Michael Berry yesterday on his show said that politics has become a sport. We watch our politicians’ spar it out over policy like it is a game. Of course there are benefits to those that score the most points. Unfortunately they are sparring over our lives, and it is not entertainment. Our life should not be a sport. At least with sports we can choose which team to be a fan of, or spend our money on. Most of us don’t seem to have a problem with how much athletes make. I think it is crazy how much they make. I think the NFL’s little protest was the biggest show of greed I have ever seen, and no one said anything about that. Here is the thing though that is their provocative if they think they deserve that.
I have been paying attention to our governor during these debates and he doesn’t look so good. Governor Perry is an interesting man. Over his career he has changed his views about government involvement in people’s lives. He started out as a democrat. The Democratic Party is not the party that it was in the 1960’s. It is now the party of the 1960’s generation of liberal minds that’s actions show control more than benefit in my opinion. A lot of republicans are the same. George Bush was a little too progressive for my liking. They want to control us through compassion, empathy and guilt.
There are two issues that they attacking big time in the debates against Perry; immigration and the HPV vaccine. I don’t agree with the way he handled the execution of the vaccine. It was an abuse of power which he has admitted to. I do however agree that should be mandatory. The truth of it is whether parents want to believe it or not is that 12 year old girls are having sex. There was an option for the parent not to have their child receive the vaccine. We are required by law that our children are to receive vaccinations before they go to school, and if they don’t they cannot enter. Why aren’t they yelling about that?
We seem to forget that we allow some schools to hand out contraceptives, as well as allow Planned Parenthood to educate our daughters if they are not comfortable talking about it with their parents. This is the fault of the parent not the government, but if the parent is not willing to discuss this with their child then someone else is going to have to do it. My parents were very open about HIV and birth control. I had sex early and it is regret. Sex is very damaging to a young woman when she uses it as a way to feel good about herself. Young women need to understand that you are still maturing as an individual. You have to be secure in yourself to connect emotionally with someone else through sex. This is why God was so adamant about waiting until we are married to have sex.
As parents we have to confront this issue and not ignore it. He pushed the vaccine as a law because it prevented cervical cancer that a woman could lose her life over. What if it was a vaccine for AIDS? Would you take the vaccine to prevent the possibility of dying, or would you risk your child’s health because we don’t want to admit that our child may be having sex? If he took money from them for it and they think that is the only reason then they need to look every politician in office right now, including every president that has ever served.
Immigration is going to be a problem no matter what, because we cannot agree on how to reform it. Texas has a long history of working well with Mexico. The individuals that are arguing about this have no idea what it is like to live along the border of Mexico. The biggest issue that we have is we house a lot of illegals in our prisons. They obviously need to be deported. We are footing the bill for that in Texas. Our federal government doesn’t want to pay that, but yet they won’t let us deport them because of amnesty laws and human right laws.
The truth that most Americans don’t want to hear, or accept is that Mexicans are willing to do the jobs that Americans find demeaning now. They build our infrastructure; roads, bridges, homes, and work our farms. They build the things we use everyday in this country. Unless we are a lawyer, doctor, or another professional we don’t see it as worthy. What do you do then? That is going to be the biggest question on how we solve this problem. Do you make them citizens through a work program, or do you deport them?
A child is innocent of their parent’s actions. If a child comes to this country illegally because of the parents how do you solve that? Governor Perry has allowed children to attend our schools because he is not allowed to deport them on so many levels. Are we going to deny a child an education because of the ignorance of a parent? This is the fault of the government, but who is willing to deny a child?
The issue that everyone seems to be ignoring is our security. If the drug wars spill over into the United States even more people, including liberals, will go through the roof-tops about why Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California didn’t do anything about it. What if radicals of Islam that want us dead just come on over? We have decided in this country that we have to be accepting of Islam even after what happened on 9/11. No one is looking at the bigger picture, and that is pretty sad America.
