, Holdren and co-author Paul R. Ehrlich argued that, "if the population control measures are not initiated immediately, and effectively, all the technology man can bring to bear will not fend off the misery to come."[21] In 1973 Holdren encouraged a decline in fertility to well below replacement in the United States, because "210 million now is too many and 280 million in 2040 is likely to be much too many."[22] In 1977, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, and Holdren co-authored the textbook Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment; they discussed the possible role of a wide variety of solutions to overpopulation, from voluntary family planning to enforced population controls, including forced sterilization for women after they gave birth to a designated number of children, and recommended "the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences" such as access to birth control and abortion."

planned parenthood sounds great in theory to some, because it gives a woman or girl a place to get help when they are scared. magaret sanger, the founder, of planned parenthood did it for one simple reason; population control. i will just let her words speak. all the women that believe in planned parenthood this is why it was started. 

"No despot ever flung forth his legions to die in foreign conquest, no privilege-ruled nation ever erupted across its borders, to lock in death embrace with another, but behind them loomed the driving power of a population too large for its boundaries and its natural resources."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

"In passing, we should here recognize the difficulties presented by the idea of 'fit' and 'unfit.' Who is to decide this question? The grosser, the more obvious, the undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind. But among the writings of the representative Eugenicists one cannot ignore the distinct middle-class bias that prevails."

"It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them."

"The mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly. "

  • "Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a menace to the race. "

  • "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

  • the largest group of abortions in this country is done on white, educated women that believe in the idea of birth control for population control..that's all birth control is. when i had my second child i had my tubes tied. my doctor wanted me to and told me to think about it, not because she hates kids. she did not want me physically to have more children because of  my MS. this is one of the biggest regrets i have, and i carry a great deal of guilt now. i made that choice, because there was a possibility that i could not physically care for them. i trusted man over GOD. HE gave us two beautiful boys, and has always given me the strength to care for them. by making that choice i took that away from HIM. i was wrong, because i didn't  trust HIM enough that HE would take care of me. the bigger picture is I can adopt, because I know that all things come from HIM and trust that HE will give me the strength.

  • I have a hard time with mothers that put themselves above their child. It is a mother and father's responsibility to care for that child. i really do believe that women that are young and have children are not mature enough to understand that. i see way too many grandparents enabling their child by not pushing them to care for their own. i encourage young individuals to truly think about this, because you are responsible for that child's care no matter what; not the government, not your parents, no one else, just you. no matter the circumstance, or income, that is a child. we do not have the right, or authority to take that from GOD.

  • my grandmother and uncle passed away last year. both were deeply cherished by my family. emotions always take over in dealing with their care. my grandmother got very sick last january. she was in terrible pain, and we really did not know if she was going to make it. my dad and i got into the biggest fight over this. it was awful and it was my fault. i could not bear seeing my grandmother in pain. i hated it. it tortured me. i prayed that GOD would take her. i told my father to stop pushing the doctors to give more treatment and just let her die so she wouldn't be in pain anymore. this is the worst thing i have ever done to my father and my grandmother. all because of my selfish heart. she lived until the fall of 2010, and died in her sleep. i wanted man to take GOD's power from deciding when she would pass.

    we are arguing about things that don't matter, including myself; money. the government is taking this from us. the care of our children, and seniors is non negotible.   our own president said that we could not pay social security, or medicare because of our other debts. we have lost our compassion and empathy. our president surrounds himself with individuals that believe in this crap; why would you vote for him? the health care bill alone has the government deciding whether or not it is justified to give care to an ederly person, because they are going to die anyway. shame on us.

    i can't write anymore, because i have been crying all morning about what we have lost and what we have allowed in this nation to happen. we've done it  simply because we did not want to have the finacial responsibility. it is just money. we can make more money. just google all this..it's that easy! there is evil that exists, and still exists in our every day lives.


