Wednesday, January 25, 2012

President Obama

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” Saul Alinsky

I really do hope that there is not a portrait of this man in the White House next to men like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. When Obama started running for office, I almost fell for it, and then Oprah endorsed him. I knew right then he was not the man he appeared to be. Trouble with a capital T.

Do you know who Saul Alinsky is? Hilary Clinton wrote her college thesis on his book “Rules for Radical.” Our president used his teachings and works to become a community organizer. His ideology played a major role in our parents’ generation. They are currently serving in congress and the white house. The biggest rule is to hide behind the scenes and be patient to gain power over another. Most of all make the immoral moral. Play on the insecurities and fear of speaking out against it.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15

"Alinsky's second chapter, called of Means and Ends, craftily poses many difficult moral dilemmas, and his 'tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends' are: 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.' He doesn't ignore traditional moral standards or dismiss them as unnecessary. He is much more devious; he teaches his followers that 'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...
I have to admit that I thought that most of this was too crazy for me to even believe. I thought ok I have finally lost my mind and people are right that I shouldn’t think this way. Almost. I thought I have become so radical in my “conservatism” that I have to figure out a way not to think about it. I have heard on more than one occasion just to allow it to happen without saying anything. I needed peace from it, and I do have it in the sense that I all can do is prepare for the inevitable what will happen if Obama gets back in. The problem is it is not just the democrats, but also the republicans. I am US citizen that believes in the constitution of the United States what is so wrong with that?

“What I worry about would be that you essentially have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply, majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that's just not what the founders intended. “President Obama

Our own president believes that the founding fathers did not what to have the house and the senate. Pay attention. He is playing on our bitterness and anger right now. He says one thing and then he stirs the pot. It is a trap, and he won over the majority of this country into believing this. He has studied how to gain control from very early on. I just am amazed that fellow Americans in our media did not dig all of this stuff up before he was elected.

48% of Americans are now being supported in one way or another by the Government. There used to be shame in men and women when they couldn’t work freely to provide for their families. Now, it is all hidden in the deception that we have to help people financially, because of the oppression of the rich in this country. In address last night he is going after the banks and stirring up the middle class to go against the tyranny of the establishment. Well, maybe just maybe he is the tyrant. Let's put him back in because none is this could possibly be true, and I am just crazy. I guess we all need to play the game right.

I guess our prayer should be that we can survive it and we have the strength to keep living.

“Well I'll tell you when you can arrive at that kind of position in prayer you have arrived. When you can look at the problems around you and the problems in your life and the problems in your world and say God I don't care about those things, all I care about, God, is that whatever happens to me or anybody else that You be glorified. What a tremendous, tremendous prayer. He had one through in his mind and that was that God receive the due glory for doing His work. He says, God, if you've got to do it that way I want you to do it revive Your work in the midst of the years. His one desire was that things be right according to God's plan, not comfortable according to his desires. Not peaceful, not easy, not happy, just right like God would have them. He wanted things to be the way God wanted them, and if you want a New Testament equivalent to that kind of a prayer you'll find it in the prayer commonly called the Lord's Prayer, Thy kingdom come. That prayer is simply a prayer that God rule in the way that God intends to rule. That all things be right under the plan of God and that's essentially what Habakkuk was praying for. He was simply saying God if You're going to do it this way bring Your purpose to realization. Let Your kingdom come in the way You want it to come, as if to say whatever I suffer, whatever my people suffer is of no concern as long as Your work is revived and kept pure. That's all that really matters.” John MacArthur

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