Yesterday, we had a healthy debate regarding women working outside the home. Balance is the key. I do not have balance what so ever. I never have. I love debates about the bible, because we learn so much from others. If I had to work I would work, but my passion for achievement would get in the way of my family. I should have made it clear that I don’t have a problem with women working unless they are doing it to escape from their families. I have more of problem with women in church leadership roles over men, because scripture says that are not to do that.
I would love to have a career in politics, but it would take away from my family. My husband thinks I should write a book. Who knows one day maybe I will. Actually, that it is one of my greatest dreams; to write a book. I love history and historical fiction. I love to learn from past generations. I love to find the facts about why something occurred or why it is happening now. I like bigger pictures. This is one reason why I love the bible so much, because it is a complete history of what mankind is capable of doing in the past and the future. My husband and I both have this passion. We want the facts so we can learn from it.
I am reading a series of historical fictions books regarding World War II history set in the Soviet Union. I’m on the second book now and a line caught my attention from one of the main characters; “I am worried about what happens when the capital runs out.” He was a young boy during 1930 talking to his American father that had moved his family to the Soviet Union. His father believed that capitalism was bad and communism was the utopia of mankind. The horrors after this were incredible and the money ran out. Mans’ search for the Garden of Eden continues even today.
It is a known fact that I dislike the Obama agenda. I don’t hate the man, but his agenda is communism all the way in my opinion. In the beginning I thought he was just hardcore liberal, but now after studying him and his words things started clicking. It should have been a sign to most Americans when he said “I want to spread the wealth around.” What happens when the money runs out is my question? Well it has run out. That’s not my biggest fear now at all.
I assume most of us know what communism is. If we don’t know what it means I would hope we would find out. A new bill passed and was signed by our president that gives our military and the president power to hold US citizens indefinitely. The bill is intended for terrorism. My question is how do they define terrorism; Al Queda, Radical Islam, Timothy McVeigh, Christians or someone that goes against Obama’s agenda?
The perception is that we a free nation, but with this bill passing I don’t think so. They can hold anyone on the assumption that they are going to commit a crime against the United States government, or its citizens without a trial. On the other side we have Romney and he is a wolf in sheep’s’ clothing. The Mormon Church believes that Christ and Satan were brothers. Right there should be a warning sign, but he is nice, good looking and seems to be willing to work well with others. Compromise of doctrine is a failure of Christians. Our excuses for those that appear to be sheep is going to damn us.
All throughout the New Testament Christ watched the acts of others. The religious elite would test to see if he could uphold God. He proved over and over again the failure of man in their faith. The attacks on Christianity in this country will only get worse, because if we understand scripture people understand freedom. That was actually Hitler’s agenda; remove God and education so the people won’t know. Don’t we find it interesting that the cuts in education are getting worse, and teachers are mostly teaching our children to memorize for tests?
What is in our hearts are going to be what defines this country. Abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, over taxation, and oppression of the people are sins against god. What are we willing to stand up for? How many times have you compromised in your beliefs or acts when it was clearly against God? The wrongs above are the ones we can see as Christians, but what I am starting to learn is that the 7 deadly sins are what we are missing. We have a lot of little Gods running around. We have a lot of individuals that really do believe they are Christians and they are blind. That was me just over a year ago and I knew something was not right. I’m still trying figure this out, and I have long way to go.
During advent one of our pastors asked me to read scripture and pray during the week of love. First of all I was amazed and humbled that he would even ask me, because on more than one occasion people have told me that I don‘t understand the love of Christ. His compliment to me was; “you understand the love of God.” The love of God is defined as either we uphold his commands or we don’t. We either choose him above all others and things or we don’t. I am trying to figure out the compromise in this from others. I can understand compassion and empathy, but I don’t understand how we can do this with him. I love our new church for the very simple reason that our pastor is willing to teach sound doctrine and uphold Christ. We have to know as Christians what are doing wrong so we learn how to love him selflessly. Christ told us to flee from those that taught false doctrine.
I don’t understand the thought process of circumstance. So many say they can’t do something because of circumstance, but yet believe all things come from God. I have MS, but does that mean I am allowed to use illness as an excuse not to care for my husband and children; no. I am over hearing about what we don’t have, or can do in this country when history shows us that we can. Some Christians are a little too soft in my opinion; just a little too compromising. Too many excuses for those that can’t get their act together. If we are Christians we need to get our act together and uphold Him; including myself.
The assumption that we will not suffer for him is a myth. Stop telling your heart that. Name one individual in the bible that did not suffer in everything for him; name one. The love of God is freedom from sin, but we have to die to ourselves in order to receive it.
"As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions. Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted."
(1 Timothy 1:3-11 ESV)
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