Thursday, September 16, 2010

one promise of a new beginning

"then JESUS came from galilee to the jordan to be baptized by john. but john tried to deter him, saying "i need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?" JESUS replied, "let it be so now; it is proper for to do this to fulfill the righteousness." then john consented. as soon as JESUS was baptized, HE went up out of the water. at that moment heaven was opened, and HE saw the SPIRIT OF GOD descending like a dove and lighting on HIM. and a voice from heaven said, the is my SON whom I love; with HIM I AM well pleased." matthew 3: 13-17

one of the great promises in the bible is baptism. most of us were baptized as children. each denomination has a different view on how you are to be baptized. some sprinkle you with water and some fully submerge you in water. when you accept CHRIST into your heart baptism is a physical and emotional commitment to serve HIM.

my husband and i were both "sprinkled" as children with the commitment from our parents that they would raise us in CHRIST. when my husband and i had started attending our church we decided to be baptized again. we were not only showing our commitment to GOD as a married couple; we were showing our commitment to live our life according to GOD's law.

i can remember that day vividly. we asked a couple from our church to be there with us. the gentleman is a pastor at our church and his wife was my first bible study teacher. we hold them in great esteem and respect. we go to them as our elders and confidants in CHRIST. this day is in the top 5 greatest blessings of our marriage i can honestly say.

not only do i remember the great joy of sharing this with my husband, i remember the great joy of GOD in our lives that day. let me say that i am terrified to go under water. i like to be in water, but not to go under it. i was in state of panic and fear of being fully submerged. our pastor friend took a clothe, covered my nose and mouth, leaned me backwards into the warm water and pulled me out all within a couple of minutes. the peace and love that came over me when i emerged from the water was nothing i had ever felt before.

i could feel the peace and love in every fiber of my being. my heart and soul had been given a glorious gift. if you have children you know the feeling of being overcome with love at the sight of seeing their face for the first time; this is a 100 times better! i was shaking and weeping in joy for what GOD had just given us.

the greatest gift you will ever receive in life is accepting CHRIST into your heart. i believe the second is being baptized. HE will wash away your old life and begin the new. what an incredible promise HE has given us.

"peace I leave with; MY peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." john 14:27

"the LORD your GOD is with you, HE is mighty to save. HE will take great delight in you, HE will quiet you with HIS love, HE will rejoice over you with singing." zephaniah 3:17

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