    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    obama is trying to save us

    "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so practice and observe whatever they tell you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long," ... matthew 23:1

    i am not one to back down from a fight when it comes to what is right and wrong. i am not saying that i am always right, but i do know crap when i see it. currently the obama administration is saying the president has no control over what congress does. is that reality? congress can pass legislation, but the president has to sign it into law. he can veto it, or pass it.

    obama's own administration is saying that the president doesn't have control over what congress is doing - that is lie. every president, democrat and republican has used the office to their advantage just with that one constitutional law.

    our own president can't run on his policies and what he has approved, because the economy has gotten worse since he came into office. he would rather slam every person that is against his ideology than stand on his record. his own administration says he his going after mitt romney's life, because he can't run on his leadership. fight fire with fire mr. romney if you're the GOP candidate. he likes to blame the congress, and says he can't do anything about it. he has the power to veto, or approve it. that right there says he does have the power to do it.

    we are still at war, and we have added a new one. he and mrs. clinton have said that they are trying to spread freedom and democracy. why then would he tell the only democratic country, israel, to surrender it's borders to the dictatorships of the middle east? why would they continually give aid and support to countries that don't believe in freedom? why would he continue to approve funding for wars he doesn't believe in? why didn't he act on the promise of bringing troops home, and continue what bush did? bush did the same thing after not bringing the troops after 9/11 everytime he asked congress for more money.

    americans voted against the republicans in 2006, and put democrats in office because of the wars. well, why did they continue to approve funding when bush asked for it? they said it was because they didn't want our troops to be in further danger. they just approved defense cuts that put our troops in more danger, and the president signed the bill. if he cared about our troops why would he do that? why wouldn't he just bring them home?

    why would a president allow a health care bill to pass so americans could have affordable health care, but we are seeing costs of co-pays and drugs going up? why he is allowing medicare for our seniors to be cut by $500 billion dollars in the new budget if he truly cared about our seniors? he justed signed the bill, and he knew what was in it.

    "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" 1 timothy 5:8

    what kind of man would say that they cannot pay social security when that money is supposed to be there? when he says that to our seniors, and americans he is admitting they stole it. we wouldn't have defaulted we have enough in tax revenue a month coming in to cover those costs, and cover the interest on our loans.

    if he truly wanted us out of debt and wanted to balance the budget why would he allow passage of a bill that raises our debt ceiling and adds 7 trillion dollars to the deficit in the next 10 years? he had the chance to solve all of that before the dems were booted in 2010. he had a complete democratic congress to solve these problems for 2 years. why didn't he make the cuts that s&p told him he had to make and not raise debt ceiling, or else we would lose our AAA rating? it is not s&p's fault for losing our credit rating; it is congress and our president's fault.

    if he believes that corporations need to pay more in taxes then why would he allow his jobs czar, ceo of GE, to not pay anything in taxes? if he wanted job creation why would he allow a 115 year old division of GE to move to china? if he wanted to invest in education why would he allow GE to invest 2 billion dollars in educating chinese engineers?

    if white people hate black people so much why would so many of white americans vote for a black man to become president? why would he let black men believe that blacks aren't equal, continue to deprive them of liberty based on their circumstance, or where they live? why wouldn't he tell them you are man, and you have a right to the freedoms of this nation just look at me and other black men that have succeeded.

    if the tea party is racist then why do they support herman cain, a black man, and he got in trouble for yelling he is getting off the democratic plantation? that statement is about the history of southern democrats opposing a reblican president for ending slavery; the civil war.

    why would a president, or democrats for that matter say that all republicans are racist when lincoln was a republican, and so was martin luther king jr. eisenhower was a two term republican president. he is the one before johnson that started to pursue the civil rights act in this country. why would our president jeopardize that? why would the democrats jeopardize that if that is what they believe in?

    "In domestic policy the President pursued a middle course, continuing most of the New Deal and Fair Deal programs, emphasizing a balanced budget. As desegregation of schools began, he sent troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, to assure compliance with the orders of a Federal court; he also ordered the complete desegregation of the Armed Forces. "There must be no second class citizens in this country," (about eisenhower)

    why would a christian man not defend christianity just as much as he does islam? why wouldn't he tell non christians to stop abusing christians, and their 1st amendment right to worship?

    how can a president say that he is going to spread the wealth around, but get a tax refund of more than 12,000? where did that money go? what if he does tax the rich in this country? who is to say the wealthy won't quit their jobs and stop paying taxes? maybe they will go to a lower paying job, so they don't have to pay more.