Before we slam the Texas governor people need to look at the bigger picture. I have no idea why he hasn’t dug in his heels and told the truth. Educators in our state have had to be let go because of this, and it should be recognized by the rest of the states for what it is. Our governor did not raise taxes on us in a time of recession. They have just come out that some of the jobs that we created in our state were for illegals. If we can’t deport them because of amnesty and human right laws we might as well put them to work.
If you are on welfare benefits than you need to work for the government. There should be a limit enforced of how long you receive government benefits. We should be forcing individuals to look for jobs in the private sector. The government needs to stay out of the creation of jobs. If you are receiving unemployment benefits then the same rules should apply. The only permanent government jobs we should have are child protection agencies, education, security, military, and senior protection. Term limits for congressman have to be put in place just like it is for the president; two terms and then your out.
Medicare should only be given and received to individuals that have the retirement income of 75,000 or below. Most retirement pensions have insurance benefits. Why are we forcing Medicare on individuals that already have insurance and can afford to pay for it? That is why Paul Ryan’s plan would have worked. Social Security should be removed from the government’s hands completely. Governor Perry is correct when he says that it is Ponzi scheme. That money has been stolen for years by the United States government. Quit lying about the truth of what social security is. It is our retirement money that is be stolen by the monarchy of the federal government.
We don’t want wars, but the truth of it is congress keeps approving the funding. As I recall the democrats won congress in 2006 and still approved the funding. Our president overstepped congress and put us in Libya. What is our president really getting for using our military in Libya? I thought he was going to bring our troops home. How in the world is Governor Perry’s executive order for HPV such a big deal compared to putting our military in harm’s way? People are dying. At least Perry is trying to save young women from dying of cancer. Which way do you want it?
The truth of it is that every single one of them is lying. Career congressmen and women are living off your dime and they like taking your money to pay for their lives. Our president wants your money and his cronies so he can continue to live off of you. Every president and every one after will do it unless we stop it. If you want to live in a dream world and assume that the individuals looking out for you are fine then do it, but quit slamming every individual that is willing to put a stop to this fraud.
If you think the tea party is racist because they want a budget and they want congress to uphold the constitution you are living in denial. They do not care that Obama is black. His policies will destroy this country, and those that support him are doing the same thing. We need to get our heads out of the fog. What amazes me is that we condemn dictatorships, communism, and monarchies in the world but we are living that in our own country. We think we are free, but really are not.
If you think that we should tax the rich more I am going to convict you to have the guts to go up to a person that you know is wealthy and ask them to pay for your life. Tell them to their face that you want them to pay your mortgage, pay your bills, pay for your food, pay your healthcare bills, pay for your vacations, pay all of your child’s expenses, pay for your clothing, your cars, etc. Go ask them to their face to support you if you believe they should pay more. This is what the Democratic Party and our president is asking of the rich.
I will probably lose friends over this posting on face book and I have already lost one that I assumed was a friend. It really doesn’t bother me, because I care about this country and God. I believe in the citizens of this country and their hearts. If we want accountability of our politicians we will have to face them head on. We employ them, not the other way around. We are their bosses. We are Americans and our differences is what makes us beautiful. Please allow that to prosper as it always has. If we do not stop this our children will suffer and they already are. The truth will set you free no matter how hard it is to face.
If we continue to allow these things to happen then we have no one else to blame but ourselves. I know that our citizens have strength in their hearts to stand up for it is right. I know they do they just haven’t realized it yet. God made you to live and stand up to tyranny. One of the greatest lessons he teaches us is not to back down when it gets tough. I was put in position a few weeks ago where I almost stopped out of fear from another about what I believe. That will never happen again. I should never be put in a position where I have to defend our life. We have an incredible life and we have worked hard for it. My husband and I may have our faults, but we would be willing to give everything we have for our children and for those we love and care about. I was made to look like I was an awful person and that is not true. That’s probably what hurt the most.
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