Monday, September 6, 2010

walking the walk; actions speak louder than words

when you accept CHRIST into your heart doesn't make you saved, you must also live a chrisitan life. do i do this most of the time; no. our sermon yesterday was on the many chairs we have in our lifetime; or the many hats we wear. the question asked to us was "is it possible to be a follower of CHRIST if you are trying to control your own life?" the simple answer is, no.

there are so many examples in the bible of followers of GOD that have failed at this. adam and eve were told by GOD not to eat the apple from the tree, but they did. abram (abraham), did not have faith that GOD would provide him an heir with his wife sarai (sarah), so he had another child with their household servant, hagar. sodom and Gomorrah were warned that if they did not abandon their worship of idols and their depravity they would be destroyed. david was given glory over goliath and became king of israel, but he sought another's wife and committed adultery. peter denied CHRIST three times, after seeing the miracles of JESUS. judas knew that JESUS was the son of GOD, but he betrayed HIM and gave him over to the romans and the jews. saul (paul) murdered and persecuted christians, because he didn't believe that JESUS was the saviour the jews had been praying for. rome, became so powerful and greedy that they fell for not believing that HE was the one true GOD, not caesar (compare it the united states).

we still do not put CHRIST in control, or above all things in our life. every choice we make that is not because of the LORD, or because we do not give him our life is a sin. in the eyes of GOD lying is the same as murder. i think that most of us believe that we have given ourselves all the blessings that enrich our lives, and not GOD; that's so far from the truth. we are ignorant and stupid - that's the only way i can say it. GOD controls everything in our life, HE knows what you are going to choose before you choose it. now, whether we learn from our sin and put our faith back in HIM is the question. christians, i think are the biggest culprits of this, because most of us know what the bible has said on how we are to live our life, but some of us still leave church on sunday mornings and live the way WE want to.

sooner or later you are going to have to ask yourself as a follower of JESUS CHRIST if you are actually living in the word, or if you are just saying the words. there is big difference between talkin the talk and walkin the walk. the fear of being persecuted for being a christian is sometimes to great that we bow down to the world and not to GOD. we should be ashamed of ourselves. CHRIST died on the cross for you and you alone. HE DIED FOR YOU!

you have to fully give yourself to him and obey his laws no matter how hard it can be. if you do not confess your sin and give it to him fully, learn from your sin, then you are not obeying HIS law of giving your life to HIM. we are failing HIM.

"so then, just as you have received CHRIST JESUS as LORD, continue to live with him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith that you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." colossians 2:6-7

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