    "Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me"

    why did we have a mortgage crisis? carter and clinton really pushed equal housing in this country. forced lending institutions to give money to individuals regardless of their financial history, because in they were afraid of breaking the law. the banks should have denied those that did have the income to pay. of course the banks are at fault, because they wanted to make money off those that couldn't even pay their bills. every president has pushed our financial institutions to the brink now. i don't care which party they are in.

    why do food prices keep going up, fuel, utilities and now health care; regulation is the secret tax. businesses know that if you put more regulation on them and raise taxes they can make it, so they have to raise costs to keep pay their employees and the government. every time they say they are going to raise taxes on the rich, and corporations that show profits our costs go up - every time the democrats and the president says that. people are preparing and not investing in growth, because of the government.

    how can a president justify taxing corporate jets, but uses tax payer money to fly air force one everywhere to slam the american people? how can he say oil companies are bad, and we must use less fuel and still fly all over the world?

    how could a president define monetary wealth when GOD defined a rich man by how much food they had, clothing, and shelter? in GOD's eyes a rich man is a man that has two loaves of bread, two coats and home. if you have food in your pantry, more than 1 shirt, and a home you are a rich man. why then would a christian deny a homeless man on the street of money, because they think they are a drug addict and alcoholic? why would they ignore the voice in their head saying give that man money if they are a christian? i heard someone say once that you shouldn't deny that voice, because that could be one of GOD's angels on earth. i always try to listen that voice and every time i deny that voice i have failed GOD.

    "And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry." luke 12:15-21

    how could a "christian" president believe in abortion, but not the death penalty? it's murder in GOD's eyes no matter the circumstance. i don't even believe in the death penalty and i live in texas. i am still having to deal with this one in my heart, because i have no problem seeing a man, or woman dying for hurting a child. we are taking GOD's power away when we decide who dies and lives. JESUS said i tell you this a man that thinks of murder in his heart then has has already committed murder. this will always be a tough one for me because i have children, and i would kill someone if they physically, or sexually abused my child. i admit it.

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” jeremiah 1:5

    "You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire." matthew 15:1

    i have a big problem with individuals that say we are to help people, but allow the government to do it for them. who is the government helping now? see i am not allowed really to ask what another gives, before i look in my own heart about what i am willing to give. once i open my mouth i better be doing what HE told me, because HE is going to give me a much harsher judgement for it. i am going to take a chance though. if you say you are christian, and you put your faith in this president and his ideology i don't see how could you be a christian.

    "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned" romans 12:3

    his actions speak far louder than words, and he does have the power to change this. he is supposed to be our leader.every nation since from the book of genesis to revelations has fallen, because of the ruling class. some say revelations is about the fall of the roman empire. if that is so then we are repeating history. GOD crushed them like a pea when they turned from HIM.

    "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience ..." romans 13:1-7

    HE saved the men and women that gave fully to HIM. each individual was judged by their heart; not the society. israel has fallen away time and time again from HIM, but they are HIS chosen. every nation and man that has gone against israel, and killed HIS chosen have fallen or will fall. when CHRIST died on the cross so we could be free from sin it wasn't a group that HE paid for - it was the individual. HE bought each one of us with THE BLOOD OF HIS SON and released us from the old laws, so we could be free to fully become HIS. see we can discuss scripture and interpret what HE is trying tell us, but we really won't know the full impact of following or not following HIM until we are at the gates on bended knee.

    "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need." 4:28

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    right and wrong

    saturday, the governor of the state texas attended a prayer gathering that he had suggested to a religious organization a year ago. now, our governor is known for keeping taxes low, being a business friendly state, and a huge "cutter." what i mean by cutter is he will cut programs before he raises taxes on the state citizens. of course this has inspired a great deal of debate in our state, because he just cut a ton from our education. sometimes the right choice is going to be the hardest choice to make.

    the question of church and state became an issue with whether, or not he was blurring that line. first of all he is a man first, a christian and then the governor. some christians would say he's not, my question is to you then; are you sinless? his first responsibility is to GOD, second his wife, then his family, and then his country. we are responsible as christians to the governing authorities, and they are responsible to GOD. at one time, or another our congress and leaders prayed to HIM for discernment and wisdom on the congressional floor. now it is seen as offensive to the public if they do that.

    one of the speakers said something that stood out in my mind. "the pulpit has the responsibility to it's congregation to teach the laws of GOD to become more CHRISTLIKE." when the speaker said this i immediately thought of our president, and how he was influenced from the pulpit. his pastor of over 20 years taught hate of america, and hate of the white man. he was taught too hate, and not the redeeming love and grace of CHRIST. how could our president not be influenced by this?

    sometimes the choices we make as an individual are going to be hard for another to understand, but you have to discern why that decision is being made. tough choices aren't always going to be the best for everybody. when i was diagnosed, and had just gotten married i was working at a small firm in houston. my responsibility was to balance their budget and incomes, so they could do their job. at this time revenues weren't coming in as much as what we were paying out. i was going to have to suggest to the owners what we would have to cut so we could pay the overhead of the business, and pay the employees.

