as my children get older and are going to be involved in more extra curricular events i started thinking about when we were going to have time as a family. i have friends that have older children and some of them are doing events every sunday. this really bothers me, because we no longer take sundays as a holy day and rest.
i can count on one hand how many businesses that are closed on sunday. one of them actually says why they are closed on sunday; this is the LORD'S day. we have even made it acceptable to have businesses open on christmas and easter. that really makes me upset when i think about it, because those two days are very holy in the chrisitan religion.
we have added so much to our plates that we have run out of enough hours of the day to even consider a day of rest. most individuals work, so saturday and sunday are the days that they run errands, or get those weekly chores done. all of us are so physically and emotionally drained that we pay for vacations to get away from it all, because we can't give ourselves one day. the funny thing about vacations though is most us don't rest on those either. what is driving us to be so over burdened?
i think society as a whole is so greedy that sundays are just another business day, not a holy day. think about those individuals that have to work on sundays. everyone is to blame for this one, not one of us takes sundays as a day of rest any longer. GOD even rested on the seventh day after making the world; why can't we?
we are teaching our children that it is "ok" to disobey GOD on this one, because we as parents do it ourselves. we are teaching our children that money is more powerful than GOD. can you remember the last time you just sat in your homes all day with your family, without doing a chore, or going to the store? doesn't that sound wonderful!
i am challenging everyone to take a day of rest. my husband and i have discussed this and we both know that we need to do this. it may even improve your quality of life if you think about it.
"by the seventh day GOD had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day HE rested from all HIS work. and GOD blessed the seventh day and made it HOLY, because on it HE rested from all the work of creating that HE had done." genesis 2:2-3
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