Saturday, February 4, 2012

Susan B Komen

Yesterday, Susan B Komen succumbed to the pressure and apologized to Planned Parenthood and other. They gave back their grants to this organization that makes millions and millions of dollars off of women. They can give money and support to whom they want, but it was sad that they reversed their decision.

Susan B Komen supports life. They are devoted to saving women from breast cancer and finding a cure. Why should they give grants to an organization that supports the killing of baby girls in their mother’s womb? Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was one of the most evil women to walk this earth. That ideology and those beliefs are still there.

I can write about this and state the reasons why it is wrong, but I thought maybe people don’t know what they are supporting. Below is video by a man named Bernard Nathanson called “The Silent Scream.” The short film was made in 1984, and Planned Parenthood called it unfounded and that this was not the process. You can find many videos on what happens during an abortion, so search if you don’t believe this video. I will warn you that this video horrific to watch. If you believe in abortion show this to your daughters, or other women. Educate them that it is ok for them to do this.

Shame on women for doing this to other women. Shame on them for slamming a foundation that supports the life of women. Shame on the Catholic Church for believing a man that is liar and went against the very gospel that they preach. If women believe so strongly in these things then they need to educate other women about what choice they are making. We can make laws for sonograms to be shown before a woman makes this decision, but I would show them this instead.

Below is the link for chapter 13 of Margaret Sanger’s “Women and the New Race.” You can read and draw your own conclusions. She believed that it was in-humane for a woman to not make the choice to kill her disabled child. She believed Germany went to war because of over population which of course resulted in the death of millions Jews and Christians - too many mouths to feed. She believed that “Negros” were uneducated and that educated white women understood the need for birth control and abortions.

Right before Christmas I had to go into the emergency room. They think I had an ovarian cyst rupture, but they weren‘t for sure. They did find fluid around an ovary and one of my tubes. The next day my dad called to check on me, and brought up that it may not have been a cyst. It could have been a child I thought about that and immediately thought there is now way. It has been known to happen. After about an hour so I could my heart breaking and the thought of that made me so sick that I vomited a couple of times that morning. After my second son was born I succumbed to the pressure of my doctors to have my tubes tied. I allowed my MS to get in the way. I didn’t trust him even after he gave me two sons. The guilt of this will be hard to get over. I didn’t pray about it and just listened to the pressure of others.
Here is question should have aborted my sons? One was planned and the other wasn’t. I have MS and Margaret Sanger would have thought I was barbaric for bringing a child into the world knowing that I had a disease. I should only thought of myself in this process correct? I should have told my husband that I wasn’t going to give him children, because it would hurt me physically; right? I made it very clear to my husband before each son was born that he was to save them not me. I would have given up my health and my life for a child. The thought of not having a child to give to my husband was horrific to me. I hope that we will adopt, and we probably will.
A lot of you know me do you think I made a mistake? Should I not have done it, because I have Illness? Think about that. Maybe we should go tell a poor woman that she shouldn’t have had her child because she was poor. Maybe you should tell that to a child that’s family is poor. It’s your choice I get it. Explain to me though how we could do that to another person.

What if a child has cancer? Should we tell the family that they shouldn’t give treatment to their child, because it will financially ruin them? If we are an educated society than we need to educate ourselves. I know it is all about the money in this country right? It is just a child.

I can quote scriptures, but actions speak louder than words.

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