Saturday, June 16, 2012


" In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Judges 21:25

Over the last year I have gone from anger to being disappointed and sad for our country. The men and women in power are making the morals for us into laws, and they sound good to the ears to those that don't understand what they mean. I read a quote that said liberals that have read "The Communist Manifesto, By Karl Mark, and think it sounds wonderful don't know what it really means. Conservatives that read it actually understand what it means. Very easy for those that don't understand that they are being manipulated. Read about Russia, North Korea, Cuba, China, Venezuela, and every Middle Eastern Country - excluding Israel to understand what it means.

At the founding of this nation the military was taken care of for their rest of lives for serving this nation. That is what our taxes paid for at that time. It was to care for the individuals that had physically protected us from our enemies. I saw a picture on face book where a message had been spray painted on the garage door. The soldier was being foreclosed on. He had served 3 tours in Iraq. Automatically, we would assume how evil the bank is for doing this. In 2009 Obama made defense cuts along with congress that put some of our active military's pay as low as 21,000 a year to support themselves, and their families. These are men and women that are serving us, and their government does this to them. When people argue about defense cuts it is not just about weapons. You are cutting the pay of the very people that are protecting us physically from our enemies. They are willing to die to protect your freedom.

At this point I have no idea why our military protects us. I really don't. If it were me yelling out in protests against them I would be deeply ashamed of myself. That is just me though. I have to admit I very little tolerance for individuals that do not support our military, and what they have gone through. A lot of the men and women that are coming back are just as damaged as the Vietnam vets. They don't have support from family, friends, or even the nation they are defending. It makes me very sad that we do not love them enough to fight for them, because we are weak in character. I can understand why they turn their backs on us when they come home.

We give bail-outs to car companies instead. That shows what our priority is right there. I don't care what celebrities say, because they make millions off of stupid movies and we never protest do we?  My favorite is athletes that make millions, then go on strike, driving up the cost on families and we never say anything. We just go after things we use everyday like gas, food, and health care. We will pay 60 bucks for a video game, and then complain about how much we spend in gas. I am tired of hearing people complain about the cost of things that they use everyday when I know for a fact they have I-Pods or I-Pads. Priorities. I complain about health care all the time now, but now I am paying more because of the damn health care bill. We pay our insurance, co-pays and medical costs why does my husband have to pay for someone else's. We didn't ask for that from people. We knew that was our responsibility.

When Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act he said he did not feel good about signing the bill that congress had passed. Why sign it then? It gives him far more power than any president has ever had in office; control of our military so that it can be used on the citizen. Congress did this to us, and the president signed. They could use our military against us. They say they would only use it for suspected terrorism. The bill also states that it can detain a US citizen indefinitely without cause if suspected of terrorist activities. I am writing this against them, maybe they would view this as terrorism? It sounds a little too much like communism to me. Hell, even the ACLU thinks it is unconstitutional and should be overturned.

At some point stop associating yourself with a political party, and realize that you are an American that does have freedom. Over the last 30 years we didn't pay attention to what our Congress and Presidents were doing to us.  At some point sit down and really think about the consequence of making laws that we believe are morals. At some point they will ask the same of you not just the rich. They need the money for their lifestyles. Understand that. Our priorities reflect our character, and who we are as an individual. If we believe it is the christian thing to do, but know that the individual alone would be held accountable are we going to be able to handle the consequence of what we are really asking?

There is a link below of Romania's leader that was in power that was overthrown in 1989. I find in my studying of all the communist leaders that we could compare Obama to he is most like this man.

We are a me society, a selfish society, and would rather have others to do it for us. You can take care of your family, you can pay your own bills, and take care of the poor on your own. You can do all the things that they say you can't. How did we forget that? As professed Christians we did at some point start to believe these things come from God. He commanded you otherwise in scripture. God told you to do those things not the church, or the government; YOU. God finds this to be more offensive than the non-believer because we know better, or at least we should.

But to the wicked God says: What right have you to recite my statutes or take my covenant on your lips? For you hate discipline, and you cast my words behind you. Psalm 50:16-17

"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the
naive." Romans 16:17-18

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8 

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