    well at the start of the company some guidelines should have been put in place by the owners that weren't done. one of the things that should have been done was an employer/employee handbook; a set of rules. we no longer live in a society that a man is as good as word, and conduct business on a handshake. people aren't honest, or moral enough to do that any longer. the story of the vineyard owner is a prime example of business. if the employer agrees to pay a wage to the employee they are responsible for that.

    one of the owners suggested taking wages from individuals that had taken off work months before. one problem with that was there wasn't a handbook that had given guidelines about vacation and sick days. the second problem was the owners had approved those days off via email, or verbally. we argued about this for over a month. i had the numbers ready to go, and i was responsible in telling the employees that this was going to happen. i knew that it was wrong. our last argument over this i quit my job. i gave my wages up and my insurance without a thought to what that was going to do to me financially, or physically for that matter.

    the scary part about those two things is my husband had been laid off, and i had ms. i needed my income and my insurance big time. i wasn't willing though to do something that was wrong. i wasn't willing to give up my principles for greed and desperation. it is ironic because i didn't believe in GOD at that time.

    three things that pop to my mind is social security, medicare/medicaid benefits, and our defense. when our president made the case that we had to raise the debt ceiling and tax the rich because we couldn't pay those three things my blood boiled. the reason that is, is because those three are not his to bargain with. they have been stealing from those things for so long that they have become desperate, and greedy about their about own causes.

    our paychecks reflect what we pay in social security and medicare; we have paid for that. we can argue defense cuts, and realize that we are in wars but shouldn't we bring the troops home before we cut their pay and benefits? we just cut 2 of those in this budget deal; medicare and defense.

    all the other stuff that the government pays for we really need to question. i agree with unemployment, but for only 6 months. i agree with welfare, but only for 6 months. i agree with food stamps and other assistance, but only for 6 months. however i would much rather see the churches and shelters take care of this. i don't believe in bail-outs for any company, and that includes mortgage companies. i think we should get rid of the departments of transportation, epa and homeland security just to name a few. i agree with tax reform before raising taxes on people.

    there are so many cuts that we could as a nation benefit from financially in the long run if our politicians had the courage to do what was right. this is just a thought; if you are paying state taxes and federal taxes don't you find it odd that they still have to cut it? we also pay sales tax; what about that? ask them where in the hell the money is going? if we are paying for people that can't do their jobs then they should be fired; plain and simple. our president should be impeached and congress needs to be fired - all of them.

    the reason why i brought up the above story is because i knew how hard the employees worked. they worked so much they actually deserved more in wages, and they had made up that time off a million times over. i knew what we could cut without hurting the employees. i bring up our governor, because he knows that government is not a religious house, it is a business. i think that he understands scripture that says we pay what is owed and we are to be good stewards of our money; that is his job. we have to do that in our households and so should they. the running of the finances in your home is a business.

    the government is a business. it is not a church. we would like too hope and believe that our government does believe in GOD. if you don't scripture i am just going to say that their actions are going against alot of what GOD has told them. that is why the first amendment is so important, and why the founding the fathers created the amendment. it wasn't that they left their belief in GOD at the door, or his laws. they understood that the government had no right to interefere with religion. they prayed for wisdom and discernment so that it could be equal for everyone; that a man could be free to choose which course to take.

    two stories that we should learn from about government is the roman empire and germany during world war ii. also, the book jeremiah is an incredible story about babylon and their rule over judah. whether you believe in GOD, or not we are paying the price of ignoring HIM. we are paying the price of choosing to ignore our leaders. we obeyed our governing authorities, but we we also failed to stand for what was right because it was too hard. GOD purchased you with a price; HIS SONS BLOOD. we are HIS slaves. he owns us, and what are to do what he says.

    i pray that people return to HIM. i pray that they seek HIM. i pray for this, because i know the freedom of what it is to worship HIM. HE is love, grace, forgivness, beauty - all of those things that we cherish in life. HE gave us HIS words and laws so we could be free. HE gave us HIS SON so we could be free from anger, bitterness, rage, resentment, jealousy, greed, envy etc, so we wouldn't become slaves to it in this world. we are in the world not of this world. we have stop cutting and pasting the bible. we can't choose what we like to follow and not follow. that's how it works; that is why HE wants us to show humility, take accountability, and seek forgiveness from HIM and others.

    the below link is a great tool for those of us looking for specific verses about society and what we should do about that. also, it may not be exactly like your bible, but wording is different sometimes in all the versions of the bible. god bless each one of you!


