when i first started my journey i didn't understand what this meant. a testimony is sharing why you accepted CHRIST into your heart. my original reason for accepting HIM was because of my MS, but now as i journey further into my faith there are many more issues that brought me to HIM. as a christian we have to accept the bad and the good of our nature no matter how hard it is do.
if you had told me 10 years ago that i would be writing about scripture and discussing GOD's word with another i would have laughed in your face. the other response would have been anger. i had many individuals trying to teach me about GOD's word, but i pushed them away. accepting CHRIST is your personal journey alone. if you are trying to bring someone to CHRIST please try to remember how vulnerable you were to it. back off from that individual, or individuals if you need to. pray for the individual to change their hearts and let it be. you are not responsible for another's salvation.
there are 3 sins in my life that i can't seem to let go of. i have prayed, i have confessed, and i have pleaded with GOD to help me find the strength to move on from them. i have not. i'm not going to share with you 2 of these things because i am deeply ashamed of them. these 2 sins are between GOD and i now. i am however going to share 1 with you; anger.
when you start something like this blog a lot of doors open; good and bad. you have to fight the battle of becoming self-righteous. you have to fight to stay humble before others. when you keep putting yourself out there you have to face more and more of your own demons. you are continually tested by GOD about why you are doing this and your faith to HIM.
when you lose your temper with someone else, you are wrong - plain and simple. scripture teaches us that the problems you are facing with another may be justified, but when you show your anger you have lost the battle. this is hard for most of us to accept about ourselves, because we allow our pride to step in the way. a man that my husband and i hold in great esteem pointed out to me it's not the situation or words of another that have made you lose your temper, it is what is in your own heart that is making you angry.
if you are dealing with the sin of anger then ask yourself the question; what is in your own heart that is making you lose your temper. take a hard look in the mirror at yourself before you judge another.
"my dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that GOD desires." james 1:19-20
"do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools." eccelesiates 7:9
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