Memorial Day began in this country after the Civil War. A day to remember those that had fallen. A day to remember what we had fought for and to cherish that; Freedom. The hardships didn't go away they just challenged us more to prosper in our lives. Remember those and circumstances that led us to do the right thing no matter how hard was to do.
That was our sermon yesterday about remembering the past. It wasn't just about our soldiers, it was something in your life that you remember; the little things and big, good and bad. I have been doing a lot of remembering the last few days; good and bad. Remembering the painful things doesn't bring anger anymore just sadness. I understand now how they made me feel as a child, and why it happened. A lot of talk about discerning yesterday. I have been praying for that for quite awhile now. It may be just a memory of how you felt at that moment, and then the answer is simple.
Yesterday I went through a box of memories. We are moving and I was trying to see if I needed anything the box. It was treasure trove of memories and gifts that I didn't even know I had. I found cards that had my grandparents signatures on it. My grandfather's writing that I haven't seen for a very long time. Notes from my uncle that passed over a year ago that he had written to me. Old corsages and homecoming mums. Notes from a friend that is a still a beloved friend from high school. Letters from my first love (don't know if my husband would be happy about that, other than he would say well I'm the one that got you). I cried and cried over lost memories. Cried over the fact that I had notes from my grandparents, and my uncle that were written words of wisdom. So much love for me during a time when I did not feel loved. I said out loud to God; they did love me. God gave me that.
There was a letter in there from my uncle that I loved so very much; still do. It was from a very painful time in my life when I was 20 years old. It was a note telling me I was worth it, and I may not know it now but I would later. My uncle was harsh and not many people got to see that side of him, but I did and I remembered those moments. There was a card from my grandfather that just said I love you when I was a heartless, selfish teenager. I praised God at the moment for giving me something from a man that I loved so deeply and I had hurt so much during my early years. God gave me reminders of what was important and to make the right decision for my family all in that one box.
I prayed yesterday for my husband and myself to find peace in our decisions. To trust God first and he would lead the way. Almost immediately after the prayer was given he granted it. Within a matter of hours after that prayer was said not just from me, but from others, BOOM he gave it. I still have to say I am still in some shock. His blessings never stop when he knows you are asking for the right reason. He will give us everything we need when we ask for peace, comfort, and for him to take control. So much love for his children when we allow him to give it to us.
Today is a day for remembering the good memories. I look around our home, our first home that has been filled with memories. Laughter, tears, prayer, love, and so many beautiful things. I brought babies home to this house. I shared meals with family and friends. Memories of my father in law that just passed sitting in a chair watching one of his shows. Laughing with my boys. Shouting "Murph the turf" at our dog Murphy. Finding car parts in a closet that I didn't even know was there for a car that we don't even own that he had bought. I can hear him laughing from Heaven saying "oh yeah, I forgot about that, and me saying REALLY?"
Look around your home today and remember your freedom. Look at your dishwasher and say I remember when I couldn't afford a dishwasher. Open your refrigerator and look at your food, and say I remember when I could barely afford to buy peanut butter. Look at those things and say thank you for the beautiful little blessings that you have been given through hard work. Say thank for what money you do have in the bank. Just say thank you.
There is a verse in Philippians that is a prayer for mature believers. A prayer for individuals that have weaned themselves from their mother's milk, and moved on to the solids. This prayer was given by Paul for Christians. A man that relied completely on the Holy Spirit. It isn't going to matter how big your house is, the car you drive, how big your TV is or if you have granite counter tops I promise. They just becomes things to make your life comfortable.
What is going matter is if you live each day, in the here and now, and it reflects how much you love God and trust him. Does life your reflect how much you love him to others? Does your life reflect how much you trust him in all things. You will not have peace in hardships if you do not have those things first. Everyday should be eternal. Everyday should be lived as if you are already in heaven. This most important gift you will ever receive. Live each day glorfying him, being obedient to him in all things as if were your last.
If that means we are to remove everything that takes us from that; those distractions, those diversions, those things that cause conflict than that is what we are to do because that is the right thing to do. Those moments that you have alone in silence with him are the most precious memories.
And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11 ESV
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