“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Luke 14:26
Our pastor said something at church Sunday that was so powerful; when did you forget that you were forgiven? When did we forget that God was in control? I forget on a daily basis that what is happening is because he is allowing it to happen and there is a greater purpose for it. I am nervous and scared to death, but I am allowing that fear to overcome me instead of remembering that I need to live. It is not easy to be led by the spirit. It is because it conflicts with our very nature to control our lives and others. That is it all is.
Think about Whitney Houston. The things people said about her were awful. She is in heaven though I think. She loved God, she just couldn’t get handle on her addictions. We all have something that we are a slave to; drinking, porn, money, food, internet and mine is politics (many others, but I don‘t need list them). When someone does something out in the open and we make our judgment about it. We automatically have forgotten about our own issues. We decide we know what is better for that person and how they should act. Instead of feeling sorrow for her we slammed her and judged her. We love to go after people about their morals, but yet I’m sure we do something everyday that we shouldn’t do.
“In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” We love Him because…what?...He loved us first. No, there’s no circumstance that’s going to break this. There is no circumstance that will separate us from the love of Christ. There’s no circumstance that will separate us from the love of God. There is no person who will separate us from that love, the love of the Trinity. It is not possible; there is no power that can shatter our faith. There is no power that can break the seal of the Spirit. There is no…there is no accusation against us that Christ has not paid for in full. There is no higher court than God and there’s no greater power than the secure power of the Holy Spirit.” John MacArthur
You know the saying “do what I say and don’t do what I do. “Maybe we should reverse it and see how our actions affect others. I love watching people. I do. When someone is accepted for who they are there is great relief for that person, and you can see it on their face. How we live is a reflection of our hearts. How we treat other people is reflection of our hearts, or what is in our heart at that time. If we question all the time how someone sees us then to me that just means that you don’t love the person God made you to be. I get it. The way we look on the outside is the way someone judges us. I have known men and women that look amazingly well put together, but to be quite honest they are mean people.
I read an article about raising boys, and what they need from a mother. One of issues was that children need to know how their actions towards another hurts them, or makes the other happy. In a society where everyone is so worried about self-esteem and not telling someone the truth it is wonder that adults can even handle stress. From all accounts that I’ve read people are not doing so hot; including myself. This is where the selfish part comes in. We want it done our way, because we don’t agree with what the other wants so we fight it. It is hard to tell someone ok we will it do your way. It is hard to tell your child “no” you can’t do that to someone else, because it may hurt that person’s heart.
The different interpretation and theologies of scripture is interesting to me. Our president’s theology regarding scripture is fascinating to me to watch and hear. His belief is that we should help people through government. Everything should go through our government. All that means is they want to be your church and your go to person when you are in trouble. He is forcing individuals to help each other through our laws. My interpretation is different, because I believe that it is the individual’s responsibility. God made us each unique for that very reason. We can’t tell someone how to help someone else. Think about it this way do you give and help with every charity out there? Do you?
When I was diagnosed I became involved in the MS society. I did it for false reasons. I did it because I had MS, and thought that is what I am supposed to do. Wrong. The only time I do anything with them now is when people ride from Houston to Austin, and I don’t do it for the charity I do it because I have friends that wear my name and they deserve recognition for their sacrifice to me and my family. They are incredible people. That is being a Christian. Guess what none of us are perfect. I’m glad were not, because it makes us real.
I feel extreme guilt when I tell someone no. I feel extreme guilt for being blessed. I should not feel this way. I have allowed that to take over instead of allowing God to just guide me to where I need to be. The only thing I should feel guilt about is when I deny that inner voice telling me you should do that, don’t do it, or something is just not right. We should feel guilt when we know we have hurt someone. Whether we agree with it or not we have to own up to the fact that we hurt someone’s heart. When we don’t understand what we have done to another through our actions it is reflection of how we want to control another. That is our relationship with God, and we think our way is better. We reap what we sow.
I thank God my parents are divorced. The reason is because I learned a lot from them about marriage. My mom likes her way and she shouldn’t be married. God bless her for it, because she knows that she should not be. This has been hard for me, because I am a lot like my mom. My parents have admitted where they went wrong and have told me what I need to do, so I won’t fail. They very rarely interfere in anything and they never talk to my husband about it. They still call me out on my crap. My dad has reminded on certain occasions that my husband comes first no matter how hard it is for me to do. On the other side of it he has said remember he as the responsibility to protect your heart from everybody including my mom and him.
We will be married 10 years tomorrow. I was thinking about that and what a roller coaster it has been. God put me with him to help me with my passions. When I actually take the time to listen to him, and him to me we have discovered where we went wrong on so many things. We have to forgive each other for it. We are one. Owning up to our issues has been a huge learning lesson about each other. Being able to admit how we hurt each other and try not to do it again is forgiveness and great love. Just like god forgave us. I had forgotten that.
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