Recent polls say the number 1 concern of Americans is the economy. Is it? Many individuals will not vote for a republican because of their beliefs or ideology. They cannot possibly vote for someone that is not pro-choice, or does not support gay marriage. Why? Why wouldn’t we put someone in office that’s sole purpose is to try to remove the government from our lives? Right now, I am not quite sold on any of the GOP candidates, but none of them is Obama so they have my vote. Should we vote for someone that wants control of our lives or someone who does not?
I recently read a report that the white house has started a new office that determines where the crops go and they are given bonuses for how many sign up for food stamps. They made the statement that no one should be hungry in the United States. What if there is a drought? What if there is too much rain? Where is the food going to come from and will our government be angry when the farmers say they do not have enough to feed others only their families? I guess the farmer is being selfish. I can't even grow a tomato. I am in some deep crap if I don't learn how to grow a vegetable, because it is going to cost too much to buy them.
That is not spreading the wealth around is it? We should tax the rich more so others have food. This would be the Christian thing to do right. That is communism. When Russia became the Soviet Union it was about class warfare. The rich had more and the working class did not have enough. My question is why does God owe us just as much as the rich man. Why do we think deserve that? Is it because he died for us on the cross and we profess our faith in him? If we have food to eat that we have worked for why isn’t that enough for so many? Christ loved the poor more because they were grateful for what they had. The ones that wanted more were the ones he was ashamed of and saddened for. By the way these are the sins of gluttony, greed and envy.
I like Ron Paul because he is crazy. I do not agree with his foreign policy, because it scares me to death. I agree with him about shutting down all government agencies except for the military and intelligence. I do not understand to this day, why the federal government is involved in the state governments. I would investigate and close the Federal Reserve Bank. Their manipulation and control of our money has nearly destroyed our dollar, but all people think about is that the FDIC will not back their money. The era of low interest rates is about ready to go. If the Euro collapses and it is going to happen, we are in major trouble. I know it is just silly of me to worry about such things because this could never happen to the United States.
People have warned us for years about globalization and no one listened. Why do we care so much about what other countries think of us? We have been told that we have to worry about them because of political correctness. That is conforming to what the government says is the right thing to do because we are Christian nation. Bullshit.
This is not about social issues anymore, because we have made laws for that. We chose that as a nation and we still have massive problems. We want god in our lives, but we are too scared to talk about his rules for following him. I don’t care anymore if it offends people and why should people care what I believe? Does it really matter to people if I am a republican or conservative? Am I a bigot because I do not believe in abortion and gay marriage? Am I a mean person? Would you like to see my charitable contributions so you could like me more? Would you like me to tell you if I give money to the church or not? What would you like to know about my life?
Am I a selfish person because I do not want to pay more in taxes to help someone else when I can do that on my own? Am I a selfish person because I think they are crazy for cutting defense and not giving our military everything they need to protect our country? Am I a selfish person because I admire individuals that work two or three jobs to support their families? Am I a selfish person because I think it is crazy to force someone to buy health care insurance that cannot even pay his or her bills?
The definition of freedom is not forcing someone to believe what you believe. You could give me every circumstance, every belief, and tell me every good thing you do, but I want to know why you do it. Do you do it because everyone else does it, or because you actually believe that Christ would want you do it? Why is what our president saying a good idea for this country? When he won, I remember a woman said, “I won’t have to pay for my gas or my mortgage anymore.” They found her and she is in shock that she still has to pay for them all the while our president is living his lavish lifestyle. He does not seem to be too worried about the middle class or the poor in this country.
You know why our president and why democrats believe in abortion it is because of population control. More mouths to feed and there is not enough money for that in government. Our daily bread is about to go up in cost and we are more worried about whether a candidate believes in gay marriage, abortion, if they are “mean” to Islam, or our kids are getting bullied. Are you kidding me? Have we have not read about the history of the world and great empires that fell?
I just read a book about the Soviet Union during World War II. Well, they had a group of individuals called weeders. These people would remove the individuals that did not conform to the laws of communism. A woman found a bag of sugar and kept it. Well, one of the weeders found out she had it. He told her she had to take it back so she did. They told her that she was stealing from the people because she wanted the sugar for her family. They convicted her to hard labor for taking it away from the people, but yet her family barely had food. What makes us believe that our own would not do that to us?
You know what this has do to with God. He warned us not to turn from him. He warned us not to put faith in man. He warned us and we ignored him again. We are playing with fire and he will strip us of everything if we do not pay attention to his commands. He does not owe us anything. There are rules to be followed. Are we going to choose God or man?
Back it up with scripture, but remember scripture is not for the masses it is for you. If we can't even defend him because of political correctness we have already lost.
"And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds." 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 ESV
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