yesterday was a good day. GOD gave something to our family that will make my journey with MS possibly a lot easier over the long term. myself, my family and friends have been praying about this for a little while and it finally came thru. it makes me count all my blessings and the blessings over and over again that the LORD has given us. it was a good day.
when some of us have things going on in our lives, or a circumstances that are good and bad we as christians have to remember this is all because of the LORD. most of us being the selfish human beings that we are tend to praise ourselves more than GOD. when you work hard for something, or to achieve that goal, GOD rewards you for that toil. this though can be a good reward or a bad reward. most individuals either listen and search out GOD's guidance, or they choose to do it their way.
some of the choices I have been making haven't been very good, so needless to say GOD is forcing me to turn back to HIM and follow his guidance in scripture. a problem that has been plaguing me over the last few months is depression. depression runs in my family. some of us have had to struggle with it for years, and some of us have never gotten the help we need for it. in this day and age that is incredible to me. the first choice I ask you in solving this problem is to pray that you can find the help you need. the second is to contact someone that you trust and ask for help. you're going to have to throw away your pride in thinking that you can solve it on your own, and humble yourself to get the help you need.
in may of this past year, my doctor in the only way she can, told me to get my "crap" together. i had had a lot things going on in my life that had pushed my depression into overload. i didn't take care of it then like i should have, so it got worse. GOD always makes me sick with a relapse when i fail to keep my heart with him - never fails, i get sick.
some of you are probably thinking that you do pray and seek him, but you keep going back to your old ways and things are just getting worse. the simplest answer is that that is not the path GOD wants you to follow, or you just haven't fully given it up yet. it is up to you to make the decision to let HIM in and give it all to HIM. no one can do this for you. addictions and habits are the hardest to get rid of, but when you do praise GOD for it!
the greatest rewards in my life that GOD has given me is my husband, my children and believe or not my MS. when life looks like it is too much to bear write down your blessings, add to them over time. even write down the ones that you think are too small to count. that is GOD. that is what HE is trying to show us. no problem is too great for HIM to handle, no problem is worth you trying to do it all alone. seek HIM!
"therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when JESUS CHRIST is revealed" 1 peter 1:13
"in his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." proverbs 16:9
"whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "this is the way; walk in it." isaiah 30:21
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