    "The concept of separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state. The term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state," as written in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists Association in 1802. The original text reads: "...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Jefferson reflected his frequent speaking theme that the government is not to interfere with religion.[1] The phrase was quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947. The phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Prior to 1947, however separation of church and state was not considered part of the constitution; indeed in 1870s and 1890s unsuccessful attempts were made to amend the constitution to guarantee separation of church and state, a task to be accomplished not by constitutional amendment but by judicial fiat in 1947."

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    we CAN'T do it all, or have it all

    the biggest lie we ever told ourselves is that we could do it all. society told us that we could, sometimes our parents, or even the church. our weaknesses prove that we can't. GOD made sure to put great emphasis on sin for that very reason in my opinion. HE wanted us to realize that each one of us has a weakness. this is going against everything we have ever said about teaching our children and ourselves about self-esteem.

    guess what if you believe that you can do it all that is the sin of self-righteousness. you're conceited. i have no idea where this ideology came from; none. it has to be one of the most damaging concepts we have ever heard. there is no way that all of us can do the same thing that someone else can. you can do all things through CHRIST, because HE has instructed each one us to do that. it is not going to be equal, or the same as another person. that is why we are different.

    some churches have done a great disservice when they have not taught us the love of CHRIST and the sin of human nature; our weaknesses. if we fail to realize in ourselves what tempts us, or what our weaknesses are how are we to grow? i tend to stay away from churches that only teach the love side of CHRIST; the prosperity gospels. if the bible is just a book about how much GOD loves us why would HE put in sin? why would HE tell us that we will face trials? why would HE give us examples of mans capability to ignore sin, and then give you the consequence of that sin? why?

    there is always hope that we will overcome our weaknesses, but we have to realize first that we have them. that we will always be tempted by them. just because we accept HIM does not mean that that goes away. we are lying to ourselves if we do that. if we wonder why bad things happen, or why we are facing a trial well HE is trying to tell us something. i am tired of individuals thinking that they do not have this in them. it is like trying to explain something to a brick wall.

    all we have to do is look around us. each one of us can do something that another can't. my husband is an engineer. when he tells me something about his job it is like i am hearing a foreign language. i do not have the patience to be an engineer, or even the capability to understand everything he does. he thinks that he could do my job and stay at home with the boys, but they drive him crazy after a couple of hours. he does not have the patience for it. he still fights me on this. he would much rather be at work doing the job he knows he was meant to do. guess what there is nothing wrong with that, and i don't pretend that there is. this does not diminish me, or degrade me.

    i can name on one hand the events in my life that made me realize that i couldn't do it all, and that was hard too accept. when i got sick i truly believed that i could be the first woman with MS that could do it all. i could work long hours, have a family, take care of my home, take care of my husband and i would never get tired, or become resentful. that didn't work out so well. it took me almost 9 years to realize that i couldn't do it all. 2010 was the biggest, crap year i have had in a long time. i had overextended myself to the point that when i lost two of my favorite people and my dad i got sick, and i couldn't function physically, or emotionally.

    the next event following those events nearly ended my marriage. the trial that was put before us we had ignored for a very long time. we had a pastor intervene; we had to, or else we would have gotten a divorce. is this dramatic on my part; no, even the pastor said you will divorce. it was a very harsh reality in what we could do, and not do in our marriage.

    marriage is your training in your relationship with GOD. GOD holds great value on marriage, and when we break the rules of marriage we are breaking a contract with GOD. marriage is not easy. we are to love each other, but we are also instructed to continue learning from each. it was hard lesson for us. you have to give up yourself when you get married - when a man and women get married they become one. when we accept CHRIST we become HIS. HE owns us. We were bought with the blood of HIS SON.

    at the beginning of this year i knew something was wrong. i couldn't figure out what i should be learning from HIM. i would look around and see others, and thought that's what i should be doing. i would go to church, and i would commit to things that my heart was not in to. i had been hearing arguments going around about why we were doing something in the united states, but it didn't make sense to me. i would hear other christians say that is what GOD instructed us to do, but then i would hear the scripture to be a cheerful giver or don't do it all. it didn't feel right to me. i was reading one thing, but hearing another. i started questioning myself, and those that i trust regarding scripture to help guide me. i needed to seek the truth and not feel crazy about the black and white of GOD's law. i knew i was missing something.

