What is your identity? The sermon yesterday was given by a man that has terminal cancer. When he was given the diagnosis he heard god say "I am the potter and you are the clay". In Jeremiah 18 the story of the potter is given. God can shape you into what he wants, or you can shape yourself into what you believe he wants. He can break the pot and reshape it over and over into his liking. He is in control of your life not you.
We talked about this again in our community group; how do you identify yourself to others? Do you say I am a mother, teacher, CEO, lawyer, doctor, husband, or wife. The list could go on and on, but do you ever identify yourself as a redeemed child of Christ, a follower of Christ, a christian, or a slave to the father. Our lives will never be perfect. Our marriages will never be perfect. Our children will never perfect. Our country will never be perfect, because this is not our home. Our home is heaven. We are to live in this world, but not be of this world.
Is your appearance your identity? How many of us look good on the outside, but do not have the ability to have compassion or empathy for another? Do we have the ability to forgive another for their mistakes. Do we have the humility to admit ours? If you can't do that then you take a hard look at your heart. If we are holding grudges, and are displeased with someone because they just would not do what you wanted them to do that is your problem. That is big problem. If you cannot forgive like God forgave you than you gotta a lot of work to do. If you are rebuking someone and it is not backed up by scripture, or you don't understand what that scripture means then are you trying to be God to that person. Be careful with that. What I would do is ask them why they think that; be curious.
There is a breakdown in this country because the prosperity was false. Society as a whole has worried about the appearance to others instead of doing the right thing, the hard thing, and saying no. Do not fear what is happening in this country, because God said it would happen if we decided to control our own destiny. He said these events would be just the beginning of birthing pains (Matthew 24). I have great faith in him that he keeps his promises, and he always wins. If we had men and women in our congress and white house, godly individuals, they would have enough humility to say the truth. The truth is they have failed the American people in the stewardship of their money; lied, stole, abused, and then tried to make laws to make them look moral and good to us.
I could say that is all their fault, but if we are repeatedly taught false doctrine in our churches and people don't say anything then we deserve what's going to happen. If you sit on your butt and don't actually read and study the bible do not try to manipulate others with it. You are ignorant of scripture. The prosperity/social gospel has been taught for so long that so many are deceived. Here is a suggestion for you; read every word of the new testament and you might be surprised as to what you find. What we have been taught may not even be in the bible, or it has been manipulated for long to make us feel good about our life that we don't what we are doing is wrong. That is your fault for not studying the living word of God, or turning from what you know to be true.
I very rarely talk about MS to others face to face. It is just part of my life, but it doesn't define me. God gave me it to make me whole in him not for any other reason. It brought me to him and it will always bring me back to him. He knows I like to control my heart and choices, so he gave me something that will always break me. That is the reason. In the last year and a half I have learned the ability to say no. If it causes problems with my husband it is a no. If it pushes me to where I can't take care of my children it is a no. If it takes me away from learning and studying the word of God it is usually a no. If I do not feel led do it by God I will not do it. Please don't ever try to make me feel guilty for saying no, because that is not from God that is because you didn't get what you wanted.
Anyone or anything that causes problems for your immediate family needs to go, or boundaries need to be set. That is the advice I give couples that are about ready to get married. You become one from that moment, and no one can come in between you. If they do that, that is a biblical reason for divorce ecspecially if it continues to happen. If we choose something or someone else you are telling your spouse that they are not worth it, and you are not one. When you have children it gets harder. Women tend to choose their children over their husbands. They can become selfish and harsh, and resentful towards you. Women need to remember that your children are meant to leave your home. Nurture your marriage. Men that choose their careers or others above their wives do not love them like they are supposed to. Those are choices remember that. I am talking from experience not something that I just came up with all of a sudden. This is a hard thing for couples to learn. The marriage comes first.
Choose him first because it is the right thing. If you're identity is based on how people see your deeds, what you look like, where you work, what you drive, where you live, how much give, you may need to start searching your heart. If you're children are brats and can do no wrong that it is a reflection on you. If they walk around like they are better than everyone else and they do not treat all people the same way that is a reflection on you. If you don't train your children to show humility that is a reflection on you. Think about this if you can't admit when you wrong in marriage or to someone else that you have hurt your children will never learn to admit when they have failed. How in the world will they ever be able to repent to God and receive grace from their father if you can't even do it in your life? Children have to be trained. It is a constant battle, because they do not know difference between right and wrong.
Are we training our children to be the appearance of a christian or are we training them in the truth of Christ? Don't do that your kids, because when hardships come up and they don't understand why that was to do they are going to have a lot struggles. Don't be the appearence of what society thinks you should be. Let God shape you, mold you into the person he created to be. There is a great deal of peace in that.
Jess, you are a beautiful woman inside and out. The question you pose is powerful and one everybody should consider. Today I will think about how I define myself. Thank you for your words of wisdom!