Evil in my opinion is the tolerance of something that goes against what God has given us in black and white; scripture. It was with great sadness, and anger that I read about gendercide going on in this country. The more I read about women's rights in the United States I am disgusted by so many women. I love women, but they need a reality check if they are Christians. Don't profess that you love Christ and then live your life as woman that goes against scripture. Don't be tolerant of evil, when you know that it is against God. You choosing your family, friends and society's opinion over God does not make you a very good Christian. You are doing it because you love the world more than you do him. Don't even try and argue with me about it.
I saw a picture of Gloria Steinham the hero of women's rights wearing a t-shirt that said "I had an abortion," and she looked so proud of it. It made me want to throw up. That defines my mother's generation, and then they raised their daughters and sons that way. Women from this generation may not believe that they are feminists, but your life reflects the influence of feminism in so many ways. My mother's influence on my life was profound by how I viewed marriage, and my husband's worth. I adore my mother and we are very close. Her opinions about these things are not allowed around my son's, and she knows this. That took a very long time for me to recognize. I did a lot of damage, because of that view. I was commanded by God to put my husband first, then my children and there is no compromise in that. I love God more.
I have very little tolerance for the excuses Christians make for society over what God says is law. This includes myself. The breakdown in this country is not because of the government it is because of the breakdown of the family, and that we turned from God's rules. Women's constant need to control every aspect of their homes, and their husbands has destroyed so much in this country. What is sick is they use God to do it. Women believe that God changed the role of women in the New Testament. He didn't change it, he just made sure that women knew they were worth it because God had made them. Women that try to change this, use God's love to do it, and say that they are doing that God told them to do it are deceived; it is false.
Women believe they aren't worth something unless they are accomplishing so much outside of their families. This is includes the Church by the way, and our service to the church. I am a very blessed woman because I have godly women in my life that have shown me the truth of biblical marriage, and held me accountable to it. Women that have told me what my role is, and I have tried to accept this and re-train myself that I must follow God. I am willing to put my role as a woman, defined by God above the world. I miss my grandma so much, and I really wish I could talk to her to gain wisdom. My grandmother lived her life completely for God, her husband, and her children. I am not saying that is wasn't confining, or that she didn't have resentment but her life was my example for a godly woman.
I have told christian women about my grandmother, and they are just astounded that she would have done that and accepted that from my grandfather. My grandfather took care of that woman for a very long time from heaven, before she went to meet him. That is a man. The longer I am married to my husband, I realize he is a lot like my grandfather. I better learn how to be like my grandmother.
I made a very hard decision this week. God held me accountable to my love for him, and trust in him. He held me accountable to his law of marriage. I had to define what was my desire, or what my family needed. I gave up my trip to Romania, because my husband and children's needs come first. I sought direction from our pastors on this, and they held me accountable to my role. Just a short while ago I would have said; "no God wants me to do this and my husband will understand." How would that have made my husband feel when he needs me here. If I went it would have been for my own selfish desire. I would not have been able to get out of that with God even if I said it was for a good reason. I have so much peace about this decision and God gave me that. What a blessing.
I have a husband that loves me so much that he works constantly to provide for his family. I have a husband that loves me so much that he wants us to live in a beautiful home to make more memories. I have a husband that loves me so much that he knows I will raise his sons to be men of integrity. If I left him for 10 days to go on a mission trip while he was still grieving for his father, working on major projects at work, and did not help him during this time what would that say about me. That would show people that I value my wants over my husband needs. It would say I don't love him or find him worthy. He would resent me for it.
I can hear women say well my husband does this, he worries about this, he has chosen these things and he is not the spiritual leader in our home. I did that and still do that. I am wrong because I haven't allowed him to do it, because I thought my way was better. I got worse after I started reading scripture because I thought I should be the spiritual leader, because I read the bible more. What a great deception I was trying to pull. So many christian women use God to manipulate and control their husbands, and you need to accept the reality of this to yourself. We want our husbands to be protectors, love us, and provide for us and then we use God to control them. God made women second, remember your role.
I am not blaming women for everything, because their are men that are not Godly men. I understand that, but women that have accepted Christ into their life have a great responsibility to uphold God. I am not saying that you are to be a doormat and allow your husband to abuse you with "the submission" part of Ephesians 5. We have made that choice if we are doing that, and you need to hold your husbands accountable to the last part of that verse; Husbands are to love their wives as they do Christ.
This is one of my biggest prayers for my sons. I hope that they marry women that love God first, that they understand their role as women, and accept biblical marriage. My sons are worth that, and deserve that. The hard part will be keeping my mouth shout about it if they don't, but I don't have a choice because God commanded them to leave me when they marry. Right now I can control their life, because I am their mother until they leave my house. I hope that they will love their wives just like their father loves their mother because of his example. Our willing submission to each is because we love Christ first. That is love.
Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:21-33 ESV
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