    i really wish could have had my grandma here to ask. she is the only person i knew that truly was a slave to GOD. the only one, and i have been blessed to have many individuals in my life that know scripture. i think in some ways she resented GOD on what she gave up in this life to serve HIM. i truly believe that was one of her greatest fears of passing away. she was afraid maybe that HE was going to ask why she resented HIM for giving up worldly things. i know that woman is in heaven, because she was willing to do that for HIM knowing the consequence of what others would think of her for it. she lived for HIM. she told you the truth about life whether you wanted to hear it, or not. she observed individuals and was dead right about them every time in my opinion. she knew the sins that she was capable of, but i gotta give her credit she continued to seek wisdom from HIM and HIM alone.

    i really do believe that is why we are having so many problems in this country. we weren't willing to say no, and allow citizens to make the changes they needed to in their live. we didn't tell them the truth. GOD did not tell you yes all the time. HE has told us what we have to do to be loved by HIM and to be accepted into heaven by HIM. you will not get in just because you are a good person, or because you have accepted HIM. we have to be willing to sacrifice ourselves, and everything for HIM. we must change our weaknesses for HIM to be able to become CHRISTLIKE.

    I am tired of christians that tell us only half of what it means to be HIS. HE wants to love us, but what if we're not willing to face our weaknesses? i know two individuals right away that are going to disagree with me, and they are wrong. they need to read all of scripture and face the reality of what GOD is telling them. HE's not done with you yet, and i would be a fool to think that HE is done with me. i still have a whole bunch of issues that HE's laying on my heart to fix.

    paul, my hero, was the ultimate of GOD's slaves in my opinion. HE did exactly what GOD told him to do. recognize the good in an individual, and make sure to recognize the weaknesses. GOD instructed paul in his teaching to tell the truth about what an individual was doing that was offensive to GOD. paul told them what GOD expected and left at it that. he didn't constantly try to pound it into an individuals head about what they were supposed to be doing. the individual was responsible for it.

    politics is ideology. it is what you believe in. it is just a bunch of ideas that people either agree with, or don't. our president in my opinion is a communist. he wants control over our country, and everyone in it. he has surrounded himself with individuals that believe in taking more from the american people than what is owed. when he said spread the wealth i knew that we were in big trouble. GOD never said that all people would be rich. HE said that their would always be the rich and the poor. tell me where in the bible it says to spread the wealth around? that's envy by the way. HE actually said to guard your hearts, so you don't begin to put money first.

    please don't use the verse you are to give to the poor. two scriptures that go against being forced to do that is; give with a cheerful heart and do not let your left hand see what your right hand is giving. the book acts is not socialism - it is about holding your acts accountable to GOD. our president is not responsible for our salvation - you alone are.

    "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." 1 timothy 6:9

    "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 corinthians 9:7

    "And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need." acts 2:44-45

    "Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” luke 21:1-4

    i don't believe in the ideology that our government is feeding us right now. i do not belive that is what scripture teaches us. you can read this and say i'm wrong about it, and if you feel that way tell me why and show me the scripture. teach me. make me understand. i don't believe that you can continually give to someone and that won't begin to expect it. i believe in helping someone, but i'm not going to enable an individual to not go out and learn for themselves. at some point we are going to have say no. that is not for you to decide, but please stop forcing others to do that.

    "For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have." 2 corinthians 8:12

    "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" matthew 6:24

    “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." matthew 6:1-4

    you know when i started this blog i did it, because i had prayed for GOD to give me a way to have the courage to talk about HIM. i was weak when it came to verbally talking about GOD with another that i did not go to church with. i was scared to do it. since writing it i have learned more about GOD, but i have also learned a lot more about human nature.

    there are people that read this that i have never met, or talked to. i have friends that read this that we never discuss GOD when we are together. i have friends that do read it, and we discuss it. i have had family and friends call me out on stuff that wasn't right, so i went back and had to learn from it. i've had friends and family give me incredible praise about it. some people have read it that i have known for years that i would have never of thought that they would read something about GOD. HE does work in mysterious ways.

    i have had my husband on more than one occasion come back, and tell me what i needed to change when i was writing the blog. he has had family members tell him that i shouldn't write it, because it was offensive to them. he had already read them before they said that. he knows what is on here and what isn't. i have had people tell me its too transparent, and others tell me that is why they like it.

    the choices we make good, or bad will have consequences. GOD loves you for who are, not what the world thinks you should be. HE wants you to grow and give yourself to HIM. HE wants you to trust that HE will help with your weaknesses, but you have to face that about yourself before HE can help you. that's our choice in life.

    "You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." james 4:2-3

    "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 corinthians 10:13