We are now preparing troops for Iran. They are saying Israel will attack between April and June of this year. All I can say about that is; I would not mess with Israel ever. What makes us think that God would allow Israel to be destroyed. We are playing a dangerous game. I watched an Israeli Official last night on Mike Huckabee say they no longer trust that the American Military will support them in defending their country, because of this administration. They should be concerned because less than a year ago our own defense secretary Leon Panetta said that Israel was causing the tensions with Palestine, and they should allow the land to returned to them.
I have heard Americans say this, and they are supporting the destruction of the land of Christ and our own country. They say they are Christians.
Our military is not here. Obama removed troops from Afghanistan to send them to Iran. What we compromise on our own personal beliefs is one thing regarding God, but please do not compromise the destruction of our country. We would not have the freedom of those beliefs if it were not for the men and women that fought against tyranny.
I should say I did vote for Perry because Texas is a right to work state. Protecting my children is far more important. Texans really should go after our state leaders for the law of sanctuary cities, and the border security. There are training, terrorists’ camps all throughout South America for Radical Islamists. Chavez is friends with the Iranian President, and an ally. We have to shut our border. Our troops are in the Middle East and at bases all around the world when they should be here. Shut them down and bring them home. We are supplying guns to the cartels through fast and furious, and the cartels are supplying the terrorists. Holder is still our Attorney General. They should be removed from power as traitors of this country and thrown in jail.
We are supplying money to the Muslim Brotherhood one of the worst dictatorships in the world. Our money is going to groups through them; Taliban and Al Qaeda. It is a very wicked game they are playing with emotion. We see the images of what happens to women and children in these countries because of their leaders so we fight. What about our children, and their future? Women would be considered trash under this type of government. I guess it is more important in this country to fight about birth control and gay marriage.
The 1st amendment is already gone through the health care bill that will be effective at the start of 2013. People that voted for him destroyed our nation. Romney will be the same. He is own religion deceives it congregation regarding scriptures. At least with him he is a very weak man, so maybe he will succumb to the pressure of the American people.
We have forgotten what happened on 9/11. We broke our promise to the families that lost loved ones. Bin Laden knew what we loved. Money, power, and control. 9/11 finally broke the deception of thinking we had wealth. We really just had loans and credit with high interest rates. We have manipulated the verses “we are to love others”, or “we are to love our enemies” to the point where we deceived our selves into believing that everyone will just love us through words, or aid. We are throwing our children away. Why we would do that?
George Washington said we are to have very limited associations with the world. He was right. It is humane and compassionate to worry about the citizens of this country and most of all our children. They are taking control of our lives please understand. No one has the right to control another; man or woman. They are trying to take control of your child’s because they don’t think you can raise your own child. It should stop there. No one makes decisions for your children. Put your own beliefs aside and protect them.
The NRA is currently researching two bills that the Obama Administration is trying to push through regarding our right to bear arms - 2nd amendment. It will be a miracle if we make it to the next election. The generation that is in office fought in Vietnam, or lived through that era. It destroyed that generation so I guess it is payback time to their children and grandchildren. We are too occupied with our reality shows, our gadgets, who gives enough money to charities, who does not, the rich have to much money so we should take it, and all the other stuff that takes us away from our kids. We deserve it all of it because we think we are entitled to it.
Right now, our children have no hope for the future in this country. We are in debt and it is mounting, we have unprotected borders, we have a president that is a communist, our constitution is being burned right in front our face, and we are letting it happen. Hitler said control education and remove God, and people will not know. We are naïve and we live in a vacuum.
I am not going to talk about our faith in God. It is on your heart and your heart alone to compromise him. It is none of my business, because we all make errors in judgment. We all do. The problem is we are taking that away from people as January 1, 2013.
We still have the right to vote. We have to get him out and the individuals that are supporting him this includes our congress. The republicans are just as weak. Any man can be bought for the right price. This is no longer about what we think is right it is about our children. Take a hard look them and ask yourself do we want them to have freedom or this?
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